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weight lose and breast lose would appreciate any feedback.


Hey Guys! Smile

Just so theres no misunderstandings about what im asking i'll explain it abit better lol! im wondering isit possible to lose weight and keep the breast size you have im not asking to make them bigger as i lose weight after i lose weight maybe ill try nbe again but not sure.

Since im not planning on starving myself (i love food waaay too much Tongue)
would i be able to keep my breasts with a high protien low fat diet? all i'm planning to do is have smaller portions and replace soda, tea, and coffe with water and replace sugar, sweets and chocolate with seeds, nuts and fruit.

in addition to this i was wondering if these few things would help me sustain what i have?

* massage with fenugreek that has been seeped in oilive oil (for well over 3 months) once a day 300 times.

* take my vits e.g vit e, vit b, muliti vit, zinc, collagen and hyaluronic acid and also 1 EPO and fish oil.

* also 50 slaps a day with vit e mixed in with avons bust cream.

last question Tongue

would milk thistle be a good additon for a detox two weeks before i incorporate my nbe additions?

Thanks for reading,
Lucky growing, GentleStorm Heart

I took some some time and looked in the old fourm's general discusion and found these links. The old forum is full of good info. For some reason that I am too slow to figure out. When you use the search feature. Use the one listed above the forum, after you enter the forum. The search feature at the top of the page, on the main page of the old site. Searches only the new forum. If there is a way to get it to search the old one, I haven't figures it out. Remeber to follow the posts back to the original thread post. And the links listed will make more sense.

Best one so far that I found while on a limited search. Hope it helps.


Thanks andy. they were very helpful. Smile

Well, I hope you found something useful, and could understand it. I just re-read what I posted. I certainly had trouble figuring out what I wrote. Should have taken that nap before I posted.


Just my 2 cents on the subject, when a person gains weight, they don't increase the number of fat cells, the ones they already have expand.
A womans fat cells are larger than a mans. With that said, I used to council and assist overweight soldiers in the US Army, the main thing that i could not get any of them to understand is that it is impossible to spot reduce fat.
When your body decides to lose weight it will always come off from the same place first, every time. my example is that when i lose weight, it always comes off of my love handles first, then my stomach, then my face. In that order, always.
So your body will target the predetermined spot first. And the fat cells do not go away, they simply shrink or expand.
I learned my spot over time as i am sure most of you have, you always seem to know where it is going to come off, that's usually a sign to yourself that "I'm losing weight".
I don't believe that because the fat cells in your breast expanded more recently than other fat cells in your body that your breasts would shrink first, doesn't work that way.
This may or may not help you but hopefully provides a little insight as to how fat "thinks" lol.

This is what I experienced. I gained several inches of breast tissue from using bountiful breast while maintaining my regular weight. Then the holidays hit and I added about 10 pounds onto that. eeek. I also gained some more fullness when I put on those ten. I slowly lost the ten and lost the extra fullness I had gained while gaining weight, but I didn't loose the other growth that I had gained before the weight gain. So I think it may go kind of in an order, the reverse of how it was gained. wherever the weight last showed up is the first place you will see it begin to change. This is only how it works for me though and I'm not sure if it works that way for everyone.

There are lots of post where users have said they lost all their gains when they dropped a lot of weight, but they never said if it was weight gained while growing or weight gained afterward.

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