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[archive] for those who had breast augmentation


for those who had breast augmentation
May 3 2008 at 3:27 AM beth  (no login)


Are you happy you did it?Any regrets?

How do your breasts feel?

Did it enhance your confidence?Sex life?shopping experience?

Any stress about something going wrong medically with the implants?

Would you do it again ?

Am debating just doing it and would love to hear your responses.



Author Reply
(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation May 6 2008, 7:52 AM 

I had a breast augmentation because I felt insecure. I don't have many insecurities but that was a huge one. I felt so boyish with a flat chest and that really bothered me. I don't have any regrets about it, even though they do look and feel a bit fake, because it banished my insecurity. I'm not sure if I'd have done it just because I had small breasts, but in my case I was boy flat and that was the determining reason. Yes I would do it again because being so flat justified the drastic step of the BA.

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(no login) thanks May 6 2008, 7:12 PM 

Thank you for responding

I agree with you on the insecurity thing.

how big did u go,like from flat to ????

Do they look real fake or feel real fake?

Are u happy with the size or would u have gone bigger or smaller?

and lastly did your nipples stretch or look huge?

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(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation May 8 2008, 8:12 AM 

Because I started from boy flat I went no bigger than a B cup. For this reason they do not look too fake. They do look a bit fake but it isn't too obvious. In a bikini I don't think anyone ever suspects that they are fake. The implants are hard though, so they don't feel like breasts would usually feel.
I'm happy with the size, because I think any bigger would look really fake on me, so for size I think I made the right decision.
The areolas are stretched yes, I don't think there was any way of avoiding that, but it isn't too bad and hasn't concerned me.

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(Login roakie99) Re: for those who had breast augmentation July 5 2008, 10:59 PM 

I hope you see this and respond. I am also boy flat and aged 54. I have been totally flat my whole life, except for nursing. Now, I am again flat as a board. I have been on 5 surgery consults, all to have implants under the muscle and no bigger than a size A or small B. I have been told that I will feel the implants and see the outline, but that otherwise, they will look pretty natural.
Somehow, I fear what the result will be despite what the surgeons say. When I lie on my back, there is just thin skin. There is absolutely NO breast tissue. How will I not feel the total outline of the implant? That is what scares me the most. I am constantly thinking of my flat chest, can never wear anything other than baggy clothes or blouses with pockets, and I am so self-conscious that I don't even want to go out and get a job. What will I wear every day?
Did you have silicone or saline? I will opt for silicone if I go ahead, under the muscle. However, I really worry that the feeling and sight of the implants (by me) will negate the whole surgery, and I will just feel like a fake and hate the look of them. Yet, this is affecting my entire life, even at this age.
Any advice?

(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation July 7 2008, 7:42 AM 

I had silicone because that was recommended for the more natural looking result and I also had tear drop shape implants. Did any of your consults deal with the tear drop shape? That might be better for you but always choose with care because the type of implants you go for can make a big difference. Of course you're always going to feel the implant no matter what. I think that part of it is unavoidable.

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(no login) having removal July 21 2008, 11:10 AM 

I had implants because of insecurity (I used to cry every time i returned home from an underwear shop) and it affected my life in a very unnatural manner. Low self esteem and hatred etc.

I had surgery at the tender age of 21 going from a 34A to a 34C and feeling ecstatic and at teh top of the world. My insecurity vanished and after many years I've realised how silly I was to feel so trapped and insecure. I am hopefully going later this year to have the implants removed. they look fine but feel horribly fake and I'm actually terrified of what state my breasts will go back to.

However, if they retract to a relatively normal state I think padded bras and chicken fillet inserts will keep me going. I wish I'd never had the implants done but at the same time I would NEVER have reached this place mentally if I had not had it done. Therefore I dont' regret it too much. We live in a society which is OBSESSED with large breasts and so what coudl a psychologist have told me to make me accept that I was "normal"?

Although I have reached this place and would wish that I could convince a younger me to never go for such an operation, I still reserve the right to have surgery again in the future if my self esteem ever hits the regions it used to be in.

