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Growth After 2 months or more?


[color=#FF1493]I've been doing NBE for about a month with no results so far, so I'm posting to try to get some encouragement from those who have seen results after a couple of months or more?

I'm taking saw palmetto, fennel and fenugreek, but think I will swap the fenugreek for wild yam soon.
I've had the odd tingle, but nothing much.
I've read you really need to keep at it for a long time - so I'm just looking for inspiration from those who have.Smile

Hi Jillian, i am male but i have had great results with my NBE but not alot after a couple of months, it was 4 or 5 months when i really started to notice a big change, and having tingles is a good thing hun so please stick with it and think positive, it is a long process but well worth it so dont give up and think of all them lovely tops you can squeeze your boobs into when you reach your goal lol good luck honey.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Hi there

I'm one of those who have never seen results with individual herbs and massage (the massage is important - if you don't do massage right now, you should add it to your routine). I've tried that for several months, hoping I'm a late responder.

Still, I don't want you to give up yet. I would say give it a go for at least 3 months (I tried longer). However, also consider what else you could try. There is PM, BO and the suction devices.

In my case only suction devices have helped in increasing my bust size. I wish I could just swallow some pills and that's it...

Hi Cheryl,

That's really encouraging - just what I wanted to hear! What programme did you follow?

And to Beautiful Journey - thanks also. I'm glad suction devices are working for you. I tried Brava, but unfortunately just ended up with the same size but some stretched nipples, and stretch marks on the inside of my boobs! Not what I'd been looking for.

Hi jillian, i used Bountifull breast, and a noogleberry, i also took saw palmetto for 6 months but it gave me celluliteSad but it can just take along time hun and everyones different, i would stick with your routine for a few more months and then if you still see or feel no difference try another method and routine as the one you are on now may not work for you but like i said tingles is a good sign hun and you will get there so just stay positive, try a noogleberry pump if you want to add a pump, i know you said you tried Brava but the NB is fairly cheap and alot of women are having good results with it and i love mine lol but just keep your chin up and keep going hun.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Hi Jilian

I've got enlarged nipples, too, not really glad about that... Well, at least I had some growth as well and that was worth it for me. In my case only suction devices have helped and believe me, I've tried pretty everything.

I'm actually still taking BO (BB pills and they have worked for many people including cheryl), but although I take kelp and l-tyrosine as well, my temperature keeps being too low... I've been taking BO for 3-4 months now and I do get the tingles, but if there's any growth/swelling at all, I attribute it to the suction devices I use.

As far as enlarged nipples are concerned, apparently there are man who like that. I even read a comment on the NB forum from a girl who wrote that she got enlarged nipples from Noogleberry and her husband really likes them.

I have to admit i have enlarged nipples and i hated them to start with but as my breasts got larger they did not look so out of proportion, i had real issues with erect nipples after pumping and they would remain that way for hours and they really stuck out at one point i thought someone was going to hang a coat on them lol i have a picture page if you want to take a look at my results but i have just added 2 new pics that are full frontal so i dont want to offend you or anyone on here so please if you find them offensive message me and i will remove them.
Good luck to both of you.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Thought I would post A couple of pages I have useful for massage.

This page is by fennel fairy on skin structure and adsorbtion. Here is the link.

This is a very useful page by Wahaika. It is full of useful info.

I have been taking Saw Palmetto for past year and have gone from a flat chest to a B cup.

OOps sorry. I just realized I listed the wrong link for the Fennelfairy post on skin layers and penetration for NBE

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