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[archive] Under the muscle or over the muscle


Under the muscle or over the muscle
May 11 2006 at 11:13 AM Michelle  (no login)


I don't understand the difference between having the implants under the muscle or having them over the muscle. It seems to be important so I need to find out about it. I have read that under the muscle is more painful and you don't appear to get the best results, so I don't know why anyone would have it done that way. Am I missing something important?

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(no login) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle May 13 2006, 10:13 PM 

Just ask your surgeon. He'll give you the best answer on this. Ask him what he thinks is best for you to look as natural as possible. Unders are a bit more painful but I feel they look the best, way better than overs in my opinion. It covers the implants better and you don't notice it so much. I've seen those with overs not looking natural at all, in fact looking like they had two basketballs placed on top of their chests.

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(no login) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle May 21 2006, 8:31 PM 

A friend of mine has had implants and they were overs - if you have enough breast tissue they tend to do overs apparently. In her case I can tell you that they do not look like basketballs, in fact they look quite natural and she's very pleased. Her recovery was quick and no problem, but I've heard that unders are a more painful recovery. I've had a consultation myself but I don't know whether I'll go through with it yet. The surgeon told me that unders is more complicated, as I thought from what my friend told me, and he thought overs were better in the long run. Don't forget the implants will need replacing in the future and that is easier with overs. When you go for your consultation just make sure you keep asking questions until you're quite sure you understand the different options.

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(no login) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle May 26 2006, 6:46 PM 

If you get a good experienced surgeon, he will do a professional natural looking job regardless of whether the implant is placed over or under the muscle. Your surgeon will tell you during your consultation what will be best for you as we are all different shapes and sizes. Part of the consultation is to decide things like this, whether unders or overs would be better in your case. Personally I don't think that overs look like basketballs stuck onto a chest if the surgery was done well.

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Desert Queen
(Login desertqueen)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle May 29 2006, 3:37 PM 

Ask your surgeon what the difference is and keep asking until you're sure you understand. The surgeon should clearly explain what the options are and the pros and cons of each one. You shouldn't have to worry about not knowing these things before you go for the consultation. Everything should be clearly explained to you as part of the consultation process.

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(no login) The truth about unders & overs.. October 9 2006, 7:33 PM 

The implant is placed under the muscle if the women intends to breast feed. If you are younger and plan on having children it is best to place the implant under so you can atleast have the option to breast feed later on in life. As far as looking natural, I personally believe it depends on the indivdual and surgeon. I also think the smaller you go the more natural your going to look, unfortunately. I hope this helps. :-)

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michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
SENIOR MEMBER Under the muscle November 5 2006, 3:06 AM 

Under the muscle does look more natural from what I've seen and experienced myself before I had them removed, but also if it's under the muscle you have to be careful not to lift heavy weights when working out, because it can cause the implants to shift or move around. That's going by what my doctor told me before having them put in, he made sure I wasn't a body builder or anything first and also said it's best to put them under the muscle since I didn't have much fatty breast tissue. (as i was only AA cup)

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(Login ibm923) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle November 5 2006, 8:27 AM 

I've been in 2 consult with a plastic surgeon this is what they told me. Usually the implants over the muscle they do it when the person has enough fat or breast tissue to cover the implant as it heals the breast giving a natural look. They don't like to do it in a thin person cause it will look like 2 ballons. For a thin person is better under the muscle to have more cover for the implant and giving a "natural" look. Also, with an implant over the muscle the healing process is faster than under the muscle. There's other thing to consider theres 2 types of implant smooth and texture. Smooth implants can move in the place but the texture implants stay in place or doesn't "move". And the texture implants comes in tear drop( this look like the breast shape) or round shape they come in silicone but also can be filled with saline. Some Drs prefer the smooth to the textures. And some prefer the textures cause mya last longer than the smooth and I think all depends which one fit better on your daily routine. Try to do a search just like your title to find out is there some study to help you out more... and ask to the surgeon...
I hope this help a little...
Take care...
PS The plastic surgeon I've seen they have more than 20 yrs of experience usually they work is better but sometimes is not like that.I ask for pictures of their work as well that can give an idea how is his work because also depends of their skills...Good luck!!!

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(no login) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle January 20 2007, 7:57 AM 

This is what I was told at a consultation. With under the muscle you have less chance of bottoming out, less chance of capsular cont. and you would have muscle helping to hide and support the implant (and with silicone you wont have ripples). I would definately go with under the muscle. But you should know that it will be more painful and may take longer to heal.

