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feeling nerve twitches????


For the past day or so I have been feeling these nerve twitches in my left breast....twitches isn't really the word but its hard to descibe...but its in the same spot that a good sign??? I wonder.....the twitches feel like a nerve vibration almost.....any thoughts???????

Is it like a tingling feeling?
It is a good sign! Means something is happening there lol

its kinda like a nervous nerve feeling or a mini spasm...does that make sense? it only last for a few seconds at a time and some days I feel it more than others.
I am a little bothered that it is only happening in my left breast but am not worried about it at this point. I will continue with the generic bo and possibly order UB from medplex in a week or so....

Mayette, thanks for your response....

Oh one more thing..I haven't felt the "twitches" in a couple days maybe it was something else...but like I said I am not worried at this point.....

hmm,I have felt those feelings to sometimes.
As for the feeling happening in one breast, I usually only get tingles and such in my right breast, which is fine with me because that one is the smaller one, but I do feel like both of them are growing. Have you noticed any change in both your breasts? How long have you been taking BO?

I started 1000mg on Feb a little over a month...I just ordered more(should be here in a day or so) and plan to up it by 500 mg when it comes in. I do feel a little fullness so maybe it is doin something. I am trying to decide whether to order more generic or go with UB...if I am having success with generic(which I feel I just might be since I am feeling a little fullness) maybe the UB will do better for me???? Oh decisions decisons.....what to do???? Whatever I decide I need to do it in the next day or so....the generic would get here in about 5 days but from what I understand it takes UB about 2 wks( i am in Ohio).....guess I need to just quit thinking about it and do SOMETHING!!!!

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