I think the fact we still have sex symbols such as kate moss or kate hudson who are admired and desired with their tiny breasts means we need to teach our daughters to feel comfortable in their skin and to know their sexuality is not linked to the size of their bodies but how their bodies experience life.

And having surgery cuts away at nerves which help you feel and experience life. Some people more and others less. In my opinion you should only have surgery if youy cannot think straight and can't find your way to thinking straight about yourself and your body. I've been there and I know what it means but I would also want to convince the younger me that its not needed.


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(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation July 23 2008, 11:13 PM 

in response to sk i can totally understand what u are saying about insecurity and feeling good about yourself but at the same time i am just so confused about doing a ba.what if u dont feel good about yourself in clothes and we only live once and life is so short.i am 45 and who knows how long any of us have got left.why not live this life happily, i know its not all about body but this is getting me so down and depressed .i dont know what to do

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Cutie Pie
(Login cutie.pie) Re: for those who had breast augmentation July 25 2008, 9:50 AM 

To SK, thanks for your valued testimony. It's really useful to read what you said. And to lk, since you are tempted to have a BA, what is the factor which is holding you back from going ahead with it?

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(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation August 1 2008, 11:42 PM 

going under a general anaesthetic scares me and what if the end result loooks so fake has anyone read the article on fake boobs in todays daily mail very interesting

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(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation October 14 2008, 3:06 PM 

Hi there,

I think if you're being honest with yourself and those around you and not having a secret one done you can probably deal with it much better than I did. I just felt so dishonest about it all.

In regards to whether it look fake or not, it will always look a little fake and unfortunately fake isn't so bad as they appear perky etc. BUT to prevent too much fakeness, you need a great surgeon, you need to not go too large, you need to make sure you sleep on your back for recovery, you need to get low profile implants (instead of sticky out ones - my doctor never gave me that option) and then you have leave a little to chance and genetics. If you already have a bit of fat round there it helps, but even then your body will ultimatley reject these foreign objects. It just depends to what degree.

As I previously said, I'm having mine taken out and all the doctors I saw said "oh you're capsular contacture is blah blah blah" whatever dude! pamela anderson, posh spice, jordan, they ALL have capsular contracture and they've paid a lot of money for theirs.

Having had my own done I can recognise a boob job on a beach a mile away! (only in bikinis, I always hid mine very well!) not saying they don't look good but there will always be capsular contracture. just because doctors claim not to get complaints about it is because women like me don't care! We finally have ample bosoms! it makes us feel feminine and sexy etc. and if you're struggling with that and feel there is no way you can find a way out of it (counselling/padded bras/self help etc.) then go for it. I would LOVE to stop myself having had this done, but having said that, I remember the JOY and thrill of looking down at myself the first time after my op. It was amazing. But now I realise, that ultimately, no one can make you feel bad or good about yourself without you allowing them to. Its all in the mind.

good luck and all my love.

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recovering from implant removal
(no login) slight deformity after removal June 15 2009, 7:44 AM 

I had implants at age 21 - totally regret it. I had what they call capsular contracture really bad which meant that lots of scar tissue formed around the breast making them really hard. They were silicone. Also, I couldn't sleep on my stomach for fear they would rupture or push outside of the breast socket it was miserable. I so missed sleeping on my stomach. Anyway went back to doc they changed out implants for another set - same thing happened. plus i started feeling ill. After 4 year I just wanted them out so I did. The first few years I loved having those unnatural things out and my breast looked somewhat normal but I had the largest most unflatterting removal scar that itched like crazy for years. They were thick as ropes. So after dealing with that for several years. The girls and the scars were finally looking almost normal, small but normal. But then I lost a lot of weight and all of a sudden, the right breat started itching like crazy, my nipple went dark, the right breast wouldn't fill out anymore (pre-period) and they were starting to get more and more asymmetrical. To the point that I actaully considrered getting implants again. That's how bad they looked (look). I am now trying different forms of NBE because the docs have all told me once you form scar tissue you always form scar tissue some women just do that. And I now suspect that I'm estrogen dominant so that means no estrogen growth pills for me. All I want is a B cup to balance my shape. I'm 40 now and my boob journey has not been easy. But I am determined one way or the other to find some balance in my body.

