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[archive] Some general tips and info for newbies


Some general tips and info for newbies
December 27 2006 at 8:19 PM Moon  (Login -Moon-)


NBE is very specific and different for every person, what worked on someone else may not work for you, you have to find the right method for you.

You need to learn a lot of information to be able to devise a routine that will be adequate for you. The most important stuff you need to learn is:
- general about NBE - herbs, massage techniques, tips, factors than influence your chances to grow. You learn all that by reading this forum frequently and thoroughly.
- specific about you - whether you have a hormonal imbalance and which one. It's only possible to ascertain that for sure with laboratory tests, but on-line tests based on symptoms can give you some clue. It's also important to listen very closely to all the signs and clues your body gives you.
Equipped with information, you can then devise a routine.


Fenugreek - estrogenic
Fennel - weaker estrogenic
Saw palmetto - anti-androgenic (sometimes causes weight gain)
Nettle - anti-androgenic (no weight gain reports)
Wild yam - was once thoguht to be progesteronic, but nowdays this is controversial. Many sources, including MedLine ( claim it has no progesteronic actions in the body. In the NBE community the opinions are divided.
Red clover - estrogenic
Vitex - the only herb which has been demonstrated to increase the production of progesterone in the body, usually used for estrogen dominance / progesterone defficinecy (PMS symptoms). It's effect on breast size is controversial.


- a source of essential fatty acids - borage oil, evening primrose oil (EPO), flax seed oil, fish oil...
- massage - you can learn about different techniques at the resources page
- protein rich diet - many girls take protein shakes
- vitamins and minerals - many NBEers take multivitamin supplements
- drinking plenty of water


- Growing signs: pains, tingles, soreness, itching, tenderness and heavines in the breasts. Keep in mind that pains come and go depending on the part of your cycle - usually there are most arround oveulation and before your period, and the least, usually none, on period.

- Dedication and discipline: NBE will take some time and work, don't skip taking herbs, massages and excercises.

- Realistic expectations: Most people need over a year to reach their goal. It usually takes 2-3 months to start seeing resuls. An increase that goes away after the period is not growth but swelling. I personally recomend masuring frequently, so that you learn to do it very acurately and detect the initial progress. Growth up to 1 inch is most often not visible on the eye. Bra filling i a better method of detection of growth.

- Coffee is allowed, but in moderate ammounts and as long apart from taking herbs as possible, at least an hour.

- Blood circulation - if you have slow blood circulation (cold hands and feet), it would be a good idea to inculde a herb for that into your routine - cayenne, ginger, ginko biloba, garlic. I recomend cayenne most, but you can take maximum 300-400 mg at once and with lots of water, as it's a burning herb and will otherwise upset your stomach. As with anything, observe how it affects your growing signs.

- Exercise for chest muscles will help lift your breasts, might bring them out more and also increases circulation in the chest.

- Stress - Avoid stress and if necessary try to aleviate it with hypnosis/meditation or herbs.

- State of mind - Positive thinking and self acceptance are very important necessary in NBE. NBE is not only a process of growing breasts, but also of growing self-acceptance and confidence. Desperation is not a good thing to take with you on your NBE quest, because it causes you stress and takes away the patience and will necessary for this long quest.

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: The most basic and the most important info - what I tell to all newbies who come here February 12 2007, 6:32 PM 

PubMed informes me that red clover up-regulates the progesterone receptor. I'm not really sure what this means in general terms, if anyone has an idea speak up.

    This message has been edited by -Moon- on Aug 24, 2008 3:52 PM

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Brenda Mami
(no login) pushups January 3 2008, 8:29 PM 

Dear Moon, I appreciate all the info you are sharing...but...I really erased my boobage by excessive pushups (ex-law enforcement training). Now, even if I gain weight they are smaller all the way around than they used to be. I could do as many pushups as the guys, but now I cannot (haven't kept training with pushups) but the boobs are still gone. At least if I either had the strength or the boobs, but now....none of either! Just a warning to the girls...maybe the bigger busted or the very flat can benefit from pushups, but it could make a small C a barely there B. Just do a few, don't get carried away like I did.
Thanks girls...keep up the good work. Bigger boobies in 2008 for us all !!!

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(no login) Re: The most basic and the most important info for newbies September 10 2008, 1:24 AM 

up-regulation of any recepetor means that iy causes more of that receptor to be expressed within the cell and therefore can lead to an increased response to the agent (in this case progesterone). for example, if you have 5 receptors per cell, only 5 progesterone molecules can have an effect, no matter how many are present. a receptor up-regulator can increase this number and thereby increase the effect.

