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My story
October 27 2007 at 2:48 PM la-mimi  (Login la-mimi)


Hi there, I thought you may be interested in my story and if I can help anyone then great. I always had small not very attractive but, luckily, healthy breasts. I hated how they looked. I can remember standing in a shop in London with my best friend trying on clothes and feeling totally depressed as the top looked so flat on. We used to go out alot and I always used to envious of other girls who could fill their tops. I used to stuff socks down my bra but felt terrible.I went down the natural b.e. route and I tried just about everything, hypnosis, creams (I even got stung paying £100 for a pot of 'miracle' cream that was just a scam), exercise, bovine ovary, herbs, lots of herbs! massage, massage with water therapy and I tried lots of different birth control piils - one of which, 'Brevinor' had the desired effect and I thought yes! I've done it!' but unfortunately my body adjusted to the hormones and they went back down. I did'nt try Brava, I thought about it, but by this time I had given up as I had been trying for about 3 years to increase my bust size and was really fed up, plus the cost of everything really added up.
So I went down the surgery route. Yes, I was terrified of the risks and the 'what if I don't like them?' fear, but I was so tired of wanting something to happen, I thought that the risk was worth taking. I have no regrets. In one hour I had what I'd tried for over 3 years to get. It was slightly uncomfortable after for a little while, but managable with painkillers and doing everything carefully and slowly. To anyone who's thinking of doing it I'd say, think carefully about the look that you want, the size that you want, many women are scared at first and are too cautious, remeber, the swelling will go down, it's alot of money and you don't want to have to keep doing it! So fill bags with rice, put them in different size bras and remember, if you like the size, you have to add some on if you already have breasts to fill a bra! eg: 300cc sizer plus what you are already A, B, C etc.
I'm NOT saying that N.B.E doesn't work and I'm not telling anyone to give up with their efforts and have surgery. It's great that this site encourages women to try the natural route and that some of you have had great results. Surgery is a big decision that has to be thought through very thoroughly. I'm saying that most of N.B.E didn't work for me and if I can help anybody with any questions then great. I went through this without sites like this, which are so helpful and supportive, my doctor wasn't very sympathetic (male) and I did all my research on my own and luckily ended up with a great surgeon. If they don't listen to you, walk out the door! Be assertive, think about the look you want.
Sorry it's bit long but wanted to include alot. Feel free to ask questions, I will try to answer any as best as I can. x

Author Reply
(no login) hmmmmmm October 31 2007, 3:57 AM 

i have the same story...and i dont know what to do????????????? i use fake bro ,,i cant have more than kiss with my boy ,,and he didnt know my problem, he thinks am 34c ,,am only 32a soooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
what i can do? i neeeeeed help plz.

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(Login mosquitobites) Thanks for sharing October 31 2007, 2:39 PM 

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing that story. I'm booked in for breast augmentation on Dec 17th and I'm still in two minds about actually doing it. I've opted for 240cc purely because I'm so small the surgeon couldn't recommend going much bigger without complications. He also said round ones look the same as anatomical and again would be eliminating possible further complications because if the teardrop shaped ones move around in the pocket it would mean more surgery. However I'm concerned that being small and round they'll look like two small footballs on my chest. What did you have and are you happy.

Desperate Lynne

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(no login) Re: My story November 2 2007, 8:46 PM 

I must say, that I had the operation for myself, not for any boyfriend. If your boyfriend doesn't love you for who you are, he's not worth having as a boyfriend. You must feel confident in your own skin and if you are not ready for an operation, there are great bras and chicken fillets etc that you can wear until you do feel ready or maybe you will think, hey, i'm not so bad after all! With me, I knew that I would feel better with larger breasts so I went ahead after alot of thinking. I had quite large implants, one 630cc and the other 650cc as I had one breast larger than the other and wanted them the same size as best as I could. I had cohesive gel silicone as saline can be a little wrinkly. Cohesive gel is like a marshmellow when it's cut, so it can't migrate round the body like the runny silicone, (i think they are banned, but I'm not sure).
I know that it can be frightening to go through with the op, I actually cancelled my first one on the day as I was so scared...and instantly regretted it. So I went ahead and although I know they're fake, it doesn't bother me at all. I couldn't grow them, so I bought them!
Listen to your surgeon though, I insisted on bigger as I knew that was what I wanted and I'm glad I did. It's your body remember!

