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Avent Niplettes


Hey y'all, just wondering if anyone else on here heard about Avent Niplettes. It basically works the same as Noogleberry, but was specifically designed to correct inverted nipples, rather than make them larger or manipulate the entire breast. I does this by placing a small plastic thimble over the nipple and applying suction, which gradually coaxes the nipple out of inversion. Inverted nipples are caused by shorter milk ducts, which keep them from popping out as they grow during puberty. This is actually extremely common, BTW.

I just received my package today and tried them on. They've received great reviews online and seem to work just fine. They remind me a lot of Noogleberry, but they're focused on a smaller area. Like, my nipples would expand a little on Noogleberry, but the suction wasn't concentrated enough to actually pull them out (and I understand that's not what they're designed for anyway, but I'm just trying to describe what it's like for those who might be familiar).

I think that if I could get my nipples to look fuller, perkier and maybe even have more depth in color (like by using a lip stain or even permanent makeup), then my nips alone would make me so much more satisfied with the look of my breasts! Just wanted to share these thoughts and see if anyone else addresses the look of their nipples as part of an overall breast enhancement regimen. Smile

Hi Linners.
I was aware of the avent nipplette system.
I recently ordered the Noogleberry breast cup system. Since I definately want to do some enlargement on my nipples, I also ordered the Nipple cups as well.
I recently posted on the mens section about an article I wrote. The article covers methods for pulling errect a inverted nipple, and enlarging the nipples. Perhaps you could pop over to it and take a read. If you have tried any of the methods please feel free to post a comment. Since you have the Nipplette system. If you would, you could posts some comments on its use, do and don'ts, and how it worked for you.
I would appreciate any constructive comments on the thread. I will keep adding to the thread as I find more information on the subject.
Here is the link to the article.

Anyone else interested, please pop over and give it a read.

Hey Andy, that was really useful information. I was especially interested in some of the hormonal treatments on that one Medica website. I was wondering if some of the stuff directed toward trans females can safely be used by genetic females. Here:

That stuff looks pretty hardcore! I'm considering starting bovine ovary at some point, having been on PM for a while with limited success. Is that stuff comparable to the effects of bovine ovary, or greater?

The nipples cream looked interesting as well. I wonder what the difference is.

Hey Linner, I must say I don't know. Their web site does not mention use by females. What I would be concerned about is the amount of Oestergens and progesterones in the product. This product was designed with males in mind. So the amount of chemicals in this product should ( I would think) be higher. Than what you would find in a female version of the same product. At least that is my thinking. Females would aready have these hormones in your body. You would not want to overload your endocrine system. Like so many, I have not heard of this product before. What I will do i e-mail the original reviewer of the nipple cream. He claims to have used it himself. And see what he says about the other products. In a few days I will be off and will look around the net to see if anyone else has reviewed these products.

Another thing, They mention that males cannot be used in the production of this product due to contamination leading to breast growth. I am not sure about that statement.

Maybe I'll find out more later.


The main reason I am doing NBE is because of my nipples. My areolas are a little puffy and my nipples rather flat so enlarging my breasts makes my nipples look a lot better. I tried the niplettes but it is hard to keep them on and they keep falling off. I still managed to keep them on for the minimun of 8 hours for 6 weeks and I do see a little difference. I wish I knew a trick to keep them on tighter because this definitly works and I would like some more improvement Wink

[/b]The creams would not be an option for me since I don't want my areolas any bigger.

Hi cousin rose.
I was just wondering. Did you try the NB system of pumping and then later pumping some more? I wonder if the tissue reacted to the pressure over time causing them to come off? I am courious because I have orderd the Nipple cups from NB and am waiting to try them out. So I am wondering if I will have the same problem.


Hey Andy, I actually have the nipple cups from noogleberry as well so I have tried both Wink

On the avant niplette it is better to use full suction to keep them on, otherwise it will fall of very easily. So I did put little pressure in the beginning, and after I while I put full pressure. With full pressure they stay on better.

Are you thinking about using the nipple cups from noogleberry with an airlock? I never tried that but I found the cups to be very large. I also tried using it with the black rubber thing that comes with it and then it is way too small.

I prefer the Avant nipletts to the noogleberry cups. They are the perfect size and comfortable to wear but they only hang on because of suction so they can very easily fall off, I am guessing the same goes with Noogleberry cups especially since the are even heavier. I was wondering if there was a way to keep the seal tighter, I know some girls used "it stays" after the Brava cups lost their stickiness and wondering if that might work on the nipple cups as well ...

Let me know how the nipple cups work for you and good luck [/b]Smile

Hi Cousin Rose.
Yes, I am going to try the nipple cups from NB. A few years ago when I first tried a herbal program. I didn't know what I was doing. The effort failed. What I did get out of it was errect nipples. Fooling around with homemade vaccum devices left on nipple slightly larger than the other. My goal is to even them out and enlarge them. As I posted on another thread. I like large nipples. And the extra sensitivity doesn't hurt while it lasts.
When I ordered the first time. I ordered the breast cups, nipple cups and one set of tubing with the vaccum pump and airlock. I realized later that this was a mistake. I was looking at the total cost. I then ordered another set of tubbing with another airlock. They were out of airlocks, but sent the tubbing. So I do have one airlock to use for now. I will order two more later. That way I can adjust the pressure in each cup.
I believe the nipple cups are a new item for NB. After they get more user feedback. They may make some extra parts. Like diffrent size rings for the interior. As for the weight. I'll just have to wait and see. I may have to rig up something so I can use them while I move around.


I used niplettes for about 2 years and never had any permanent fix. I had inverted nipple surgery which has helped but still not fixed it unfortunately. Nipplete is too big and sucks the whole areola into the cup which makes your whole areola a nipple basically. so now when they become aroused my whole areola crinkles up! not good. Wouldnt recommend it unless your nipples are very midly inverted. Mine were flat and it was useless frankly Sad xxx

I'm sorry to hear that, miserable. I know what you mean about it sucking the entire areola into the Niplette. Having used Noogleberry before, I reckoned that it was basically just causing swelling of the whole areola, making it seem more everted without actually coaxing out the inverted part. It seems like the device should have been about the size of your typical nipple area that sticks out, or smaller. I've noticed with these devices that it makes more sense for them to be thinner and stick out further than your natural shape due to the way that suction warps the skin.

Personally, I've been using the Niplette fairly regularly for about three months now (since I originally made this post). I miss a day sometimes, and I usually find it impossible to leave it on for the recommended eight hours (because they usually fall off after three due to condensation), but I have seen some progress. Looking at my nipples right now, having not used Niplette recently, they look almost exactly as they were when I started, Sad but the left one is a little rounder and perkier. The right one was always more inverted... I thought they were beginning to even out at least, but now I don't know.

I think I'll still end up needing plastic surgery eventually to fix them. I'd like to do some form of nipple eversion (I know there are a few different ways to do it) and I don't plan on having biological children, so I'm not worried about it. Also, did anyone else find that their nipples look bubbly when very swollen, like they were chewed on by a dog? Or is that just me? Dodgy I'll probably also get some dermabrasion to even out the skin surface of the inner nipple, which already looks like hell. I can't imagine what they'd look like when they come out.

Miserable, what kind of surgery did you get and what concerns do you have about its effectiveness? I was kind of hoping that this Niplette would work, so I haven't done too much research, but now with both our experiences I'll have to start looking into it. Do you have any advice for finding a good doctor or what questions I should ask? Thanks for putting in your two cents. Smile

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