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Question about noogleberry effects


Question about noogleberry
April 22 2009 at 2:03 PM StacyEllen (no login)


O.k., girls. Last night I decided to put my domes back on for an hour, with as much pressure as I could stand. I wanted to see if they would swell a little, and if they did, maybe I would try that every day. Well, with that amount of pressure, I got what many of you complain about, the rims felt like they were rolling in. I could tell that amount of pressure would ruin the domes pretty quickly. After 1/2 hour I couldn't stand it anymore, and I took them was scarey. It was like my boobs had died..they were bright purple! (how can that be healthy?????) The color died after about 15 minutes but my boobs weren't swollen at all, just purple. So I won't try that again.

My question is, when you girls use noogleberry, are your boobs purple like that? If so, I am not sure it is the answer for me. I don't think I could stand an hour of pain and "purpleness" every day, especially if the color lasts for a while, and then you have to be careful that your clothing is high enough to cover it.

Bear with my curiosity and questions, I have never considered using anything besides brava up until recently, so I want to know what I am up against if I order it.

One more get growth or even good "fluffing" do you need to use it every day (kind of like Brava, is it useless unless you are totally committed to at least an hour a day? ) I definitely couldn't use it every day...especially in the summer, I go away for a few days at a time to see family with my kids.

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(no login) Re: Question about noogleberry April 22 2009, 2:55 PM

Hi Stacey

You definitly should'nt be getting any pain or purple boobs. That's way too much pressure! All you should be feeling is "tugging". When I started I did'nt get any "sustained" swelling for at least a week or two. That's pretty typical. Also it's very subtle. They start to feel a little heavier. You noticed your bras feeling fuller. It takes a long time to see them looking bigger in the mirror. In fact you get used to it as you go along so they tend to not look any bigger. They sure feel different though. I get the best results when I use it three times a day for an hour each time. That's when my sustained swelling increases. I can keep my size steady, however, by using it thirty minutes a day, missing the odd one here and there. Your best bet would be to try and use it on a regular basis for a least a month. Then you will probably (not everyone does) be able to tell if it will work for you or not. Otherwise you're not really giving it a chance and you will never know for sure. Everyone responds differently so it's all one big science experiment! m

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Question about noogleberry April 22 2009, 3:55 PM

I have only used the noogleberry pump with Brava as a replacement for suction and withing the course of my Brava journey. I have no clue if an hour of suction everyday will create any sustained swelling in me once I stop. After all, I have barely gained an inch after 12 hours at 25 weeks! It might be a long while before NG will allow me a pumping-up that will work a few days per week!
With that said, I have a very limited range before the Brava rims roll in. I could definitely create more swelling and my breasts would be slightly read (not purple) if the rims did not start to roll in, but I can only go so far. That's why I think the domes without the silicone are the ones used for Noobleberry, since larger swelling than Brava is required in a short-term usage.
I don't know. I might rip the silicone off my oldest domes and see if it works.But, there would definitely have to be some padding.

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(no login) Re: Question about noogleberry April 22 2009, 4:30 PM

thanks for the info answered all my questions. I think I will give it a shot when I get home from my trip.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Question about noogleberry April 25 2009, 8:19 PM

This morning, at the end of my Brava session, I had decided for the last half hour that I was going to pump as much pressure as I felt reasonable to give my boobs a little boost. Well, I didn't even pump as much as I could stand and my breasts and the nipples turned dark purple (almost black looking). I got alarmed and immediately took the domes off. Boy, they appeared just like Stacy described - almost dead looking. I won't do that again.

So, I have a question. When I put my Brava domes on and pump with the NG pump, even though I pump hard, I don't start getting noticably large swelling until about five hours in.

If that's the case, how can women use Noogleberry for half an hour and get their breasts good size? And, when I take off my Brava domes after an hour if they are positioned poorly or full of sweat, I certainly don't have much swelling. So I don't get how 30 minutes to an hour will do anything to maintain swelling throughout the day once I am done with Brava.

I know it must work because the NG forum has many happy people, but is it because my breasts are still naturally so small?