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(no login) Re: My story November 4 2007, 5:57 PM 

I live in London, not sure where to go but still looking into it, is it necessary to get permission from your GP ?

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(no login) Re: My story November 4 2007, 5:57 PM 

I live in London, not sure where to go but still looking into it, is it necessary to get permission from your GP ?

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(no login) Re: My story November 4 2007, 8:48 PM 

You only need to speak to your GP regarding NHS medical treatment. You may be able to get a boob job on the NHS if you had one much bigger than the other or some sort of deformity otherwise you need to go private - you just phone the clinics to book an appointment, you don't need any sort of referral.

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(no login) Re: My story November 5 2007, 7:25 PM 

If you go to your GP they can recommomend surgeons they know, but you don't have to, especially if you want to keep your operation to yourself. Just make sure that you go to a reputable clinic and ask lots of questions and ask to see pictures. I went to a private clinic in London.

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(no login) Re: My story November 5 2007, 8:41 PM 

I have a health condition and take medication, I do not want my GP to know as I do not think he would approve, so thats whats holding me back.
do you have to sleep on your back ?

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(no login) Re: My story November 6 2007, 7:02 PM 

No, I usually sleep on my side anyway.If I sleep on my front I just adjust my pillow to make me comfortable. You soon get used to them being there! I suppose you are aware that you MUST tell your surgeon about any medication that your taking as well as any health situations as it could make a difference to what drugs they use, for example, I'm allergic to augmentin, so when I went in I had a red wrist band on alerting the anaethestist (who I had told previously as well). I had a from to fill in about my medical history and I was honest,even saying I get hay fever, it's not worth the risk keeping anything back. Anyway, don't be intimidated by your doctor, it's you having the surgery, not him/her. I'm not telling you to have implants, only you know how you feel, for me, I wish I'd done it years ago, mainly for how I look in clothes. Hope this helps.

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(no login) Re: My story November 6 2007, 9:25 PM 

Did you have to sleep on your back after the operation? I would discuss my health problem and my medication, its just with my illnes I am not sure whether implants would be ok I would love to go for it though.
Its always on my mind.

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(no login) Re: My story November 10 2007, 6:25 PM 

Yes, I had to sleep on my back for a while, I can't remember how long for, about 6 weeks I think. How would your illness prevent you having implants? If you'd rather not say, that's fine, it's just hard to advise without knowing. If you're worried about what size to go for, I'm a size 10, I was a 34a/b before, I have thin skin, but they settled in fine.

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(no login) Re: My story November 10 2007, 9:56 PM 

I Have crohns disease and part of my medication is an oral chemotherapy drug along with steriods, I too have thinning skin due to the long term steriod use. I just wonder about any further complications as crohns is an auto immune disease. I woner how I would react to it all.

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(no login) Re: My story November 12 2007, 7:55 PM 

I can understand you're worried. I can't advise on your illness,and I expect that you have done your research. You could have a consultation with a surgeon, it's roughly around £150.00. I saw a few and I must say that my one didn't pressurize me and I'm sure that he would be honest about your condition and not just grab your money. Maybe you could give them a ring and ask over the phone? I saw Jan Stanek in Wimpole street in London.I can't advise you to have it done or not as I am not qualified to do so and I don't know much about your condition. Sometimes you have to weigh things up and if you're too worried about implants there are loads of suggestions on this site, maybe some of the natural methods could work for you? I'm not trying to put you off, you know how you feel, but you must put your health and well being first.

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(no login) Re: My story November 12 2007, 10:27 PM 

I have seen a few good names in Harley Street, I think it would be best for me to see a surgeon for a chat and decide after that, I am aware I may not be suitable. Is there much pain and discomfort afterwards?
I'm fed up taking herbs.

