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My hair is excessively dry and the breakage I am seeing is horrible! I have very fine, straight, thin hair anyway, and once it dries it looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket because of the frizziness. I slept with one of those portable heaters on a table next to my bed over the past winter. (yes, I know, not smart. lol) But that is what I think fried my hair because I didn't have this problem before. I don't know what to do to fix it..I have been drinking more water, taking a multivitamin daily (both within the past month), and I just bought the Neutrogena Triple Moisture shampoo and conditioner along with Hask Placenta Leave-In Instant Conditioning Treatment to see if this will help. I have read through the hair threads on here and have a few questions....
#1: I have heard taking a multivitamin for hair, skin, and nails is good for this. I just got a jar of that also. Is it better to take this alone or along with a regular multivitamin? I use the Women's One a Day normally. My mother is the one who gave me the hair, skin, and nails one and she said to take 3 daily and take the Women's every other day. This isn't an overload?
#2: Should I add the MSM?
#3: Also, I have to wear my hair up for work. Is there anything that I can use that will cause less damage to my hair? I normally just tie it in a low ponytail...just have to be in loose bun so my hair doesn't touch my collar.

Try warming some extra virgin olive oil so that its warm not hot and use it as a hot oil hair treatment. Massage it through your hair and into your scalp them wrap your hair in Clingfilm like you have dyed it and leave it to absorb the olive oil for half and hour to an hour. To remove the oil use a moisturising shampoo directly to the hair DONT wet it. Then rinse and repeat. You may need to shampoo it a few times the oil can be hard to remove it usually take me 3 rinses them a deep conditioning treatment and use as instructed. This should go some way to improving your hair from the outside and compliment what you are doing on the inside.

Also neutral henna (which isn’t henna at all but a grass like plant very similar or of the same family or something) could help with the breakage. i say neutral so that tou dont go red but if you dont mind a new shade go for henna. I used to henna my hair for the colour, although I’m growing it out now, but my hair was the best its ever been. I would continue with the henna but everyone said although the red looks fantastic (it was the most beautiful mahogany red brown) it doesn’t look natural it looks like it’s out of a bottle and thus doesn’t look smart for work so stop it.

I use coconut oil to get rid of the friz, just put some on the palms of my hands until it melts and then comb it through towel-dried hair after washing. I´ll just leave it in, it won´t do any harm and you´ll smell a little of a tropical beach.
I have very curly and hard to control hair and this is what´s worked best for me.
As for vitamins, I´d stick with the hair and nails if you´re having 3 a day, if there´s no improvement in a month or two add the other one.
I don´t know about MSM but if it affects your hormones this could be changing the thickness and health of your hair.

This is the information that I have found on MSM, because I didn't really know what it was either but have seen it mentioned a few times. So, based on this, I don't see how it would mess with your hormones. Just didn't know if it was a good idea to mix it with UB or not. But have seen some people that have, so I may give it a try. I have been on UB for 3 days now. So, any help that I could get. lol. Will try the coconut oil. See if maybe that helps. I have some coconut milk anit-breakage serum that i bought at winn dixie a while back, used it like 2x and then quit. will try again and see what happens. Thanks everyone for the help! Smile

* It's used in the formation of collagen -- the "lattice" framework the cells fit in. Because of that, it's required in large quantities. It's a "macro mineral", not a trace mineral. (Vitamin C is a "macro vitamin", for the same reason.)
* It creates the flexible bonds between cells, instead of the stiff cross-linked bonds.
* That means it's good for flexibility and prevents wrinkles.
* I suspect that also helps ameliorate age-induced near-sightedness, which is essentially a stiffening of the cornea over time.
* It's very helpful for arthritis.
* It produces strong, healthy nails, hair, and skin.
* It promotes healing with flexible tissue. (Otherwise, scar tissue forms, which tears rather than stretches -- the typical cause of reinjury.)
* On the surface, wounds heal with healthy skin instead of scar tissue. Inside, muscles and tendons heal with flexible tissue instead of easily torn scar tissue.
* Because recovery from a workout is essentially a building process, MSM users report "no soreness after workouts".
* How good is it? They've been giving it to multi-million dollar racehorses for decades to prevent sore legs and promote muscle recovery.
* MSM is also an antioxidant, and it helps flush toxins.

That helps explain how it prevents muscle soreness, and why (along with Vitamin C and selenium) it would be good for the eyes. (The eyes see major free radical attacks from X-Rays, flourescent lights, ultra-violet sunlight. Vitamin C combats it, but destructs in the process. Glutathione peroxidase reconstitutes vitamin C, but it requires selenium, which is deficient in most U.S. soils -- hence the need for a selenium supplement.)