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(Login sophie9) Re: Under the muscle or over the muscle February 28 2007, 2:29 PM 

I think both under the muscle and over the muscle have their negatives, that can be seen as positives in relation to one another. I had implants placed over the muscle. The positives? I really did not at all have the look of implants - mine looked very natural, and I do think that most surgeries done under the muscle you can definately tell they are implants. I had enough fatty tissue since I was a B cup. But the problems I think that are probably more prevalent if you go over the muscle but still are likely to be the case if you go under is that can feel the implant. I had enough breast tissue to cover the implant, yet I could still feel the implant inside, which i didn't like, which was one of the reasons I had mine removed. Some people can actually hear the water move around in them (saline), either under or over. I don't think that would be very pleasant, but it was not something I personally experienced. I did experience capsular contracture, which is why I had mine removed. They are medical implants that need to be replaced with time and can cause complications - you just never think that person is you. I decided I wasn't interested in further surgeries, further incisions, and further sets of implants, so i opted to just get rid of them. Also, many people don't realize this, but if you have your incision under the armpit, the bellybutton, the areola, if you need another surgery, that incision needs to be made in the fold beneith the breast, so you will end up with further incisions. There are a lot of things your plastic surgeon will answer, but a lot of things he or she won't tell you if you don't ask. I think under the muscle looks more fake but over the muscle probably feels more fake. as far as pain is concerned, if you are going to go for it, then you might as well deal with some pain. mine barely hurt at all. i bet i could have mustered up the pain if they were under the muscle. i don't think pain should determine where you decide to place them since it is temporary. it is surgery afterall.

Breast implants: round or anatomical?
January 6 2007 at 6:16 PM Maggie (no login)


I've agreed with my surgeon to have round implants type as he says they are best for me for various reasons, but with the operation coming up I've started to get nervous about the whole thing and I can't help thinking they are going to look really fake. Does anyone have an opinion on this especially anyone out there with round implants rather than the anatomical ones? If you are such a person can you give me any reassurance?

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(no login) Re: Breast implants: round or anatomical? January 7 2007, 9:58 AM

I had round ones and I say defintely go with those. Originally I wanted the anatomical ones but my surgeon advised against it. Apparently they can turn inside you and end up the wrong way round and you would look pretty weird. There is nothing wrong with round ones so long as you don't go ridiculously big.

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Cutie Pie
(Login cutie.pie) Re: Breast implants: round or anatomical? February 27 2008, 9:01 AM

Anatomical implants are supposed to give a more natural look, as they are meant to be breast shaped, but most people seem to think that round ones are simpler and safer and less expensive too.

Need Advice
April 17 2008 at 5:46 AM Sarah (Login Sarah_8500)



I don't usually come to this forum very often as I have been trying nbe for some time now. I've been on ortho tricyclen for 7 months and I've also been taking wonderup. I have noticed some growth, however I seem to shrink alot after my period up until 2 weeks after. I know this is normal, but it doesn't happen every month, sometimes I don't even shrink at all. I really don't understand why I shrink some months and not others. I don't know if it has anything to do with stress or nutrition ect.. What I do know is that although I've made some gains with wonderup it is extremely frustrating! My boobs are a decent size for my body until they shrink like this. I'm usually a C/D but I look like a b when they shrink and they feel very light. This is sooo depressing and because of this I am actually considering implants. I have really been trying to avoid this, but I have just had it. I might try a few more things before implants. I wish I could just figure out what is causing this shrinkage I know it has to do with estrogen levels dropping suddenly, but why its intermittent I really don't know.
I just have some questions for those of you that have had breast augmentation. Is there anyway of getting a shape that does not look like round balls? My breasts are already kind of shaped like that. I have alot of cleavage but not so much under the nipple. I really like the tear drop shape but I never really see that. Also, are the scars noticable? If I got implants I wouldn't want ANYONE to know I would just want them to look natural. If anyone has some advice it would be greatly appreciated.


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(no login) Re: Need Advice April 17 2008, 7:54 AM

It's rare to find implants which look natural. I don't see realistically how you're gonna fool anyone.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Need Advice April 17 2008, 7:37 PM

How much growth do you want and how much trouble are you willing to go to?

I would say try suction or as a last result maybe stem cells. Macrolane just doesn't sound big enough!

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(no login) Re: Need Advice April 24 2008, 9:23 PM

They do make a tear drop shaped implant that would give you the more pointed look you are wanting. However not all surgeons use it since it is such a specific shape you wouldn't want the implant to shift, so they make the pocket smaller, which makes for a tighter firmer result. I have round implants and they actually do look very natural. If you keep the size conservative you can reasonably expect that people won't know what you did.

