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NotSoBusty's Routine

Hi lia90,

I am not too familiar with maca. I have never taken it. So, I cannot offer you advice regarding your experience with it, unfortunately. I would suggest searching maca on this forum and reading about other girls' experiences.I can say, however, that if it has only been 2 weeks, it is definitely too soon to tell. It takes about a month for your body adjust to supplements.
The fluctuation you are experiencing could be due to where you are in your cycle. Most women experience swelling in their luteal phase (the two weeks following ovulation which happens mid-cycle), and this swelling usually leaves during the follicular phase (Day 1: the start of your period marks the follicular phase, which continues until ovulation mid-cycle).
Also, starting out as AA is not easy. You will most likely not experience mass amounts of growth really quickly. I started out as a AA, as well, I accumulated all of my growth over a span of 5 years. NBE takes a lot of patience, especially the smaller you start. Women with larger busts or women who previously had a large bust respond really well and rather quickly to NBE. Sadly, it is just not the same for those of us starting at smaller sizes.
PM would be a good place to start, and it can help you get past the AA barrier. It definitely wouldn't hurt! You just need to make sure that you do your research and formulate a program that is relative to your body and your needs.

Thanks for the info, NotSoBusty. When I stopped with the chicken feet soup and tofu for about 2 months, I was still an A cup. Until I started maca, I notice I shrunk back to AA Sad.
I think I'll increase the dosage for maca and see how it goes for a few more weeks or longer, depending on the effect, before jumping for PM. I did do a lot of research on maca and PM before I started maca. My original intention was to start maca to balance my hormone before getting on PM. I didn't want to risk being estrogen dominance. There's a message board where a girl used maca and ainterol spray and achieved great results. I'm considering doing something similar to hers after a few more weeks on maca alone.
Still being positive though, especially after reading your and other girls' posts Smile.

Good luck with your program lia90! I hope it works for you. Smile


Today is the 5th day of my cycle, so it is measuring day! The past couple days my boobs have been feeling a bit deflated. I also over pumped a few times, and since having corrected that, they seem to be filling up again. I also might be hitting some sort of plateau or stalling out.

Okay, so measurements for cycle 10:

Current Bust: in-between 35.25" and 35.5"
Current Underbust: 28"
Current Overbust: 35"

So, my bust isn't quite 35.5, but it falls somewhere in between. Bras are fitting my funny, as I am in-between sizes right now. 32B's are way too tight, but 32C's don't necessarily give me the best shape or cleavage. Unpadded 32C's fit plush to my skin, nothing spectacular (I would love to have cleavage in a non-padded bra Dodgy ) 32C push-ups seem to fit the best right now. The padding fills the extra space that I am missing to be a "full" 32C. I took a picture of me in a cute non-padded 32C bra, and I attached it to this post to show what I am talking about. I also fear that VS does a little but of "vanity sizing." Sad
Oh, well, growth is growth and progress is progress. I would NOT have filled this bra anywhere near the same about 8 months and almost 2 inches ago!

I got my CL's in the mail yesterday. Like others warned, they are definitely deeper than the L's! I have so much room to fill!! I also have trouble keeping them on without over pumping, so this is going to be a long transition from M's to CL's....

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

SOOOOOO yeah. I have definitely stalled and hit a plateau. blah. It's cool though, because I know it's not the end of the world, and I just need to take a break from NBE. This is coming in good time, because once I finish this 3 month PM set, I will be heading out for the summer and will not be able to do NBE. I considered getting a cream to use after my showers, but I think an overall break from everything will be a very good thing. Hopefully it jump starts my growth when I resume in August. UGH I am going to miss this so much this summer! What am I going to do with myself for 3 whole months?! I guess I will be a good test to see if results from PM are permanent Tongue. Fingers crossed!

I only have this week left where I am able to noogle, so noogling will be cut out even earlier! Sad I am moving next week, and I will not have my own space until August, really. So yeah, bye nooglebery. It has been "swell." (I couldn't help myself....)

