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Million doller question?


Hi everyone, i suppose this is the million doller question, is there anyway to tell actual breast tissue growth and temporary swelling apart. Is breast tissue heavier or does it have a different feel to just swelling. I know alot of people using breast pumps have trouble telling if its perminent growth or just swelling. I know as a man i have developed alot of breast tissue but as i use my noogleberry so much i worry that half my size is just swelling. My breasts have always been quite light and its only recently that they are feeling heavier, they are not any bigger but they feel bigger if that makes any sense and i dont understand why. I know this is the question we would all love to know but does anyone know if there is a way to tell the difference between temporary swelling and actual perminent tissue growth. Good luck everyone. xxxx

A mamogram would probably be able to tell. It would be interesting to see what swelling shows up like on the screen, air?

I decided not to get mine annually because I believe they are not as safe as once thought, so I won't find out for a couple of years how mine differ from the one I had last year.

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