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(no login) Re: Need Advice July 7 2008, 7:38 AM

Yes I agree with the last message. Check out the tear drop shaped implant and see how you think that would look. But most patients actually choose round implants, about 85% in fact. Choose with care!

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(no login) Re: Need Advice August 7 2008, 12:39 PM

Yes surgeons often think that the anatomical implants may move around, so they prefer to use the round ones.

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(no login) Hm October 4 2008, 12:33 AM

Okay I'm nbot sure what this is. But I was just wondering if there is a good place that you can buy the pills for breast anhancement at local storeS? Are they just sold online, or can you go to a store like walmart and find them, over the counter? Also do they have harmful affects if you are under 18? I really need a product for this and was wodnering if anyone had suggests on pills or crerams that are offerned for breast enhancing.

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(no login) Don't do it! October 14 2008, 2:48 PM

I had implants and am having them taken out because although they cured all my insane insecurities they NEVER felt even remotely real and although they looked great they look fake. Unless you're the type of person who is happy with people knowing about your implants (which I wasn't) I would not suggest getting them in. As you get older they just become these strange foreign objects which are not a part of you physically or emotionally.

I would look into natural methods and stick to them and get hormone tested etc. all cheaper than taking the plunge and getting surgery. And it may sound silly but I would (now with hiuundsight) suggest some type of counselling to help you come to terms with yoru body and sexuality and self image etc. before doing somethign as drastic as I did.

I realise many women are happy with their implants and in many ways I am too, but I am thinking of starting a family and don't want to set an example of what I consider mutilation at the end of the day for any of my offspring.

If you were to get surgery, I would suggest you mentally get to a point where you're happy being honest about it so you don't walk around with fake hard implants (and trust me, they're always hard!!!!) feeling like people will find out and that you're being dishonest.

good luck in whatever you choose to do!

Best Breast Implant And Breast Plastic Surgery Tips
July 25 2008 at 8:09 AM TG (no login)


Breast augmentation is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the U.S. and thus the most commonly performed breast plastic surgery. Today it is crucial to be fully aware of all the risks and complications that you could run into. In breast plastic surgery, breast implants are used for cosmetic reasons or to reconstruct the breast such as after a mastectomy, to fix hereditary malformations or as part of male-to-female gender reassignment surgical procedures.

Silicone gel implants have a silicone casing and are filled with viscous silicone gel. There have been many types of breast implants developed besides the two most common, saline filled and silicone gel filled, including polypropylene string and soy oil, only these are not ordinarily in use, if at all; escape of oil into the body during a break wouldn't be favorable. In the seventies cosmetic surgeons desired spongier and more natural implants therefore breast implants were redesigned with more wafer-thin gel and slimmer shells; these implants had more of an inclination to break and leak, or "bleed" silicone through the implant shell into the body cavity and complications such as capsular contracture were common.

The first implantation with silicone implants took place in 1962. In the mid eighties, improvements in manufacturing principles gave rise to elastomer-coated shells to lessen gel bleed, and are filled with denser, more cohesive gel; these implants are distributed under controlled circumstances in the United States and Canada, and are widely utilized in other countries. Saline-filled implants are the most common implant in use in the United States due to a few restrictions on silicone implants, which could change, but are rarely in use in other countries.

Because the saline implants are empty when they are surgically slipped in, the scar is more limited than for silicone gel breast implants which are already filled with silicone prior to insertion. For women with very little breast tissue, or for post-mastectomy reconstruction, plastic surgeons think that silicone gel implants are the better device; but in patients with a lot of breast tissue, saline implants may appear very similar to silicone gel implants.

One report stated that only 30% of ruptures in symptomless patients are accurately discovered by knowledgeable plastic surgeons, compared to 86% found by MRI. Countries outside of the U.S. haven't supported regular magnetic resonance imaging and have taken the stance that MRI's should be reserved for cases involving suspected clinical rupture or to support mammographic or ultrasound reports that indicate rupture. Once breast implants are removed that have been implanted for a long time, a mastopexy is frequently performed to tighten up the loose skin: this constitutes added surgery typically performed concurrently and at an extra expense.

Localized complications that can happen with breast implants include post-operative hemorrhaging, fluid accumulations, operative site infection, breast pain, changes in nipple sensation, disturbance with breast feeding, visual crinkling, lopsided appearance, wound dehiscence with possible implant exposure, thinning of the breast tissue, and disturbance of the normal plane between the breasts. Manufacturers and surgeons are required to inform women that implants are not everlasting devices and that most patients will likely necessitate further surgery to replace or take out their implants. Capsules of tightly-interwoven collagen fibers constitute as an immunologic response around a foreign body like breast implants, which tends to wall it off; capsular contracture occurs when the capsule tightens up and constricts the implant. A contracture is a complication that may be very uncomfortable and distort the appearance of the implanted breast.

