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Do you have to take kelp AND l-tyrosine?


Well i am still doing my research into BO, but i was wondering, to regulate my body temp to i HAVE to take kelp and l-tyrosine or can i take one or the other? (because trust me i already take enough vitamins/suplements as it is Dodgy)

Haha, I Feel Ya, I Take 11 Pills A Day And It Seems Like Im Always Shoveling Pills Down My Throat!! I Have Kelp In My Multivitamins and My Temp Is Still Not As High As It Could Be.... Try The L-T, Im No Expert But I Know That For My Body, The Kelp Hasnt Done The Job So Im Thinking The L-T Will?? Just My Opinion! Keep Us Posted and Good Luck Boobie Growing!!!

well for what i-ve researched, its seem like if you have temp problems you should start with l-t, and if your temp still doesnt go on, you should use kelp as well

You don't have to take both. Either of them is good at increasing body temperature. They both support regular thyroid function. You can experiment to see which one works better for you, as that will be the supplement your body is lacking.

I know kelp helps produce iodine which is necessary for proper thyroid function, and I know l-tyrosine is technically an amino-acid, so a type of protein, and low levels equate to low body temp. So it could balance things out, but it doesn't necessarily impact you if your body temp is low for another reason...

Or that would be my logic. L-Tyrosine didn't work for me by itself. I found the herb Maca proven to work quicker and more efficiently by increasing your temp. directly. And if you do your research it has a lot of other good benefits. I'm happy I found maca haha.

The L-tyrosine is your best bet to start with for increasing your temps. If that doesn't work, people add kelp as well but be careful because if your body already has sufficient levels of iodine and that is not the cause of your low temps, taking kelp can have worse side effects.

Maca is an interesting herb, I do plan to take it but I came across an article about the not so good things people don't tell you about maca. tons of people posted about their bad side effects from taking recommended dosages on the bottle. Maca is so strong it seems you need only little ...or else. Noella how much are you taking?

I've been following the recommended dosage which is 500mg three times a day. I haven't heard anything too negative, but obviously ignorance is bliss, so I'm interested in negative effects of it.

The comments are really interesting to read. I'm half way through them.

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