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(Login Cselestyna)
SENIOR MEMBER The 1st STEP December 9 2008, 9:29 AM 

If this is your first attempt at N.B.E (natural breast enhancement)then reading the information in these threads is VERY important.

Do Not start ANY routine before you DO YOUR RESEARCH!

the FIRST thing you should do after reading the information here is getting a hormonal (IM)balance test, the MOST effective ones are SALIVA tests, as BLOOD is not very accurate, it it always changing, and can be misleading, studies have shown that SALIVA tests are twice as accurate and detect more imbalances. you can find these on the internet, or you can get one taken by your doctor, regardless of where you go, you will have to pay for this test, if you want a more private test then you can find one at a very reputable site : this website has 1st a multiple choice questionair which gives you an idea of if you have an imbalance or not, it will then give you a description and a link taking you to the site store. these questionairs are just to give you an idea the only way to be sure is to get a saliva test taken, YES they are more expensive but they will also detect things blood tests won't and they are more accurate.

Not everyone who's had growth has taken a test, but it is best if you DO get one so that you can create a program based on what your results are, other wise you may end up spending alot of money on products or regimens that will worsen your imbalance and not give you growth, and then you will be back at step one.

so your first active step is to get a saliva hormonal imbalance test.

johns site offers many different levels of the test, so whatever you feel you should get is up to you,it all depends on how much you feel you want/need to know.

one more thing do NOT be JADED, N.B.E is NOT easy on the wallet, it is an extra expense that will drain it, espessially at first, after the first initail costs it will get easier. it all depends on what your regime is and what types of things you need for your (IM)balance.

NOT everyone has an imbalance for those lucky few who are balanced you have it esaier.

this wraps up the FIRST step.

    This message has been edited by Cselestyna on Dec 9, 2008 10:14 AM

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(Login Cselestyna)
SENIOR MEMBER The 2nd Step December 9 2008, 10:07 AM 

Okay, now you've taken your (IM)balance test, your results will not change so don't worry, these (IM)balances are here to stay.

so now you need to do in internal cleansing, the most important one is a LIVER cleanse because everything you consume gets absorbed by your liver and if it's all "grungy" then it will be harder for you body to absorb and take advantage of the N.B.E things you take/use.

your liver cleanse should be at least 2 weeks long.

a Fast is NOT the same thing and will NOT give you the same results.

some important things you need to know are:

you must NOT smoke or take any harmful drugs, they screw with your body and will hinder your body's ability to grow.

you MUST eat clean, healthy. I have said it before and i will continue to repeat my self. the BEST books to teach you WHAT clean eating is and HOW to do it are written by TOSCA RENO the first book of the series that I STRONGLY reccomend is 'The Eat Clean Diet book' yes this book is mostly a weight loss book, but as she says in the first chapter a DIET is not a FAD it is what you CONSUME on a DAILY basis.

I follow this way and i have never lost weight, NOT because it doesn't work but because my body Shouldn't lose any. so DO NOT worry that by eating this way and following her books will take away from your breast, instead it will help your body stay CLEAN hence the tital of the book, which means that there will be no processed junk foods entering you sytem to "screw it up"

the SECOND book you need out to her series is 'The Eat Clean Diet: CookBook' it has all sorts of Clean recipies, everything from breakfast, grains, vegetables, meat, protiens, dinner, soups, deserts.

these two books give you an idea of the way you should be eating, eating this way will BENEFIT you in the long run and help your body to absorb the N.B.E things you will be taking. i STRONGLY believe that EVERYONE should have these books in her bookcase.

You aslo need to exersize, and the best way to get the body you desire is by using Muscle confusion, in otherwords, don't use one type of exersize or regime for very long, you'll fall into a Plateau. muscle confusion is achieved by using different tyoes of exersizes to confuse your muscles so you don't hit a pleateu.

the three things you MUST have for a balanced exersize regime is Strength training, Flexibility training and Cardio.

you can get these three at a gym, or if you are like most people you can do it at home. I reccomend you purchase 'The A-List workout' book it sounds dumb i know but from personal experience it is a MUST HAVE. it has so many different workouts in it, you start with the beginners, and then assuming you aren't over wieght, you go to total body toning, if however you are over wieght you do the wiegth loss section 2nd and then total body training, after which you move onto you TARGET workouts, which have workouts specialized for everything from buut/legs, back/shoulders, abs, chest, everything.

