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powder or extract


Hey all,

This may be a no brainer..haha.. but I am thinking extract is the strongest..I was thinking of using the spray but it only has 10 to 20% I was thinking well duh buy the extract and make it more potent..but not sure if powder is better ...this is to use of course as a massage and of course mix either one with an oil...but I was thinking extract would absorb betterRolleyes..some input pleaseBlush thank you..Big Grin

OHHH I want to know this answer too! I am going to be using the spray, as well, but was thinking of buying the extract and/or powder to add to cocoa butter for massage. Has anyone done this or had success with just the spray?

yeah I was reading that the spray has so much percentage and it cost so I was thinking the extract but wondering if it would be more potent..there is someone I have been talking too who has made a batter with the powder..she is going to get back to me or maybe reply to this thread...Big Grin

Definitely let me know what you find out! I'll be interested to know!

PM cream I buy from uk company is 25% extract and has worked wonders,

Its not the % extract its the way it delivers, also taking capsules, but cream works,

I am male and had growth within the month


Hi Julie,

What cream do you use..I use ainterol and I dont think it is that strong.

If I buy the extract I could make a stronger cream myself..right?

I do take pills too..I am female ...I upped my pills to 1500mg but I may have done it too soon..I didnt even realize I have been only taking PM for 2 wks straight I thought it was a lot longer then that...anyway..

when you use the cream do you get growing pains.. I get growing pains all day here and there..

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