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How to get individual ingredients?


I have been reading many programs and people adding to their programs. I was wondering how can I get individual ingredients to make my own program? I am new to this. i am on my last bottle of Breast Gain Plus and it did not work on me. Trying to change my solution since it is my last hope that something might happen on my last bottle. Also thinking about taking more than 2x a day like others have said that are taking Breast Gain Plus.

Are you looking for places to buy herbs? That depends on what you're looking to buy. I buy my herbs from greenbush and the vitamin shoppe.
#3 is the best for bulk herbs if you encapsulate them your self...ifyou dop it is WAAAY cheaper inthe long run, imagine paying under 10$ for a whoel pound of herbs that will make a hundred or so capsules, or paying 10-13$ for 30-60 capsule that have already been done up???

i donnu, it seems better to just do it myself and pay less...or you can just take the herbs without the capsule, make them into a fine powder (if they aren't already) and add them to orange juice or your food or something..cheaper, easier Smile try eve.m's program.

or if you aren't looking for herbs try tigerlily/fengshui's programs, you get get everything at asian supermarkets T&T is great if you have one in your city.

or there is hypnosis and lots of other really have to figure out what you want to do then research it.

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