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My Routine



Height: 5'2"
weight: 119lbs
Bra: 32c

not married, no children.


Evening Primrose oil: 1g three x a day ; 3g or 3,000 mg

Fish oil: 800mg three x a day ; 2400mg

Flaxseed oil: 800mg three x a day ; 2400mg

Mix of EPO, Black currant oil and Borage oil: 400mg three x a day ; 1200mg

I also include Vitamin E lotion as a massage.

Starting measurements:

Hips: 37.5"
waist: 25"
underbust: 29"
bust: 34.5"

Starting today I will be doing measurements every two weeks or so.

i think it must be the EPO, but i have been feeling cramps like i am going to start my period a few hours every day after taking my pills. so far its not that big of a problem to me, but im keeping an eye on it.

i do alot of workout bike exercise.
i do 2 or more miles a day in one sitting, and i enjoy drinking water.
i would like to drink more tea, i love oolong.

so far, no breast tingles or anything, but that is to be expected, i just started recently.

this might be a tmi alert, so a warning ahead of timeTongue

i woke up this morning and i was actually having discharges 'down there'! the only reason i am shocked is because i never get that, even when it is close to starting my period. Im not sure if this is good or bad, but im more surprised at the immediate effect this is having, this being only my 3rd day.

Hey nomful! I find the "extra discharge" interesting, cause i've been experiencing MUCH less since i started my routine! Now, mindful, i've always had A LOT!! Our stats are really close!! Except that i've had two kids, so my belly is a lil flabby! I'm 5'2", 119lbs, 38inch hips, 27waist, 28 under 31.5 over. I"m a 32A. I've always had horribly heavy periods too, and messed up cycles. However, havin kids helped it become a little more regular. I'm also taking EPO, but i was thinking my changes were due to the Wild Yam i'm also taking as i've heard it's a hormone regulater for woman. Hmmmmm, maybe it's the EPO too!

I havent seen or felt any real changes and been on my program for almost 5 weeks....Sad But i'm definetely enjoying the differences it's made to my cycle! Find it interesting how everything affects us all in different ways!!
Good luck with your programBig Grin

wow, our stats are very close!! perhaps we can compare stats and side effects more when ive been into my program longer Smile

my periods are irregular, so i never know if it will be a 25-30 day cycle, and sometimes i get a very heavy flow and sometimes i get barely a flow at all. my last period lasted 3 days, which hasnt happened since i was in my teens! normally they are 5 or more days, and my side effects fluctuate. sometimes i get very strong cramps, sometimes i dont eve notice them. i did hear the having children does calm pms, but im not gonna go pop one out just to see the difference Tongue

Really???? I've alway heard the opposite!! That having kids = heavier periods and, not always but very common, more side affects. However, it is suppose to regulate it, which it has for me anyway.....LOl! Oh well! I know mine have NEVER been under 5 days, and always hated when my girlfriends complained if they're lasted 5!!! I've only had 3 periods since i stopped breastfeeding my last child, and with the exception of the last one-which i was on my NBE routine for-i've gone through AT LEAST a whole box of tampons with each one! Now my last one: 5 days flat! And absolutely NO CRAMPS or, my worst, Backaches!!! I'm hopin that continues!! Don't we all!
Ok, sorry if that's too much info!!! Keep us posted on your progress!Big Grin And Best of Luck!!

we're mostly ladies here, so i dont mind at all Smile im always curious to see how everyone elses body reacts to the same type of pills. i do have a small noticeable thing today when i was in school: my breasts felt extremely warm on their own. good? i think so Big Grin

ok, so its been one week and i have some growth. last i was a full 34.5 bust measurement, and now (i used google to convert, im lazy) im 34.8. it might not seem like alot, but i am now two notches from a full 35 inches, and its only been one week! huzzah! i know i said i would wait about 2 weeks but i was too curious Blush

my goal is at least 37 inches, that seems doable to me. more updates later.

on a side note: my breasts have started itching finally, i think they would have started sooner but i didnt have time to massage all weekend Tongue

Wow! Congrats To you!!!Big Grin So glad you're one of the lucky ones to get some quick results!! Hope you see more soon too!!!
Still nothing to report my way, and i'm 5 weeks inSad Trying to be patient, trying to be patient......

Well done hun, keep it up, thats exellent in such a short period of time, you will be DD in no time lol im really happy your getting early results speak to you soon honey.
Hugs Cheryl xxxx

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