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Program suggestion.


Hi everyone,

I'm 21 year-old, 160cm (5"2), 51kg.
My current bra size is around 32B, and my goal is 32D~E.
I'm so self-conscious and feeling so uncomfortable with my small breast size...Sad
I'm taking Monthly injection of Injectable Contraceptive (Combined Injectable) but I will stop it in the next month (JULY), cause I'm moving into another country for continuing my education, and by then I will not have my boyfriend around and so no regular sexual activities.

I had tired to take Breast success tablet for like consecutive 3 months (stop taking 5 days when my Menstrual Cycle starts) before..which totally messed up my period and made my urine very yellow and smell like chemical, plus it didn't gave me any very noticeable result... My last period was on 12th of April, I've stopped taking those tablets like 2 weeks ago, my urine smells less likely like chemicals but my period still hasn't came. sigh.

I've read a lot of threads in this forum, and just discovered there's a lot of different kinds of supplements / herbs / hormones out there like fenugreek, goat's rue, red clover etc. and of coz, the well-known PM, which promote breast growth.

as I'm new to this NBE and PM thing, I've no clue what and how to start with.... and what combination of pills and the cycle give the best result.
Any suggestions? Thank you <3

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