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help please!


Could really use some help/advice. Started NBE Apr & had some small increase in size. I'm 41yrs old w 34AA maybe AAA with deflated breasts from nursing my girls for 2yrs total(not consecutive) & I was alomst a B cup before. I filled in a bit, not an outward growth. I used:
fenugreek 1725mg 1st month
3450mg 2nd month to present
SP 1725mg 1st mo
3450mg 2nd mo to present
WY 1725mg 1st mo
3450mg 2nd mo to present
red clover 1750mg to 2nd mo
3450mg present
EPO 1000mg
flax oil 1000mg
MSM 1000mg
GABA 500mg started 3rd mo
horsetail 500mg started 3rd mo (for hair)
multi vit
B12 1000mg liq. (for defic,)
folic acid 800mg (for defic.)
D3 10000mg (for defic.)
iron 27mg (anemia)
got a free bottle of healthy hair from greenbush, 1000ml of Fo-ti, nettle & SP combined take that 1x daily & mix into shampoo.( used a few weeks)

I have since lost any little gains I had in the past 1-2 wks. I emailed greenbush & asked if the SP in healthy hair extract could interfere with NBE & was told no, & I could never take too much SP.Also I got more fenugreek pills from puritans pride & those pills were 610mg each bringing daily intake to 3660mg a day. I was also doing massage & hyonosis but stopped also in the last 1-2 wks due to rash on chest ( from self tanner) & lack of time.
What am I doing wrong & any advice please. Should I try PM? I'm waiting for allergic reaction on chest to heal before starting massage w/ one of the "recpipes" from this site.
Sorry this is so long. I appreciate any advice. I'm very confused w all this NBE stuff.

If you're deficient in 4 measured things you're probably deficient in 25 things that weren't measured. I'd address that first with food sources, so you get the other things too. Try 2-3 eggs, 2 or more tbsp. sunflower seeds and 20 minutes or more unblocked sunlight. For iron 1/2-3/4 cup dry measure or 2-4 times that wet measure of beans or nuts total, including the sunflower seeds. For example pumpkin seeds, hummus, tahini or lentils, since these also have a lot of other good things. Meat and whole grain foods have some iron too, which could reduce that 1/2-3/4 cup a little. 1-2 tsp. or 2000mg or more flax for omega 3s. 3000 mg MSM. Also get fresh foods especially dark leafy greens like spinach and fruit. Many missing nutrients in those might be causing your problem. Continue to take B12 and D3 pills until the deficiencies are gone since those are stored over months and won't be fixed overnight, but otherwise that should cover your deficiencies. If you're vegan/vegetarian continue taking the B12 indefinately, or else get a lot more eggs and milk.

As for the herbs you seem to be taking a medium amount of everything whether it needs it or not. Fenugreek could be increased (but 3500 mg is enough), red clover could be decreased I think (but it probably doesn't hurt). If your estrogen levels are high and progesterone levels are low you could add something like dong quai.

Thanks so much for your reply! I'm taking 3000mg of MSM & trying to up my intake of protein w/ eggs, hummus, meat etc. Also having protein shakes when intake is on low side. Whenever various levels were tested they where always lower end of normal. I do think progestin only BCP taken yrs ago while nursing messed me up a bit. I' m just wondering if I could add more phytoesrogens. I do mix a fenugreek teabag in w/ my chai tea and take 2 ALA pills 500mg each a day. I plan on tweeking FG a tiny bit & starting massage w/ one of recipes found here. All small gains are gone & there is no tingling or tenderness at all now were there was since Apr. That never happend since my 1st pregnancy & I had 2.
Thanks again for your help. Sorry so wordy. Smile

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