* Because the toxin flushing occurs through the skin via sweat, it's good for the liver. (Reduces strain on the liver, promotes healing.)
* Apparently, it "paints" the insides of your stomach and intestines, in such a way that it effectively prevents food allergies.
* Sulfur is also a major part of insulin. So MSM improves energy levels.
* I'm not sure if it's due to its insulin activity or to its intestinal activity, but MSM appears to have suddenly and dramatically, drastically reduced my sweet tooth. Could be that it is promoting the good intestinal flora. (Sugar promotes the bad ones.)
* I also notice that I feel definitely, totally full at the end of a meal, now, as in not wanting to eat anything else.
* Probably because it heals the mylein sheaths around the nerves, it promotes inner calm. (Alcohol wears away those nerve coverings which produces, quite literally, "raw nerves", irritability, anxiety, and anger.)

On the minus side, taking MSM in a pill does seem to promote indigestion, even though the long term affect should be help prevent it! It's sort of like exercise. It may hurt, but it makes you stronger. The thing is, if it hurts too much, it's because you're doing more damage than you can handle. So watch how you feel, and build up to the amount you need. (If you have problems, cut the amount in half. Keep cutting until you don't have problems. Then build up by adding 10% a week until you're where you want to be.)

A few years ago I had bald spots in my head from my hair falling out due to stress. My hair was falling out in handfuls anytime I brushed it, washed it, or even ran my fingers through it. Over the years I have tried many things. You need to read the ingredients on the hair and nail vitamins, find out what all it has in it. If it does not have MSM in it, you can add it, if it has it I would just leave it. As far as taking it with a regular multi, again read the ingredients find out what both the multi and the hair vitamins have that are the same and be sure you would not be overdosing on them when taking both, you can look up online the amounts that would be overdosing online. Now if the hair vitamin doesn't have it I recommend also taking horse tail and biotin, I get mine from swanson vitamins. As far as shampoos and conditioners, I have tried them all for hair thickening, regrowing, etc. I have tried every salon product there is for it. But surprisingly the best products I've found were much cheaper. I go between a few different ones now, switching up whenever one runs out. I like Main n Tail, use both the shampoo and conditioner, it's made for horses but worked wonders on my hair. I also sometimes use Patiene Pro V Full and Thick. And currently I'm using Loreal Pro Vive for medium to long hair that is damaged, I use the shampoo and conditioner and I also use the Loreal EverPure (it's a sulfate free one) hair masque, I use this 1-2 times per week.

My bald spots are filled in though my hair is not as thick as it use to be, it's getting there. I had my hair cut to my chin last year during August, it's now April and my hair is mid back. The horsetail and biotin make your hair grow like crazy. I also take a multi vitamin daily, I use centrum. Other than that I take flaxseed oil (mainly for heart health but it's said to aid in NBE also), I take collagen 1 and 3 tablets, they are said to help with hair, skin and nails, I have taken them for years now. And the other things I take are for NBE or sexual health. I take also maca (sexual health), Ultra Breast (bo supplement for NBE), and kelp to aid in my temp for the BO. I don't believe the maca, BO and kelp help with my hair, but believe the other supplements do.

Now my hair falls out at a normal rate, when I take a shower now maybe 5 strands at most I'd say, before it was hundreds! I have naturally curly/wavy hair that tends to frizz, the shampoos and conditioners I mentioned help my hair be less frizzy. I've also heard that the things these ladies mentioned help like olive oil, coconut oil, etc. I have never personally used them but may in the future. I also heard caster oil helps, and that magic stuff, forget the name of it, I think egyptian magic? I have some of it but I use it on stretch marks and other scares. It's said to help many things including hair. I'm now growing my hair long so we'll see how well these supplements do. So far so good though, I'm gonna grow mine to a lil past mid back hopefully and grow out my layers.

Thanks for the input everyone. Haven't tried to hot oil treatment yet. Went and got my hair cut (about 2 in) a couple days ago. Spoke with the lady at the salon and she said i should try redkin's anit-snap serum. have been using it since then and my hair isn't as frizzy as it was; so that is a major plus! Smile
my hair is not falling out as bad as it was before either. hopefully it is all uphill from here!Wink

Hi, Anastasia, what is your dosage of Biotin?

umm not sure hun, I get my biotin from swanson vitamins and take what is recommended, it's one tiny pill per day

I also want to start taking Biotin but what confuses me is that the recommended daily dosage is 30mcg while swonssons and others have it in 5000 mcg!

I used a horsetails lotion few years back and I think it was working great, I didn't know where are horsetail capsules though.

I was reading about Mega-Teck (the one for horses actually Smile Has anybody tried it yet?

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