This message has been edited by roakie on Apr 25, 2009 8:20 PM

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Question about noogleberry April 27 2009, 1:38 AM

I know what you mean Roakie. I have to have my brava domes on for a good long while to get any swelling, yet an hour or so of Noogling, and the swelling is much bigger than I get even after 12 hrs brava. Its hard to understand until you try it, but I think it must be something to do with how you suck a LOT more flesh in to the noogleberry domes due to how lubricated your breasts and surrounding skin is (you need to put a lot of moisturizer or oil to make a good seal). I notice that with brava, because of the sticky edges, it can only suction what's already inside the domes, so its not as easy for the skin and tissue to stretch, and the difference with NB is that it pulls all available skin and flesh into the domes, and stretches skin from between the breasts, to under your arms. You fill the domes right up, and I mean flesh pressed right against the edges of the domes, whereas with my bravas, it just looks like my nipples are being pulled forward. It just works very differently, but it's very powerful.

With all this talk of them though, when I get home from my holidays (I've been doing brava while on a long road trip), I'm going to break out my noogleberry, and start doing a session before brava, and let you girls know if it accelerates things...

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Question about noogleberry April 27 2009, 2:00 AM

That is a great explanation, tr1gger. You know what? I am going to order a set of NG domes and start doing a small session before Brava or during the day. I have so much empty space between my breasts that maybe it will encourage some more tissue growth over my bony sternum.

By the way - when you order the whole system, is there any little attachment that is meant to go between the tubing and the pump, or is the tubing a different size (larger) so it is easier to push on the end of the pump? Or, does everyone struggle to get it pushed over the pump end like I do (especially when I can't see without my glasses and it all looks like a big blur!)

This message has been edited by roakie on Apr 27, 2009 3:10 PM

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Question about noogleberry April 27 2009, 1:38 PM

ha, yes, it's a struggle to get the tubes on the domes (even though the tubing is in fact a little bigger). I leave the noogle tubing permanently on the domes, otherwise it requires boiling water to soften the tubes to get them over the dome connection.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Question about noogleberry April 27 2009, 3:10 PM

But what about the tubing onto the little nipple end of the pump? That is where I struggle. Is it meant to just push on there or is there something akin to the little contraption that fits on the top of the smartbox (the piece I lost!)

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Question about noogleberry April 28 2009, 1:04 AM

no, the noogleberry is a far more primitive contraption, I'm afraid. nowhere near the dollars spent on research, development and manufacture the brava had. it's a matter of warming the tubing in hot water and jamming them on. the 'nipples' on the domes are about the same diameter as the on the pump, only the plastic isn't quite as smooth, so it's even more difficult to get it on. I just leave the tubing on mine. theres no need to take it off, really.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Question about noogleberry April 28 2009, 3:47 PM

tr1gger -

Does the noogleberry cause so much stretching of the skin that you worry at all about sagging breasts or stretch marks? I certainly don't need more of that! I am ordering the NG domes today but want to make sure I don't overdo it!

Also, it looks like the NG domes are much smaller than Brava domes. Am I right in my conversions that a medium dome is only about 4.5 inches wide?

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Question about noogleberry April 29 2009, 2:11 AM

yes the medium domes are smaller than the bravas. I haven't heard of anyone damaging themselves yet (aside from a bit of hickey marks etc). I'm sure you would feel it if you were doing too much damage.

February 17 2009 at 11:08 PM Dulce (no login)


Hi all. I don`t know what to do with the redness. I have amazing swelling, but the redness remain, and here is summer, I can not go to the beach. I don`t have redness when I pump gently, but I get no growth. I wait you can to help me. Thanks

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Untitled February 18 2009, 3:11 AM

Are you using Brava? Are you talking about the redness that lies underneath the silicone rims? Have you tried covering your skin with zinc oxide after you take the domes off?

(no login) Re: Untitled February 18 2009, 7:40 PM

i use nb. thanks for your answer. I don`t know what to do with the redness. I have swelling, but the redness remain, I can not go to the beach. I don`t have redness when I pump gently with nb, but I get no growth.

NB newbie asking for some basic advice!
April 29 2008 at 7:16 AM
Pearl (Login PrincessPearl)


Hello everyone, I just got my NB and I am using it for the first time. I have a question: How long to you keep it pumped before you let the air out and start over? The directions say, to let air out and start again. Thanks for the info!

