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Brand New User :) Few questions


Hello ladies,
I will post starting pics soon, so very excited about my journey.

I do have a few questions though....

First is regarding PM, I have some capsules and am ready to go, but I'm worried about fertility, not now but in the long term.
My partner and I don't want kids for another 3 or so years, I only plan to be on PM for one year, but will if affect my fertility long term? Does anybody know or have any experience in this?

Second question is...
How often should I take PM? I'm starting on 500mg building up to 1000mg, but do I take them every day of the week?all month?



Welcome stargirl,

PM really took off on this forum less than a year ago. Not many women who are still posting took it as far back as three years. I made a list here:
An effect on fertility has been found in mice at 100 mg PM a day per kg body weight:
Assuming you weigh about 50 kg, that's 5,000 mg a day. Nobody here takes that much. The effect was not there at 10 mg / kg BW, or about 500 mg daily. Nobody here takes that little. So it's a judgment call.

How to cycle it is here:

Thankyou Isabelle.
That did put my mind at ease.

Another newbie question...but do you think 6 months on PM is long enough to see results? Or should I do the whole year?

I'm going to noogle aswell


Yes stargirl,

There are very few women who didn't see results after 6 months on PM + NB. But without knowing more about you, it's hard to tell what this means for you.

If you break out, add spearmint tea or saw palmetto tea for the first 6 months.
If you have tubular breasts and/or PCOS, look for a program that targets progesterone. Do not use PM.
If your Body Mass Index is below 20, gain weight.
If you don't swell on NB, add 3 g goat's rue daily as tea.
If your diet is high in simple carbs, change it.
Take a multivitamin with enough B6, B12, folic acid, and zinc.
Read PM programs of women who use the same birth control.
If you don't eat enough protein, try 10 g L-arginine daily.
Avoid running marathons and long hours in the gym.
If you have ever been diagnosed with a hormone disorder, fix it before PM.

OMG Isabelle thankyou!!
Pretty and smart ~ winning combo lady!

Will write up stats and post pics soon, can't wait to join you all.

Good info there Smile I am below 20 BMI and don't always get protein each day, but my diet is generally good. If I am taking a B complex do I need to switch it to a B6 or just keep going with that?

Hi Babakins,

It's OK as long as there is between 2 and 10 mg vitamin B6 in it.

Thanks Isabelle!

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