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Herbal progress - I need help



I started my program 1 month ago with Fenugreek, Fennel, Complex Vitamin and Borage oil.

I started with 1 pill of fenu and fennel and ramped up to 3 fenugreek pills a day (610 each pill), 3 fennel pills a day (480 each pills), vitamin complex, flaxeed oil and 1000 pill of borage oil once a day before bed time. Also I do long massages once a day before bed time (30-40min) with borage oil.

After a week I felt some soreness and pains in my breasts. They got swollen and very tender for around the week, however when my period came everything went back to normal. All soreness and pains went away together with the bigger breast size.

Now, I am in day 12 of the 2nd cycle and I have no soreness or pains at all. I don't have any sensations whatsoever.

Is my body got used to the herbs? Am I taking too much herbs? Did I stall? Is is too early to tell? I have no idea what to do. Help!

I have to mention that last month I tried saw palametto for 2,3 days and got bloated so I dropped. I could not deal with the rapid weight changes with saw palametto.

I am 28 years old, 5.4" 110 pounds, slim build with 34A cup size. I just hope to increase my bust size to 34B.

Please I need some advice and encouragement. I am thinking of bumping up fenugreek for 4 pills a day (610)



Hi, the only thing I can really say is that you shouldn't go higher than 6 fenugreek a day, 2 capsules at a time, also it is a laxitive so you may want to bear that in mind :-)

Good luck with your journey x

If you use a 2 pills then it's OK,you take a herbal treatment it will take a time you get result late but it work,do not increase a pill or otherwise inform your doctor and then take more pills,i think you use this way that help you.

Hi Brandi,
Superchick is right. But I think you could add MSM to you program; also instead of massaging with borage oil alone you could add fenugreek to it. You can either steep it yourself or buy the fenugreek extract.
Instead of massaging 30-40mins once daily, try massaging twice daily and be consistent even if its 10 minutes in the morning and a longer massage before bed.

I hope this helps

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