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08-01-2013, 00:35
Frankly, it's embarrassing to see to 40+ person behaving childishly and throwing temper tantrums, I've witnessed it a few times both online and off. I feel sorry for their children sometimes. And I deleted everything, I don't know why it's still doing that. Sigh. But you're welcome, just wanted to clarify things up before others twisted it up.
Have a nice night and again good luck with your program.
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(08-01-2013, 00:35)Emily Loretta Wrote: And I deleted everything, I don't know why it's still doing that. Sigh.
Did you delete them from your "Trash Can" too? Your Trash Can also counts toward you PM limit. That could be why the message is still appearing.
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09-01-2013, 19:41
(08-01-2013, 19:40)Misty0732 Wrote: (08-01-2013, 00:35)Emily Loretta Wrote: And I deleted everything, I don't know why it's still doing that. Sigh.
Did you delete them from your "Trash Can" too? Your Trash Can also counts toward you PM limit. That could be why the message is still appearing.
Yeah I did, but it was actually my 'Sent' folder that was full. So I deleted everything, it should be fine now. Thank you Misty!
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(07-01-2013, 04:29)Black Hippie Wrote: I have been here since 2009 and I honestly think people are a lot nicer and more respectful. I remember when there were a few ppl who used to Private Message user just to call them fat or accused them of promoting wrongful information. It absolutely ridiculous!
Seriously? That's so terrible! I can't believe people could be so crass towards one another on a site meant to help one another. It's one thing to call someone out on something, but to go outright and call them a liar or mock their weight or something like that? Sheesh, this is a site for improvement! I'm glad that sort of thing no longer happens (to my knowledge). And if it ever DOES happen, I really hope that people are reporting it.
I can honestly say that a lot of members here have argued one time or another with someone here, but it's also important to notice the difference between someone pointing out a concern of theirs, and people just outright insulting one another. I know I've made some comments before that have been taken not as critique (as they were intended), but as criticism and personal attacks of character. Which is why I feel it's important not to jump right to conclusions about what people are saying, and to read posts carefully. I've seen other peoples comments and personal opinions taken that way as well, even though I don't believe they ever meant it the way it was taken.
That being said, it is very discouraging to read some of the comments that actually WERE meant to be hurtful, because this of all places is not the site for that sort of behaviour. I think the best thing you can do it either try to help stop the arguing, or to just stay out of the way altogether.
Still, when compared to many sites and forums, I'd say this site definitely has much less of that sort of behaviour than most others. So maybe we should just accept it for what it is and be glad not everyone here is barring their teeth at one another constantly.
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Dude...after reading some of the stuff on BHM this isn't bad at all! LOL.
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(10-01-2013, 22:13)zormad Wrote: Dude...after reading some of the stuff on BHM this isn't bad at all! LOL.
I've stopped going there for that reason mainly. People would call me out on something, act like what I said was completely out of left field and stupid, and then...I prove them completely wrong, and they still continue to act like a darn child, like they're still right. I'm not sure if some of those people are just that ignorant or really, really bitchy. :/
In comparison, anything that goes on over literally nothing...
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Still, when compared to many sites and forums, I'd say this site definitely has much less of that sort of behaviour than most others. So maybe we should just accept it for what it is and be glad not everyone here is barring their teeth at one another constantly. [/undefined][/undefined]
I couldn't agree more. Overall, this site has been very encouraging, and eve has done a great job with the few discouraging people. Lol, I think I was just bitter about the few people who were trying to troll this website and the one person person gave me a very rude private message a few years ago.
[undefined=undefined]I wouldn't be discouraged if I were you, at least you know it works for you (although after a butt load of research I suspect it works for everyone but only some do it right). I haven't really read of anyone's results staying after only six months, that's usually when the growth kicks in. Especially for people starting out small, like us. Not to mention, chiyomilk and that other mmilk person, have been at it for a few years. [/undefined]
My program was 6 mouths. My growth went away after neglecting my program for over a years. Its funny, my goal size is the size most people are starting at. lol ^^ My biggest problem is trying to maintain growth
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Yup this place is definitely tame compared to some forums. I used to be on skincaretalk and it was monopolised by one person, a super high poster. She just plagiarised content from everywhere else and got on her high horse stifling others opinions and causing crap behind the scenes. She got very personal with many people, forged private messages and almost broke up one user's marriage! MY last straw was when she laughed about a burn I got on my face and suggested I use an acid on it!
I left because that sort of bad vibe is not good to be around. Calm thoughts and decent people is good. Nothing wrong with debate either it helps us learn and not follow like sheep.
The point is people like that eventually get caught out and if they tell lies those surface also. I just didn't expect the things we all discovered and admin had to ban her for life and get the law involved. Someone who pretended to be in her 30s to lure teens turned out to be a 67 year old woman, so it's not that rare! Scary stuff! Much nicer here
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25-01-2013, 23:31
(10-01-2013, 22:13)zormad Wrote: Dude...after reading some of the stuff on BHM this isn't bad at all! LOL.
lol BHM has it's moments but I <3 them girls. Someone had picture of me on their site and I never would've known if my girls hadn't been looking out for me. <3
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Be happy that you don't have that heavy responsibility on your shoulders. It's O.K. to be a follower sometimes. If people want to hog all the credit here let them do it (although I don't see it), I've tried to be persuasive at Black Hair Media but no one wanted to listen, too bad for them because I was trying to give advice on how to grow your butt, I've gained 5 inches in the past 17 months, but I don't care to give that advice to them anymore because they shunned me out because there were already "top dogs" who claimed I didn't know what I was talking about. IF there were people here hogging all the "fame" let them fall into their own trap of unhappiness when their advice finally isn't working for everyone and everyone abandons them just like everywhere else in life when a leader falls. Since they are willing to give, take, and IF they aren't willing to take, then don't give, simple as that. But again, I don't see that here.