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(no login) Re: My story November 17 2007, 2:59 PM 

Hi, thats what happened to me, I got fed up of trying everything and just went for it. The pain afterwards is managable, after all, lots of women have it done. I just took paracetamol every four hours. When I went in and for a couple of weeks after I made sure that I had plently of button/zip up tops to wear as it was must easier just to slip them on rather than lifting my arms up as that was quite sore. I think also it depends on where you have the implants, I had mine under the muscle, but honestly it was ok.

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(no login) Re: My story November 17 2007, 5:31 PM 

Do they feel soft to touch, I mean are you aware of them being implants? do they feel heavy? I take it they explain the capsular contraction problem.
it must feel so different to have boobs when you have not been used to them.

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(no login) Re: My story November 18 2007, 12:54 PM 

Hi, well they do feel soft, not as soft probably as real ones but my real ones were small and slightly saggy so I don't mind them feeling a bit firmer! No I'm not really aware of them being implants, when I lay on my back they don't lie down as real ones do but again, who wants breasts under their armpits?! I have had both saline and cohesive gel implants. I had the saline ones removed as they used to 'crease' a bit when I leaned forwards and I also wanted to go bigger so I opted for the cohesive gel. In the end you have to weigh up the pros and cons of both natural v implants. Thats what I did and of course I wanted bigger natural boobs, but after years of trying I realized that it wasn't going to happen and went for surgery. I'm still critical, I still look at them in the mirror but I'm so glad I had them done. I had them put through the nipples so I have a small white scar under the nipples,the scars are very small and you have to look hard to see them but I'm in the process of having the scars tattoed with semi-permanent make up so I won't look like I've had any work done at all. Feel free to ask me anything, I'm glad to help. x

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(no login) Re: My story November 18 2007, 5:02 PM 

Thank you so much for answering my questions, if I did see a surgeon I would have a long list of questions but it is nice to talk to someone that has had this done, how long does it take for the swelling to go down, the reason I want it done is my boobs are uneven in size, they are also quite firm so I would be use to the fact that they are not so soft to touch.
Also, how long do the implants last ? and do you mind me asking you how much did it cost? I don't understand the difference yet to all the various types of implants, I have heaps of learning in
Thank you once again for your help, its much appreciated.

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(no login) Re: My story November 18 2007, 5:53 PM 

No problem at all, i'm happy to help. The swelling took a couple of weeks to go down, they feel quite hard at first because of this but they soon soften up. I had different size implants put in, I insisted on this as I was uneven in size and it did even them up nicely. I also wanted the round shape, I have heard stories of the tear drop shape ones moving round inside the breast and I also wanted some shape up the top as my breasts weren't a great shape to start with. I'm not sure how long they last as I've heard different things, some say 10 years, some more. I paid £4000 in total, but thats not a bad investment for me. As my friend said to me when she was getting hers done. "Its the price of two decent holidays, and they only last a fortnight each, or the price of a car thats only going to rust and cost me more!"
Do you have a supportive family and/or boyfriend? x

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(no login) Re: My story November 18 2007, 8:10 PM 

I too have heard that the tear drop shape moves around, I agree that £4,000 is worth the price, unfortunately I don't have any family but I do have a wonderful husband that loves me as I am, he thinks my boobs look great, he is totally against the idea mainly due to my current health problems. I can't talk to him about it as it upsets him. he can't believe I am thinking of having this done, so with not much support, I'm a bit alone in my decision, its something I have wanted for some years now, I am bored with taking herbs now.
I think its best for me to see a surgeon and make up my mind depending on what he will tell me expecially regarding my health issues.
congraturaltions though for having it done and being happy with the result.
I'm off to Harley street on Tuesday to see my dentist, no doubt I will be thinking of this
ps I may be back with more questions..........thanks!

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(no login) Re: My story November 18 2007, 8:17 PM 

You're more than welcome. It's great that you have a supportive husband who loves you for you. I agonized for a long time and I know what it's like not to have any one to talk to so if I can help you with any questions in any way feel free to ask.
Best wishes. x

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