these workouts are 12 weeks long each so you will never run out of workouts, the book also has pages for you to record you progress.

the second thing i recomend are VIDEOS, i know how that sounds but if you use the right ones you'll get results.

which is a GREAT way to use the Muscle confusion method, so if i use myself as an example:

i use the 'A-list workout' book for strength training, as well as the video GET RIPPED:slim&lean by Jari love, it IS all strength training, which can be done with hand held weights and a step. the way she does her strength training is unique because you are actually getting cardio at the same time.

and I use the flexibility routine in the afformentioned book as well as yoga.

i also use billy blanks tae bo, and i make sure to dance every week, even if its just in my room to some music, this way my muscles are always being used in deffernt ways so they won't hit a plateau....the way exersize helps you with N.B.E is that it keeps you in top condition, and a healthy body is a healthy ground for growing breasts, however you cannot exerzise properly and get prober results if you don't eat healthy eat clean, which is how these two tie in.

these are things you MUST know while you are on your fast and after your fast. the moment you start your fast you must stop smoking/taking drugs...unless the drugs are prescribed by your doctor, and you must eat clean, and exersize.

Eating clean means cutting out caffine caffine is a HUGE factor at reducung your chances of growthing breasts, herbal teas are okay and actually help.

so to round up this 2nd section, your SECOND step is to take a 2 week liver cleanse, and from the day you start your cleans to forever you must not take harmfull substances, you must eat clean, and exersize. these three things are VERY IMPORTANT for preparing your body for N.B.E and for ACHIEVING GROWTH.

also ALCHOHOL although nice once in a while will NOT help you grow breasts it will STOP you from growing them.

this wraps up the SECOND STEP.

    This message has been edited by Cselestyna on Dec 9, 2008 10:13 AM

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(no login) The 3rd STEP December 9 2008, 11:28 AM 

So far you've taken the (IM)Balance test and you know weather or not you are imbalanced or if you are balanced.

you've also completed your 2 week liver cleanse... and are eating clean and exersizing.

So you've prepared your body for your N.B.E journey. but you must also prepare your mind and spirit, which may be something you want to skip but is a Fundamental step.

your body, mind and spirit (soul) are all linked, if one is out of balance then the others cannot function properly.

Stress is the number one sign of an imbalance in the three. which you should be able to confirm by the test you took in the first step. everyone has stress and dealing with it and alieviating it balances the three. you've prepared your body, which, if you have an imbalnace will be sorted out will certain herbs (STEP 4)

part of preparing your mind is by doing your research, which you've hopefully been doing. i don't need to tell you how to do that, going through this forum, asking questions, are all part of the research process.

another part of balancing your mind is reading, it doesn't have to be related to N.B.E, so if theres a romance novel or a thriller you really want to read DO IT! it fuels the brain and gives you a way to escape from your stress.

doing puzzles, crosswords, brain teasers, anythign that exersizes your brain, will help your mind balance, function and stay young.

another thing for your mind is VISUAL! a huge thing is being able to see yourself with your perfect body. so pasting a picture of yourself with your perfect body on your wall will help your brain/mind to realize, wait, thats what i'm supposed to look like! i must be slacking off, something must have gone wrong, so it will start telling your cells, to create the body it sees every morning. i've created a picture of myself this way by using PAINT on my computer and a picture of a model with great breasts, i just pasted a picture of the model and a picture of myself, into paint and cut my head and put it on her body and worked with the photo until it looked like MY body, until you couldn't really tell it was someone elses body, and let me tell you, it took a good couple hours of retries to get it right, but it's pasted to the side of my computer, which is in my room where i spend the most time....and it's TOTALLY worth it!

Spiritual, may be the most important, it aligns everything and is your very essence. the best way to balance and connect to your spirit is by meditation. there are many ways of meditatin. sitting in a dark room and staring at a candle is meditation, looking out the window and watching the rain, sitting in nature and smiling, noticing all the wonders of mother nature, sleeping, taking a bubble bath with candles and scented oils, painting, playing music, listening to music, any creative hobby that you can lose yourself in.

BREATHING is SO important! taking deep breaths, if you do yoga you should already know what it is, also if you are a singer you should know what i'm talking about. breathing from your abdomen, not your chest, where your diaphragm expands with your breath and goes into your spine when you exhale. your chest is not where the most movement is.