I will obviously still be frequenting this forum and updating if anything happens boobie-wise, because let's face it: I'm a breastnexus addict. I am going to continue my research for my re-vamped program for the fall. Right now I am either going to continue with PM or change to back to herbals. I am not quite sure I am ready to make the BO jump yet.

Boobie talk for this cycle:
Due to the fact that I am clearly stalling and this is a sign of too many hormones, etc. I stopped taking PM on day 12. I read about a woman who had short cycles like me, but when she stopped earlier rather than later, her cycles returned to normal. It was on the old forum, so I can't remember where I found it. Anyhow, I am hoping it is the same for me. If not, I have stalled anyway, so I am really just finishing up this 3-month cycle in whatever way my periods decide to deliver themselves. I am not concerned with the length of them at the moment, because I know they will return to normal once I stop.

*sigh*.....boobies of mine, you take a lot out of me sometimes....

Aww, well I hope you enjoy your break! Big Grin NBEing can sometimes be too much...Dodgy Get lazy at times and therefore see myself getting forced to do things. The other day I was SO LAZY, but yet noogling, and I told my husband, "I'm getting really tired of this" and he said, "Well, you are not going to get anywhere if you stop." It may sound like a simple statement, but it is obviously true and knowing that he is being supportive motivated me and now I'm going emotionally back on tract Big Grin
Can't wait to hear how your boobies like the summer break!!!!

That is SO true! The worst thing that can happen if you keep up with NBE is that you grow boobs!! I am definitely glad that I stuck with is through all these years. In retrospect, I took a lot of breaks in my journey, and I always had a growth spurt when I started back up again. So, hopefully my boobies will respond the same way this time! After they enjoy their summer off in the sun, of course. I swear I spoil these things!!
I think I am going to tell my boyfriend when I move to the same town as him this Fall. It will make my noogling life soooo much easier! I am so envious that your husband already knows. How did you tell him?

Haha I was already NBEing when I became interested in noogling. He was already aware of me and NBE. So when I told him about it, he wasn't surprised. He was just concerned for my health and needed reassurance that no harm will be done. The way I told him about NBEing from the start was just an honest conversation. I told him I had a low self-esteem because of the size of my breasts. He said that I was perfect, but I told him that I wasn't doing it for him, that it was for me. Of course, since he cares for me, he approved, accepted, and supported it, but still worries that something will go wrong. If your boyfriend cares for you, there is no doubt that he will be fine with it. If you are 100% sure he will be okay with it, JUST GO FOR IT! It'll be a huge relief Big Grin

AHHH you are so right. I just need to suck it up and tell him. I think he suspects it anyway. He has to.

Sometimes I catch myself explaining very random and obscure facts about hormones and what binds with what to create what. For example, the other day there was a commercial for testosterone supplements for men, and they mentioned that breast growth was a side effect. We both acknowledged that fact in the commercial and that it was strange that testosterone would result in boobs, but then I went on to explain how eventually it could be converted to estrogen through a series of events, thus resulting in breast growth. Whoops!

That and we talk about my slight boob growth a lot and he knows I'm insecure about them. He also told me that my bra was definitely too small for me the other day, because they have been growing. I told him awhile ago to massage my boobs whenever he wanted because it would "make them grow", but little did he know I was just being lazy in my routine and getting him to do my massages for me (I thought I was pretty clever with that one...).

So far he has just thought that it's been his massages that have made my boobs grow, but I get the feeling that he's been watching me take my "vitamins" and developing suspicions. Tongue If he hasn't figured it out already, I could probably get away with murder without him noticing!!!

Gosh, I have been on a hiatus, and I miss this forum already! Only a few days, and I feel like I am having withdrawals! I am LOVING the influx of new members, though. It gives me faith that the money-hungry pharmaceutical/biomedical market will lose its pizazz, and more women will realize that they don't have to subject themselves to harmful surgery. I also really want the objectified image of women as sex objects with huge, fake tits to lose popularity, but that is just a wild dream. Either way, welcome to all the new members!! Smile I am so glad that you decided to go the natural route.

