Lymphatic massage technique
The lymphatic breast massage involves general
breast health and care, by assisting the lymph
fluid to move properly in the lympatic vessels
and towards the nodes where it gets filtered (as
they can get restricted in everyday life due to
clothing, bras and lack of movement).
It has been proven to assist in promoting healthy
breast tissue, reduce fibroids and cysts, relieve
the pain and discomfort associated with PMS or
from compression
Lymph Nodes from bras, relieving the
pain and tension from
stress in the muscles of the chest wall, assist
in healthy tissue regeneration and scar reduction
following surgery, and as a logical proactive
step against cancer and other diseases.
First, see the
Figure "Lymph Nodes", showing the lymph
node "network" in the breast. The lymphatic channels
drain the excess fluid which bathes the cells of
breast tissues. The main function of the lymph
is to trap infection and foreign material by
acting like a sieve. The lymphocytes in the nodes
produce particular antibodies that help to fight
infection and provide immunity (resistance)
against infection.
Step 1
Massage suggestion:
See picture "step 1":
Move your fingers around your breast in a gentle
motion. You can do this
with your favourite
"boobie lotion" (or you can even do
this in the shower or bath by just lubricating
your fingers with a little bit
of soap to make gliding a bit easier).
See picture "step 2":
Starting with your right hand, using your fingers
spread apart, follow the groves
of your ribs from the sternum, beginning
Step 2 just below
your collar bone, and move outward toward
your right breast for one
or two inches. Gradually shift your position
working your way down the sternum; following the
rib groves out as far as is comfortable. Repeat
the left side.

See picture "step 3":
Apply very,
very light touch to the breast, smoothing the
tissue away from the nipple. Moving the lymph
from the centre of your
breasts outward to those all important
"stations" located along the sides of
breast and underarm, makes this a very necessary
movement. You might want to visualize all the
lymph fluid moving from
your breasts, outward, to these stations, Step
while you do this technique.
See "massage video":
Finally see "massage video" for a
useful demonstration of 4 important
massage moves.
This suggestion regarding the lymphatic massage
technique was strongly inspired by the page in
the link given below and this is where I gathered
the most important points.
Massage Video http://rt0028qa.eresmas.net/breast%20massage.htm