LADIES there is a study that shows women live longer because we TALK, because we GOSSIP! when we talk to our girl friends, it's usually about all our problems, we talk about our love lives, what our beau is doing wrong, what our financial/legal situations are, who we like, what our jobs are, what are dreams are, who we hate or a re jealous of, wh at this or that person is doing, we talk and gossip about EVERYTHING! and doctors have discovered that when we do this it realeases tension , stress and endorphines, it realeases the negativity and lets in the happy emotions, it also prevents heart diseases.

Men do NOT talk about their feelings they don't gossip or anything they are usually closed up which is why they have a shorter life span, and why they are more likely to have heart attacks.

so talk and gossip away and when your guy bugs you about it just tell him, "i'm following doctors orders!"

you need to identify what is causing you stress, if it's financial, relationships, health, living situations, legal, everything.

once you've identified what it is thats stressing you out figure a way to alieviate it.

so if your stress causes are financail, legal, living situations and relation ships, then a good way to mentally figure it out is to write then on a piece of paper and find ways to help each situation so maybe....

you are in debt, well pick up another job, or cut down on you expenzes, ask for essentails on your birthday and christmas, stop getting that daily cup of coffee, use you current clothes stop buying newones, use your old shoes don't buy new ones, use cheaper facial cleansers, stop giving your childeren everything they ask for, work some over time.

your family is so negative that you can't even hear their names without getting a headache, well then stop talking to them, tell them you need a break from them and that they don't have a choice in the matter, you gotta do what is right for you. the same goes for boy friend issues.

legal, well this one is more complex, consult a porfessional, most lawyers or companies offer free advice.

like i said find out what is going wrong and deal with them logically. get a close friend or family member to help you sort it out in a pen-on-paper type way, if you write in out in point form -this is what is stressing me out : this is my soloution or way starting to get the ball rolling.

it will be easier to deal with if it's all layed out this way.

so you're halfway done the body process now you need to exersize the mind/brain and calm the spirit. and deal with your stress logically, this will balance yourself and you will be completely receptive to growing breasts, being happy, and achieving your dreams.

this process will take time and you don't have to complete it all before you start your N.B.E. but you will need to keep working on it until it is done.

a good resource is it is a place where you can annonymousley ask people around the world questions ANY question you like, and real people will answer honestly, its a great way to aleviate stress, and you can answer others' questions and help them too.

again make a picture of yourself with your ideal body, exersize your brain with books, puzzles, ect, meditate, do your hobbies, talk to your girlfriends, take personal days maybe girl days, de-stress.

this step is VERY important, you MUST take it seriously, happy emotions and happy balance will encourage and help you grow breasts, negative emotions and unhappy balance will prevent and stop you from growing breasts. PLEASE TAKE THIS STEP SERIOUSLY!

this wraps up the 3rd (ONGOING)step.

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(no login) The 4th STEP December 9 2008, 11:45 AM 

Right if you're starting the 4th step you should have gone through the first steps, you'll have

1. taken the balance test
2 completed the liver cleanse
3 are eating clean and exersizing regularly
4 you've done your research, and have started to encorporate daily or weekly brain exersizes (books, puzzles, games, crafts, learning new things ect.)
5 you've started to meditate on a regular basis, either in the morning or night, a great thing to do for your spirit is to create a gratitude journal, every night you write in your journal what your grateful for, and yes you can repeat things if you'd like. as well at night before you sleep, you replay you entire day as you'd like, in your mind, except when you replay it you play it instead as you'd have wanted it to go, go through your day entirely, re create the day you had so it is/was ideal; this cleans your mind of the negativity's and prepares a clean slate for the next day. these two things can help your spirit imensley.

6 you have created a list of the Biggest things that stress you out and have made a plan for each one to solve it.

7. you are continuously working on the 3rd, 4th 5th and 6th steps.

well now it is time to get into the nitty gritty.

the first part of this section is to figure out which herbs help to balance you out if you have an imbalance, so if you are estrogen dominant are defficient, you will need to go through the forum and research the different types of things that will help, also you can ask the senior members, MOON is very knowledgable in this area.

these things are meant to be NATURAL balancers and are meant to balance you out so you can create an N.B.E program that will work for you.

this step was relatively short, but is very important if you have an imbalance. and since i have not much knowledge on balancing the physical imbalance, i reccomend you ask the seniors and go throught past threads. which you can find by using the search link for the forum.

this was step 4.

