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Is it possible to make your own PM cream or oil?


...that actually works Tongue I've noticed that very few people make their own, and I figured their might be a good reason why, but it would cost so much less if I could make it myself using powdered PM and a carrier oil. Maybe you can link me to a program from someone who tried this? A recipe of some kind would be great too.

Hi Mochaccino,

The traditional way is to make a tincture (hydroalcoholic extract) first:
Maybe Chiquitabella has already made it. If you read the rest of the thread, you will find the recipe we developed. You may want to use 50 vol% liquor, because good PM powder is made from the root.

Then you make a salve. My own kitchen chemist experiments on fenugreek are in the bottom half of this post:
The salve is at the bottom of the post.

I don't know if the miroestrol from PM will dissolve in oil directly. An extract in water was described in detail in the scientific publication I referenced in the discussion with Chiquitabella: (bottom right on the first page).
But you need a coffee percolator to make that (or a soxhlet extractor, if you have a lab). The extract in water is not strong. Susan (Beachbumbythesea) commented that the reason for this may be poor solubility of miroestrol in water.

I was worried about solubility too. If I do decide to make it, dosing might be really tricky with a homemade salve, especially because I'm starting out at such a small size. Anyway, thanks! This is super useful info Big Grin

I just looked up this basic video on making tinctures:
Just to clarify, if I were using a pint jar, like the one in the video, how much powder would I use. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be anywhere near half a jar.

BTW, I just read the post you linked to, explaining that miroestrol works best when it is processed by the liver. If I do go the PM route, I'll probably take some orally as well. On the other hand, PM happens to be the only herb I've come across capable of creating continual growth even when it's used only topically. Too bad the growth from topical use alone is usually so excruciatingly slow Sad

Hi again Mochaccino,

These are the calculations I did for Chiquitabella for 1/2 pint:
You would just have to double it for a whole pint: 1.67 ounces of powder for a weak extract, and 3.34 ounces for a strong extract. The powder would fill up 10 % and 20 % of the jars.

Both extracts were effective in the article I linked above.

Wow, sorry, I should have seen that recipe. I just wanted to add that based on the small amount of research I just did on topical herbs, creating a beeswax salve from an alcoholic tincture might not be the best idea for several reasons. Better safe than sorry. I think I might try making a liniment from rubbing alcohol and keeping it in a spray bottle. I would follow the spray with a carrier oil, like olive oil, for better absorption. I'm still super confused about what the dosage would be. I could look up the recommended dosage for those PM sprays, but who knows how their concentration compares to a homemade liniment Huh

I have done that for fenugreek, including the spray bottle. I just used the same dose as orally. The 500 g bottle is for a year, so make liniment for a year out of it. I flushed 3 times after steeping the flushing liquid for a day each time, to make sure the extraction yield was high.

Fenugreek in liquids stinks and stains Angry

I have never understood why anyone wants to mess about making their own extracts for creating a topical application product?

I know that buying the bulk powder is cheaper than capsules, but I've spent about £125 ( say 150 USD), including shipping, on PM capsules in a year.
The powder costs about half that I believe but then you have to buy the alcohol for the extraction, and the cream/oil to mix it with, on top, so the actual saving in a year is pretty small. Then you have to spend a lot of time in the makeshift kitchen lab to produce a variable product of unknown and unknowable efficacy.

It would be a lot simpler, and probably more effective more quickly, to simply put the capsules in your mouth and swallow them!
You can then see the effect a given dose has, and vary it if necessary.

If you insist on exterior application, PM is available in cream from direct from suppliers and at least that way you can be reasonably sure that the concentration of effective ingredients is a constant.

Just my thoughts Smile

Pansy Mae

Pansy-mae, i get where you're coming from, but I have a couple of good reasons. I already decided that I would take some internally if I decide togo with PM for my program, but I have an irrational and obsessive hatred of pills. Also I want to be able to raise my dose in extremely tiny increments when necesary, maybe as little as 100 gm at a time. When it comes to including a topicak component, why wouldn't I? Most people seem to need it.Making a basic liniment is extremely easy, it just has to sit around marinating for a long time. Thats fine with me because Im holding off on startingmy program for another 2 months. It seems like you think this version of a PM program would be extremely difficult and time consuming, but actually I think it would be stupid easy, not to mention cheap. Whats wrong with that? A years worth of PM, including all the little doodads I need to make the liniment, is going to cost me a maximum of $75 (£45), includig shipping. Thats a far cry from the 600 to 800 per year I was originally planning to spend on Wahaika's recommended plan. As far as the idea that professional creams are more reliable, iwouldn't count on it. It sems like not many are standardized for active compounds. Anyway, howdid you manage to spend only £125? Did you decide not to use any topicals at all?

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