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Can't seem to find info on this....?


Went through all of the posts and can't seem to find anything about how much msm in pill form you should take daily. I bought the pills and not the powder. Also, it is ok to take these with UB?

Rayneskye, there are really no exact guidelines as to how much MSM to take. MSM has toxicity of water and it is almost impossible to overdose it. There are also no known side effects from it. I'd say the more the better for it's such a wonderful supplement.

BUT, I'd say also start slowly (like 3g/day) and ramp up if you wish. MSM is a powerfull detoxifier and if you detoxify too much all at once you don't want all that stuff to circulate in your system all at once (when you start though do take a lot of water - which is good for NBE as well - to flush out the toxins). I started with 6 g/day right away (2g x 3/day) and was ok. But I also put my hubby on it and at 6g/day he ended up with headaches for a couple of weeks which I assume was the result of such strong detoxification.

But I'd suggest you buy powder next time for 2 reasons: it's a lot more economical and it's more pure. My first MSM was 1 lb container of Vitamin Shoppe brand (which I calculated to be 4 times cheaper than pills), and now I bought Swanson's which is half the price of Vitamin Shoppe's.Wink

Oh, also take Vit C with it - MSM and Vit C go together as "hand and glove" - they amplify each other's benefits.

Thanks for the response. i am currently taking 1500mg of the msm and 500mg of vitamin c 1x daily. we shall see how that goes. Smile

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