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(Login babyboo.) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! April 29 2008, 12:15 PM


im a newbie too, i got my nb last week wednesday, i was pumping for15mins 3 times a day untill saturday. i pump up then hold for1 or 2 mins then release and continue like that.. now since sunday ive been trying to fit in a 1hr session 1 a day besides my other 15 min sessions and i try and keep it pumped up for the full hr and keep sucing out the air every so often.. both me and my husband av noticed a difference so far so good.. i cant wait to see my progress in a month or so


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(no login) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! April 29 2008, 4:18 PM


I've tried both (pump and release and pump and hold). I seem to get about the same swelling either way. Even with pump and hold I find I have to repump occasionally as I lose pressure over time.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! April 29 2008, 8:31 PM

Thanks Baby and Jen Jen. I seem to be struggling with just getting it airtight for 20 minutes. I hear they are coming out with a soft o-ring for the bottom near the skin, maybe that will help with the problem. Or is that what you girls do? Does the air come out all the time, making that fart sound?!

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(no login) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! April 29 2008, 8:50 PM

I had problems keeping suction at first too. Everyone on the NB forum said it would get easier, but I couldn't see how. Sure enough, it's no problem now. I'm not sure why. Maybe your skin gets stretchier and you get a better seal over time. At first I needed to keep my hands on the cups or wear a sports bra backwards to hold them. Now I can type at the computer with no bra. just keep at it! Oh, and I have the soft rings now, and actually find it a little harder to keep suction with them. However they are far more comfortable.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! May 1 2008, 8:45 AM

That is great, Jen Jen. How long do you use it for?

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(no login) Re: NB newbie asking for some basic advice! May 1 2008, 2:18 PM

At a minimum, 20 minutes in the a.m. and 45-60 at night. I usually manage a full hour at night, and often get an extra 15-20 minutes during the day.

Noogleberry ?'s
April 24 2009 at 5:15 PM StacyEllen (no login)


Hi girls--

Question about noogleberry...from reading posts it seems like most of you need to pad the domes with something to prevent rash/help get a good seal....I do not easily get a rash. The only time I got a rash with brava was when the domes were really new and sticky or I was too lazy to use the nonstick prep wipes. Do you think I will have trouble with noogleberry? Maybe just using the nonstick wipes will keep me from getting sore? I don't have access to a yoga mat....I can't remember what some of the other suggestions were, but the easier the system seems to me, the more I am apt to order and use it.

Also, I imagine you must get the red rings, maybe more so than with brava since the suction is harder and there is no padding. So how long does it take for them to go away? If I were to use it for an hour in the morning, will I have to wait hours to wear a tank top? If so, I will only be able to use it in the evening, maybe before bed.

I have been getting so frustrated with my vic.secret 34C bras....I filled them out so nicely last month and now I am constantly adjusting them. I figured out the problem....I really need a 32C and I can never get them because no stores seem to carry them. It can even be difficult to find 34Cs in a lot of stores. Well, victoria's secret has every size on their website so I just ordered some 32C's!!!!!! I do have one 32C that I got on ebay and it fits me great, my cups are almost overflowing. (unfortunatly, even though the bra fits better, the smaller the band size, the smaller your boobs seem to look.) I feel like I look so small, because my boobs are all squished up into cleavage. I really want to try noogleberry!!!!!!! I think I am just absolutely addicted to the swelling of brava and so now even though I am technically so much bigger than years ago, I feel so deflated!!!! It would be awesome to fluff up everyday, even if I don't grow much. Noogleberry sounds almost too good to be true, it wouldn't interfere with life like brava does. And it's cheap! That's why I don't want to get a seems like there must be a downside to it.

Any input for my questions would be appreciated. Thanks girls!!!

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Noogleberry ?'s April 25 2009, 3:13 AM

Hi Stacy Ellen,

I'm sure some others will pipe up with their advice, but I'll share my experience. Rashes aren't a problem at all with NB, the only things of concern are possible little red dots (they look like hickeys) from applying too much suction and red rings. The red rings can be reduced with different cushioning techniques and even without mine lasted about an hour max. Most people do it first thing, so they're gone by the time for dressing. It's sometimes preferable to forgo the padding because you get better suction that way, but everyone experiments and finds their own techniques. The red dots can be avoided by not overdoing it (although sometimes its hard to resist when you see the fabulous swelling you get!).

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(no login) Re: Noogleberry ?'s April 25 2009, 12:04 PM

thank you! Sounds good!

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Noogleberry ?'s April 25 2009, 2:21 PM

I am so bony on top. I was just thinking that I bet there would be gaps under the rims, especially where the ribs come off my sternum since there is no fat in between them to make them level for the domes to fit on a flat surface. Does this sound crazy or have other women found this to be a problem if they are very thin?