There's a popular international consensus in the medical arena that silicone implants in breast plastic surgery haven't been proven to induce systemic illness, barring the possibility that a small group of patients might become sick through (so far) unidentified mechanisms that might prove challenging; this has been called into question by a lot of women going through varied health issues. The Food and Drug Administration has recommended that MRIs should be looked at to screen for silent rupture beginning at approximately three years after implantation then every two years thereafter.

While the universal international consensus is that silicone implants in breast plastic surgery hasn't been proven to induce systemic illness, one must keep in mind that numerous women have reported a link to symptoms they're experiencing and to their breast augmentation. As with any decision, be sure to consider the benefits and risks carefully prior to proceeding with any breast plastic surgery. If you choose to go forward, be sure you select the best breast plastic surgeon based upon your research; ask health professionals you know for referrals.

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(no login) Re: Best Breast Implant And Breast Plastic Surgery Tips August 25 2008, 8:15 AM

Just a note to say of course that silicone breast implants are now back in both the USA and Canada.

New Implant Study: Ideal Implant
July 10 2008 at 4:02 AM flatcake (Login flatcake)


This is a new saline-filled implant with layers made to replicate silicone implants but without the "risks" associated with silicone. It sounds promising. What do you gals think?


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(no login) Re: New Implant Study: Ideal Implant July 13 2008, 8:54 AM

It's about time that someone improved on the breast implants available. In our world of advancing technology, it's surprising that breast implants have not chnaged at all in the last 20 years.

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(no login) Re: New Implant Study: Ideal Implant August 14 2008, 7:14 AM

I can't help thinking that maybe implants are soon going to be a thing of the past and new techniques will become the norm.

cleavage question
March 24 2006 at 7:43 PM Chloe (no login)


I feel that my breasts are very far apart.

They seem closer to my armpit than to each other !!

Is there any 'correct' distance for cleavage ??

Sorry, I have always been flatchested so I have no idea whats normal and whats not ?!!

And if implants are under or over the muscle does it make a difference?

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(no login) Re: cleavage question March 26 2006, 9:08 AM

I don't know what's normal either. Mine are about 1.5inch apart !! (i mean 1.5inch totally flat space in bet my breasts !!)

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(no login) Re: cleavage question March 26 2006, 9:10 AM

Another thing. U can wear a good bra to push them together right? it is because u have the high profile that have narrow base.

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(no login) Re: cleavage question March 26 2006, 9:27 PM

I don't think there is any "correct" distance. If anything mine are too close. Have you had a breast augmentation? If not, when you do, you can close up some of that space with the width of your implant.

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(no login) Re: cleavage question March 31 2006, 8:57 AM

I have about a 4-finger-width space between mine. That's after a BA and I was just happy to have boobs so it didn't concern me. I'm not sure if it's placement, implant style, or fill amount that determines where they sit on your chest.

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(no login) Re: cleavage question April 10 2006, 8:12 PM

chloe, I found this on a cosmetic surgeon's website and found it interesting:

The depth and width of cleavage achieved in breast augmentation is not equal for every patient, and is dependent on several factors. Chest wall contour and breastbone prominence, the amount of body fat, and the thickness of tissue over the breastbone all influence the smoothness of the contour transition from sternum to the breasts. The starting separation between the breasts and the position of the nipple on the breasts also influence the final result. These anatomical factors vary greatly from patient to patient

Hope that helps hun!

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(no login) Re: cleavage question April 14 2006, 11:59 AM

There's your answer. There is no correct distance for cleavage. It varies from person to person. Don't fuss about it, just get a oushup bra which will make them closer together. Simple really.

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(no login) Re: cleavage question April 20 2006, 11:00 AM

Its said that the implants are placed behing ya nipples. So if the nipples are far away, your breasts after BA will also be far away.
Does that make sense ??

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(no login) Re: cleavage question April 30 2006, 9:32 AM

My boobs are quite far away too. That is just how I am built and so are my
relatives. Now that I have fake boobs they fill in some of the width, but I am still far apart. But I don't care, I am just glad to have boobs. I asked PS if they could be closer together and he said not really, the pocket area is the pocket area. As I said I don't care. Just be thankful and find bras that push you closer together

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