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Keeping my Fingers crossed


I'm just starting a program, haven't tried any in the past due to lots and lots of children. Smile
I'm 28 with 4 children, ages 6, 4, 2, and 13 months. I breastfed all of them for about 13 months, with the exception of the last little guy. Only lasted about 10 1/2 with him before I dried up.
Current stats:
Height 5' 4 1/2"
Weight 117
Over Bust 32"
Bust 33 1/2" (sans bra)
Under bust 29"
Waist 26 1/4"
Stomach 31 1/2" (still working off the last bit of the baby belly)
Hips 36 1/4"
Thighs 20"

I am counting calories and exercising-cardio and weights 4-5 days a week at the gym- to try and lose the last of my belly. I'm not really sure how/where I gain or lose weight, since I've never really changed weight outside of pregnancy, since this is pregnancy related it could act different? When losing pregnancy weight, I lose first from my boobs and my butt. Very depressing. My breasts have completely deflated since having kids, I was never large but I was at least a firm, shapely B. Now I'm a droopy, flat, saggy, no-cleavage-whatsoever can't even fit a 32 A.
I would love to get up to a 32C, but I will be happy with even firmness, fullness, and a better shape.
I started the Greenbush Enhancement blend kit (Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, and Wild Yam in a capsule, and the same blend in an extract) on Tuesday, March 9th 2010. I thought it was the best value, now after reading a few threads I'm wondering if it was a mistake, but I can't afford many of the other programs that seem to be working for people.
I'm taking 2 capsules 3 times a day and massaging with the extract mixed with firming lotion 1 time a day. Haven't noticed anything yet, tingling or otherwise, but then again, it's only the 4th day.
If anybody has any ideas or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. I'm really hoping I'll be able to grow some breast tissue instead of more belly fat!

Welcome Quinn...and good luck with your program.
I had my 4th child at 28 also. Not so close together though. Remember it really does take 2 years for your body to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. Seems to take a bit longer with each. I had 6 and gave away all my clothes every time...hehe. Only to end up smaller. Of course with my first I packed my lil jeans in my suitcase, thinking I was gonna pop that baby out and be back to my size. I cried when i took my first shower and saw that belly...and of course couldnt get the jeans past my knees....wore them maternity pants home. Give your body time to get back to its natural will.
I think your plan is a good one. You might want to read other programs like yours and see what else benefited them. But the firming lotion is a big plus. I nursed all mine too..and it will help.
Make sure you get plenty of fluids too...I see your milk supply dried up quickly...was that from lack of fluids, or something you wanted?

Thanks! Yeah, the last one was a bit of a surprise. Smaller? Lucky you! My hips shrunk back into place (and I actually wouldn't have minded if they didn't!) but my ribs aren't being so pleasant about it.
Did you have problems with saggy skin on your stomach? If you did, does it ever go away? It wasn't so bad after the first two, but then the last two really didn't help matters.
I do try and drink a lot of water (actually, that's all I drink, I don't like milk or juice or chocolate is about the only other thing I drink)
I'm not sure what caused me to dry up, I'm pretty sure I was getting enough calories because I gained some weight back at the end- 6 or 7 pounds, I think. Lost that, and then some now though. So it's pretty much the toning and the firming and the little bit of belly fat to get rid of without getting rid of the very last of the boobs!
All the other programs people are using seem to be the BB or the BO, so I haven't really read those threads. I'll keep searching around though.

It'll come...seems to take forever. Keep up with the firming cream and try to get get into a good exercise routine. I just started out walking in the evening while the hubby watched the kids. Easier now with the computer to find a simple routine to help. My stomach was always the 5th child was a c-section...even harder. I'll have to post pics soon...I did take them. I do bo...I did do herbs first, and they did help me with firmness. A lot of the gals have had wonderful success with them. Be patient though, it does take time.

Welcome Quinn. We are glad to have you on the forum. Be sure to take a look at the old site, now the archive site. It is full of useful info. You can get to the old archived site by clicking on the word archive in each of the forum sections. Or at the bottom of the screen there is a link to the main page of the old site. Take a look at this page by Wahaika. It uses a greenbsh something as a base for the program. The page also has info on the theory of NBE, to making a breast batter.

Good hunting on your research.
Best wishes.

Thank you both! I'm prepared to wait a long time for results, but at the same time I'm really impatient and want it NOW Smile Trying to think positive though, and hopefully I'll have some sort of results to post soon.
I will check out that link, thanks!
and even if all I get out of the herbs is firmness, that's still a step up, so i'd be grateful.

Well, it's day 10, and I haven't noticed anything. No tingling, no firmness, fullness, lift, no growth, nothing. Sad
but...only been 10 days. I'm wondering if I should be taking more than the 6 a day, or get single capsules of something or another and adding to this? I know it could take a while to work, but I'd hate to go through all this for several months only to find out that the dosage is too low and was doing nothing.

Hi Quinn! It's good to see other women on here who have had babies and breastfed them.. we're all in the same boat.. dealing with our saggy, empty, barely there boobs. Sad But there is hope! I've had two kids and breastfed them both. I haven't actally started a program yet but want to with the start of my next cycle. I also plan to go the herbal route. I was going to order from greenbush but I just can't afford them right now...

So, best wishes and good luck on your journey! If it works for you I know it can work for me, and vice versa. Smile

Hi Quinne, I can totally understand the whole saggy breastfeeding empty little girls that once sat so proudly of the end of your chest but that are now hiding away amongst myriads of padding and pushups.

If you check out my photo's you can see I have had great lift after 1 month on my rountine.

I'd didn't realise till I looked at my photo's and was shocked out how they are now looking up instead of down. Not so sure about actual growth yet but definite fullness and roundness. Which we all say we'd be happy just to get that but even when we do, really it's the SIZE we all want Tongue

I tried herbs and they never worked for me but other people on here have had great results from herbs. You just have to find what works for you. If you can afford the Noogleberry, it's fantastic. And it's a one of payment of about $50 depending where you live and then that's that, until you have to go up a size. But it seems to be the cheapest way of BE.

All the best with your journey. If you can try to take pics for yourself so you can compare. It's definitly encouraging.

Good luck, Butterfly84! Let us know how it goes Smile

I have taken my 'before' pictures...i'm hoping I will eventually get the 'after' pictures. I can't even wear a push up bra, there's nowhere near enough volume up top to make it look somewhat 'normal' I have looked at the NB, but I'm not sure...I'll see how it goes with the current program, and then I might try that too, cause some lift would be great!

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