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Noogleberry ?'s April 25 2009, 2:39 PM

hi Roakie

many people around your size do it (look at woman in canada's pictures, she's having results). Just get the right size domes, as what really makes the suction is the skin that get's sucked up creating a seal inside the dome. It's not really anything to do with how the base sits, otherwise none of us would get a seal! It's all to do with the flesh connecting with the edge on the inside which occurs by sliding the domes about as you pump, until the breast sucks up and they 'grab'. It's hard to explain, but you'll get it once you try. You definitely have enough tissue. Just get the right size cups, starting probably with the small or medium.

Noogleberry marks on skin
June 7 2008 at 9:54 AM Princess Pearl (no login)


Has anyone gotten the red veiny looking marks on their boobies from the NB suction? I don't remember anyone describing these. Looks like a hickey, but the parts I am wondering about are the what look like little red vein-shaped lines. I hope they don't turn purple like a varicose vein! Well, if nobody has the anwer, then stay tuned and I will let you know what mine do...

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(no login) Re: Noogleberry marks on skin June 8 2008, 7:42 AM

No but I've got a patch of puffy skin. It looks like it's going to turn into a blister. Is that normal?

(no login) Re: Noogleberry marks on skin June 11 2008, 7:21 AM

Dear T,

I don't know if that is normal, I am new at NB. If it seems like something caused by suction, well it is probably normal. I get little hickey type marks sometimes, I try not to overdo it when I first do the first pumps in a session, I wait till later when they are a little swollen to try to get the boobies to the end of the dome. Less weird skin color marks that way

I am just reporting in that those red veins did go away. WOW I was crossing my fingers that they didn't turn into varicose type veins!

I really love the NB! I am just bummed that the swelling isn't permanent, I am saving for a BB!

(no login) Re: Noogleberry marks on skin July 6 2008, 8:47 AM

Same thing for me. I got the same marks, exactly as you described, so because of that I stopped using the noogleberry. As you would expect, after I stopped using the noogleberry all results disappeared.

experiences with Noogleberry
April 15 2008, 12:38 AM esther (Login esthercpad)


Do your breasts look blue/red or does noogleberry give you mark after frequent using so you have to cover your breasts with clothes that are unrevealing?

(no login) Re: experiences with Noogleberry April 15 2008, 2:34 AM

I've been using NB for a month, and though I still am not filling out those A cups like I'd like to, I have seen a definite change in the volume of my breasts. It's especially noticeable from the side when I bend forward. This isn't the swelling either, this is right before I pump, at least 9 hours after the previous pumping. I'll report back in another month to see how things are progressing ...

(Login dandelion1) Re: experiences with Noogleberry April 15 2008, 11:31 AM

hi jenjen - how long would you say you use the system per day?

(Login boobylove) to answer your question esther April 15 2008, 11:09 PM

my boob are slightly bluish ... and have the cups mark around .
But never stay longer then 10 minutes ... and i normaly pump for a good whole hour. now on long term might the marks might take longer to leave but wouldnt think so.


(no login) Re: experiences with Noogleberry April 16 2008, 2:27 AM

I pump at least twice a day, morning and night. In the morning it's usually only 15 - 20 min or so. At night I shoot for at least 30 min, but usually make it for an hour. Also, sometimes if I'm home during the day, I'll sneak into the bathroom once or twice to pump for 10 minutes. I'm not sure how helpful these short sessions are as I don't normally get any swelling. But I figure it doesn't hurt.

(Login babyboo.) Re: experiences with Noogleberry April 24 2008, 12:43 PM

hi, i recieved my pump yesterday and ive used it 4 times so far and i love it, my boobs really sweled up but my only problems are that my boobs are really ichy after pumping and also that i have the large domes but i can fill them now so i dont know what to do.. both of the domes fit my chest and stay put very easy, im not a big girl but have a solid wider chest which i think meks it easyier. im really happy. just gotta find out bout sum bigger domes. my pump does make a slight squeck when u press it but nuthin to worry about wen im alone, and i use dax coconut oil to get a good seal, its a kind of vasaline texture and works really well...

im happy x

(no login) Re: experiences with Noogleberry April 25 2008, 7:26 AM

my boobs are a little blue after using NB but nothing terrible
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