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(no login) The 5th STEP December 9 2008, 12:40 PM 

okay this step is where we really get into the N.B.E phase of your journey.

after you've started to use the herbs nessecary to balance you out, if you need to you must create o N.B.E program.

by now you should have created a personal page and listed your stats, you'll need to list

cup size
your goal, if you have one
what your weaknesses are, (smoking, caffiene)

also list if you've been pregant, had kids, if your still lactating, if you have implants, do you use BCP (birth control pills) do you have any medical conditions, like an overactive thyroid or something that may hinder you.

now it time to find out the different methods of N.B.E

the most popular is herbs, the herbs you take will have to correlate to your imbalances, certain herbs will aggrivate your imbalance.

when it comes to herbs be cautious. the popular herbal pills are all scams and (pardon my language) full of ****. they don't work, they contain to may herbs in too small a capsule to do you any good. there is no way on capsule can contain 10-13 herbs and be usefull, you'll be wasting your money.

that goes for ALL of these pills.

HOWEVER there are some pills that DO help, wonder-up and vitex can help depending on your (IM)balance. also green bush is very popular, but although many people have tried greenbush no one has stayed with it long enough to see any results.

Boobie foods: this one is the second most popular, some girls have grown alot with boobie foods.

this has it's own section, and should be encorporated into your prgram regardless of what else you are doing. boobie foods are once again natural and un-processed and can be added to your clean eating, infact there are alot of recipies in the tosca reno books that i mentioned that contain boobie friendly foods.

don't be afraid to step outside the lines of clean eating some times. Giada de laurantiis has a new cook book called Giada's kitchen- new italian favourites, it has lots of great healthy recipies in it that are for the most part clean and have boobie friendly foods.

remember to search the boobie foods section of the forum.

hypnosis is alo another option, don't bother asking how many people have seen results because once again most did not stick with it long enough to see results, but with hypnosis you need to be abe to envision them growing.

wendy freisen, victoria wizell, these are two hypnotherapists, there are hundreds but wendy and (there's a guy who's name i can;t remember) are the most popular, i reccomend you use wendy with your program, hypnosis will help with the 'mind over matter" part.

MASSAGE, i cannot stress how important this part is, it is a MUST. and there are many different ways of doing it, the best thing do do is once again search the forum, fengshui and tigerlily have posted one dually and it's the most popular. when doing massage you must use a lotion or an oil. many of us have added powdered herbs or herbal extracts to our lotions. you should use a heating pad after your assage for 10-20mins on lOW, no longer than 20 mins and no higher than LOW. usually the heating pad is used at night. but for regaulr massage without the heating pad, you can massage them as many times throughout the day as you'd like.

magnets have also been used and have there own section within the forum. the thought with this is that certain polarities can increase the blood flow to your breasts and cause them to grow. most who use them tape them to their breasts after massage.

suction cups have been used alot, and although i don't know much about it, there are threads about them that you can read and some have posted about them in their program pages.

i suggest you research each option thoroughly befor you create a program so that you know all about each method, and remeber just because one method may not have allot of results doesn't mean you can't try it out.

the most popular programs are EveM's and fengshui, and those like them.

also double-d achieved great results with a program similar to supershine.

eve's program is all layed out in a simple format here:

you can also go to her program page and read the questions there, if you read through all the questions you can usually find an answer but you can also ask her if something was overlooked. the same goes with fengshui who's thread is

these are the most used methods for n.b.e; i'll be posting some xtra usefull information, but the bottom line is go through the forum thoroughly. if go through every page right back the the very first one, you can find some really usefull information, it can get really repetative but if you take the time you can find alot of great information.

everyone is different, some people respond to complex programs while others respond to simple ones.

i'd use, herbs, boobie food, hypnisis and massage to start.

it will be easier to create an herbal program if you know if you have an imbalance or not, if you are balanced then "the world is your oyster" so to say, you can try anything. if you aren't then you'll have already done your research to figure out what to stay away from.

so to recape

1. (IM)balance test
2. liver cleanse/ startong to eatclean&exersize
3. balancing your mind, spirit, emotions, and dealing with stress
4. finding the herbs and supplements you need to balance out any imbalances you may have
5. creating a program.

this is the most straight forward step by step way of starting out that i could think of. really step 1 is the most important, espessially if you think there is an imbalance.

this covers step 5 and ends the 5 most important steps to starting out.

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