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BO Storage while on vacation?


I will be leaving on a two-week vacation camping trip next month and I am wondering how I should store my BO? I read that it's supposed to stay refrigerated. Should I store it in the cooler or would it be okay to put it in my suitcase?

Eek I didn't even know that BO had to be refrigerated. By store in a cool dry place I thought my room would suffice as we never turn the heat up past 66. I keep them in a box in the corner. How do you know when your BO has expired?

I never refrigerated mine either. And as far as expiration, the bottles should have an expiration date on them. Mine do, they say they are good until Jan 2013. And I've traveled with my bottles too, inside of luggage, they were not always in a cool place, and I know with shipping and such to here they were probably in the heat quick a few times, I think it's no big deal. The BO is suppose to be a dried supplement, so it should be fine.

I read that refrigeration is the best way to maintain potency, but I'm not sure if that is true. I've also read that it can be stored just about anywhere, and I just decided to put it in the fridge just in case.

Aside from the date on the bottle I'm not sure how to tell if it's expired... But I don't think it would go bad from being in your closet.

And thanks Anastasia - I'll bring enough for the trip instead of the whole bottle since we'll be in the heat quite a bit, just in case - I'll just keep it in my suitcase and not worry about it Smile

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