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pm & abnormal side effects


I've noticed some growth of the labium majus and labium minus since I started taking pm and it's scaring the crud out of me. I'm 21 and I'm sure women don't get camel toes around my age do they? I'm afraid if I keep taking pm it might get to that point.

I've also notice small under skin bumps under my skin around my breast area and arms. They're about 2-3mm in diameter...

Also, pm has increased vaginal secretion which is known. But a scary thing is I've also been experiencing pee leakage! And I was reading online and found this article about PM and urodynamic findings. The studies show that these mice have increased leak point pressure which is the storage pressure in the bladder at which leakage occurs passively. So basically PM makes mice pee their fur!

Please advise!!!!

Whoa - really? Weird! I didn't know women got camel toes as an effect of ageing, I thought either u got a big one or ya don't. How do you know it's growing?

Small bumps - could you exfoliate more?

I have been noticing, not pee leakage, but increased frequency of urination, like going a lot and always feeling a little pressure like I need too, even right after...

Can you post a link to the research article?


If you believe there is a negative consequence of taking PM why not stop for a while. I believe your premises are incorrect but if you have enough concern to proclaim it publicly ...why not stop.

How much are you taking dailey?



If you believe there is a negative consequence of taking PM why not stop for a while. I believe your premises are incorrect but if you have enough concern to proclaim it publicly ...why not stop.

How much are you taking dailey?


Paloma: Well I wax every now and then and recently I noticed a little growth in my labium majus and labium minus. The labium majus is starting to peak out, its also fatter like an upside down mountain and the labium minus is a bit longer.
The link is right below my first post.

Carlaa: The reason why I don't want to stop is because I think it's working. It actually fills up my A size bra now. I take 800mg/day for about 2 months now.

I haven't gotten my period since may 7th.. is that bad?

Is it bad? Probably not, just scary but not abnomal when taking large amounts.

topicals work better........why not follow that route and no side effects.


It's not that bad, I'm just hoping it's not gonna worsen.

I massage every now and then when I'm not lazy. I've been pretty consistent lately though. I've learned that massaging for a shorter time period prevents laziness resulting in no massaging at all. I noticed about 5 small additional bumps and another under my armpit.. weird. But they always go away, so I'm gonna assume it's ok.

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