First off, hops does nothing for prolactin. My current list of prolactin uppers is here:
Undigested hops is an anti-androgen, and digested hops a phyto-estrogen. I manage the side effects like this:
- sleepiness: take 1 hour before bed time.
- depression: use maca.
- headaches: increase progesterone, e.g. with fenugreek, or add a progestin, like fennel.
The alternatives as a phyto-estrogen are:
- PM (messes up cycles)
- soy (slows the thyroid)
- flax
- panax ginseng (estriol only: use every 1-4 hours, as tea or cream)
- yellow dock
- sheep sorrel
- milk thistle (liver cleanser too)
- red clover (phyto-progestin too)
- licorice (phyto-progestin, anti-androgen, and inceases prolactin too)
- turmeric (strong phyto-progestin too)
- thyme (strong phyto-progestin too)
- vervain (verbena officinalis, strong phyto-progestin too)
- yucca (strong phyto-progestin too)
- shatavari tea
- wild yam (not a phyto-estrogen, but contains diosgenin, and a 16α-hydroxyestrone blocker)