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Summerglow's beginning of NBE


I'm slightly afraid if I exercise, I'll lose my butt. lol But it wouldn't hurt to lose some b/c I can't fit in my pants anymore.
I'm not sure where I gained it first. It seems like I gain it from my belly to my thighs. All my life I have been underweight, able to eat anything, skinny as a rail.. no butt or boobs. lol Just within the last five or six years have I been putting on weight. I'll gain, lose, gain again. Now I'm afraid I'll just keep gaining b/c the scale keeps going up.

37.5" I'm due to start any day but was curious what size these suckers were. lol They look nicer this size.. but still seem small.

I have kind of stalled on doing anything since I had the a bout with leaking green fluid. I did not go to the doctor and if I squeeze, some comes out but not much. Just a teardrop size. I wonder if PM is safe to take or if estrogens cause that sort of thing. I wonder if using a NB is safe?

I haven't even massaged thinking that would irritate things within.

I need to lose some weight and I want to reduce my waist and flatten my stomach. Is losing breast size inevitable? I need to be working on something for maintaining or enhancing breast size while trying to reduce weight.

Well, I lost five lbs and I can tell I lost weight in the breasts too. It's weird b/c not only does it look like it in the mirror, I can actually FEEL smaller just sitting around. I want to lose 8 more lbs. No telling what I'll look like. And you know what.. to have belly fat and big thighs and then lose what little boobs you have just seems unfair. lol

I've really enjoyed reading about your progress. I just joined and am waiting on my products to arrive. I noticed I ordered a lot of the same products you did (Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto and I ordered the Collagen too). I really hope I don't have a bad reaction to any of those. In the meantime I've been doing the chi rotations and the brushing technique massage along with scooping as of today. I was surprised by the cleavage I didn't know I had! I hope the fat will really move to my boobs. LOL I think you may be right about the small difference between a 32B & C because I'm a full C/small D now and I definitely am not that big. Not really small but I'd still love more.

But anyways I completely understand your concern with losing your boobs and butt from workout. I have worked out a lot and from my experience I tend to get curvier when I workout using weights. I guess it all depends on your natural shape. I've always had a big butt and small chest. When I do chest and glute exercises it will build the muscle to give a more lifted larger look...especially if you flatten your tummy and slim your thighs out. I hope you will have the same type of results when you start working out.

I guess I really need to look into what kind of workouts to do to sculpt what I have.

I put on a couple pounds with the holiday eating. I made sure to lose a few lbs before the holidays so I wouldn't go over a certain number with all the holiday eating! LOL After tomorrow I'll start eating healthier meals again.

I noticed in the bath tonight that my boobs looked larger than last week and with good definition in the middle. When I layed backwards, they were very jiggly.. like jello or like they were filled with water. Sometimes you just have to wonder what's going on in there. lol
I started the female deer a few days ago but have been doing it inconsistently.

I do a lot of Pec flies and chest presses. Pushups are great too but I hate them so I only do them about once a week. LOL I read it's best just to workout light to moderate. I love my high intensity workouts though so I still do them and be sure to do lots of chest and glute workouts to build that muscle up. If you do all cardio you will lose your goods. While laying down I felt my breasts and I noticed that probably half of my breast is all muscle tissue. I am pretty well rounded in the center too from the pec flies.

Yeah breasts are complicated. One day they look nice and full and then they deflate the next! Such a tease! I'm trying to eat healthier too since I'm doing a bunch of cleanses before I start. Should help grow them a lot

I've been hearing a lot about this female deer massage. I'll have to research it since that's all I'm doing now is massage and cream as soon as it comes in. I've had pretty good results my first week on my current routine (while still working out) but always interested in learning new stuff!

I'm wanting to start something up again soon but I want some advice. What seems to work best for ladies that have breastfed in the past and late 30's? Also, I'm probably small 32C at least on one side. I have an overflowing handful using my own hands. lol So I do have tissue to work with.

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