So any ladies out there - get them is you want - but know that not everyone can carry them. some of our bodies actually reject them. And if your's do get hard and your'e in a relationship, not sure how teh guy is giong to enjoy the hardness. Breasts are supposed to be soft. I was actually single during the implants so I don't know for sure but think taht had a lot to do with me being self conscious not wanting a guy to touch my baseball boobs.

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(no login) Re: for those who had breast augmentation June 18 2009, 3:42 PM 

Thanks for your story, it is really helpful.

I have been trying to do NBE for about 5 yrs now, ever since my son was born. My boobs were saggy and deflated. I thought I would try NBE first, then if anyhting I could get impants later. I liked the fullness and perkiness that they gave. I was going to finsh all my pills and then save up for them.

My hubby says he would prefer me to do it naturally, so would I. However, after trial and error for 5 yrs I was getting frustrated. I dont have the money to get implants either which is why I dont already have them. I would just like to fill up the empty skin I have.

Now your post has made me rethhink my decision to get implants. I will continue to try different things until I find something that works and when I do find something that works, I should be prepared to take it for some time. I am thinking about 18 months to 2 years in order to see good results. Also, I would have to try not to get discouraged when I see others getting good results when I am growing slowly.

Most NBE programs take a while to work, results will not be quick like they are with implants. I think that is the main concern with people. I know I have to get bigger breasts and will not be satisfied until I do.

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(no login) i have them and i love them July 2 2009, 6:13 AM 

i got them done 4 yrs ago, 32a now a 34c, saline water, i love them!!! cloth look way better with big breast, make sure that the do the surgery by YOUR ARM PITT~~~ NO YOUR NIPPLES!!
you will loose sesibility, so arm pitts is the best way!!!
i made me so happy!

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(no login) Getting implants tomorrow July 8 2009, 3:43 AM 

I have been doing NBE for about a year now. . . VERY little time compared to others around here! I didn't even gain a millimeter of growth, and I really tried. I did herbs three times a day, massage with my own boobie batter, heating pad twice a day, chicken feet soup, other proteins and seafood, hypnosis, and I can't remember what else! I am soon to be 27 years old, and money wasn't the big issue for me when it came to implants. I tried natural for a while and it didn't work, and I was just plain tired of worrying about my breasts and being insecure. So, I took the plunge and made a consultation appointment. Now I am getting my surgery tomorrow, and I am so happy and excited that I am finally doing it! I am a 34B right now, and as of tomorrow I'll be a 34D. I am getting saline through the armpit (transaxillary). I am a little worried about my body rejecting them or about capsular contracture, but after thinking very hard about it for a long time, it's a risk I am willing to take. The percentages are low, and you only live once! Wish me luck ladies!

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(Login breastexplant) Re: for those who had breast augmentation July 16 2009, 10:24 PM 

Had them placed when I was 18 had them removed when I was 31. Regrets? I was lucky to have no problems with them other than bottoming out, rippling. It was to the point though that my body was getting really sick of them, I started getting a persistent rash on my chest and I could "feel" them inside me, very bizarre feeling. I just HAD to get them out I couldn't tolerate it anymore.

I look like **** now but I'm just glad their gone. Now I am trying PM, and will get another minor surgery to remove some excess tissue. Other than that i have to accept what I have, its tough but I am thankful I didn't get physical symptoms from them.

I would never get them again.

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(Login beautyislife) for those who had breast augmentation February 25 2010, 2:14 AM 

I have had my breasts augmented. I am happy and I don't have any regrets. I can say that it enhanced my personality, especially in the aspect of boosting my self-confidence. I am confident in facing different kinds of people now.
I don't have any stress-related problems. I am fortunate to have a surgeon who takes good care of me before, during and after the operation. From time to time she checks on my condition. That made me feel better and secured. My surgeon uses high quality of materials. And if by any chance, I will do it again with the same surgeon. I want to say my thank you to Dr. Diana Breister Ghosh

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