I have moved out of my apartment and am couch surfing until the end of exams and graduation. Then, I am hopping between family houses until I leave for the summer in the end of May and return in the end of July. So, needless to say, all NBE has been brought to an abrupt, untimely halt. I didn't finish my round of 3 months, but rather stopped at 2 because I have been sooo busy with school, graduation, and moving states in between it all. This also means I didn't measure for awhile. With that being said, I have been feeling all kinds of sensations in my little ladies. I got a chance to measure a few days ago, and I measured dang near close to 35.75". I had to flatten my nipples to get to 35.5". ALRIGHT! Big Grin I am also not in my luteal phase yet, either. I plan on using PC for the next two months during my luteal phase, then nothing at all for the third month of summer until I begin NBE again. It's weird, because even when I took Greenbush herbs and would stop and take a break, my boobs always grew the month or two after stopping. Hopefully this trend continues!

I went to VS on a hunt for a strapless bra, because I haven't had one in awhile and it is summer already!! I want to be able to wear my cute tanks, and I hate it when my bra straps show. Anyway, same story. Every 32B I tried on looked completely ludicrous, but 32C's were not quite right unless they were padded. I did, however, have to buy a 32C. WOO HOO! Next Fall, I will fill that baby with cleavge! Cool

I have also gained a couple pounds, and I am fluctuating between 130-133. I have to say, though, that if I didn't weigh myself, I would have never noticed. It doesn't look as bad as it used to when I weighed this much. I look toned and womanly. My body just wants to stabilize here, so I may just let it. I still exercise (not lately though...), so I am going to continue to tone and keep a good level of cardiovascular health for my overall well-being and self-confidence. I just plan on being healthy this summer to prepare myself for the Fall. I can't wait!!!

On another note, I have been staying with one of my good girlfriends the past few days, and we are pretty open around each other. We don't bother covering up and being bashful when getting changed/showering or anything. Anyway, her boobs have recently gotten bigger, and she told me that she thought it was the birth control that she just switched to. I took a look at the package (I don't remember the brand, but it was a generic) and sure enough, high levels of estrogen. HA! I told her that was why. She has a beautiful, full 32C, and she is basically my body idol. Full 32C, tiny waist, and full/round butt. I. WILL. GET. THAT. BODY. I will. One day...

Anyway, sorry for the long-winded post. I needed a little motivation and pick-me-up since having stopped NBE for the summer, and checking in here always helps. <3 you all!

I FOUND MY PC!!! It was in the most random place, but I discovered whilst packing for my move a week or so ago. I started using it on the 15th day of my cycle, which was Monday. I also graduated from college on Monday!! Smile It's so surreal.

My boyfriend came in town last Thursday for my graduation and stayed through the weekend. That night, I was wearing my normal, comfortable 28D bra (equivalent to a 32B) and a chunky sweater (the weather has been so strange here, and it was cold--IN MAY!!!). He could NOT stop staring at my boobs, and later he started gushing about how he definitely thinks they are bigger and he could see them "poking out from beneath my sweater." HAHAHAHA YES! It made my day. Big Grin

I have been getting all kinds of aches and pains since stopping all supplements. My 28D bra is getting tight and small! I think I may have stretched it out. I got sized again at a specialty store, and since they don't carry 28 bands, they had to size me in a 30. However, last time I was sized in a 30 band, I was a 30C. This time I was a 30D!!! Which means in a 28 band, a 28DD! WHOO HOO! 28DD-->30D-->32C. Heck yes!! It is a small 32C, but they are definitely growing! I will measure at the end of this month to see if there is any measurable change.

My nipples have also become ridiculously sensitive, and they have never been sensitive in my life. HM!

I am also leaning toward WonderUp in the fall. For some reason, my gut is just telling me to try it, so I will.

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