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Bountiful Breast Roll Call


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I use BB too Smile

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it's almost my 5th month taking them! Smile

I'm a user too. Smile For almost 6 months now, I think!

i have been on B0 for 3 days now .i measured and was 38"not sure why i keep going back and forth with an inch .i hope its staying but my period is a two weeks late almost and i took a pregnancy test and im not pregnant so who knows.i have a bad sore throat and im not sure why .so i will try to take a bunch of vitamin c today.anyway i notice strong sensation and tingling a lot in my breast .its not a strong tingling but its there non the less.and i get cramping in my lower tummy but not like cramping from a period .it is more like pinching like thats my experience so far.i did order swiss sheep placenta for acne.turns out its an anti aging thing as well so whoo hoo for that .so thats my update bye all

I am a BB user now too. Well, for a week now.

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