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Which brand looks better?


I wonder if anyone who uses PM or PM UK might be able to advise me how they do so? If I didn't know better I would have guessed to take 2 PM capsules and use the cream daily throughout the entire duration of my menstrual cycle. However, I've seen some contradictory information to this. Is it that I should actually start using PM on day 1 of my cycle and then stop after a certain number of days? Also, if this is the case, should I stop massaging with PM cream as well as stop taking it internally? Thank you!

Abi Drew,
I just got around to looking up St Herb - went to their web site. Their cost is $45.00 for 60 caps & they say to take 4 caps a day. That's quite expensive (15 day supply for $45). Do you get yours elsewhere? Is their product WORTH the price?
Thanks for your input.

(03-09-2013, 18:26)lostacres6 Wrote:  Abi Drew,
I just got around to looking up St Herb - went to their web site. Their cost is $45.00 for 60 caps & they say to take 4 caps a day. That's quite expensive (15 day supply for $45). Do you get yours elsewhere? Is their product WORTH the price?
Thanks for your input.

I don't use capsules... I use bulk liquid produced by st herb, though I bought my batch from a different site than their own.

I bought a 1kg container for something like $280 back in the beginning of the year and I haven't even made a dent in it.

At the rate I use it it'll expire on 20th Sept. 2015 before I've used all of it.

At 365 days in a year, and let's just round down to two and a half years and up to $300, then round the days off to 950... We're somewhere in the range of 32 cents a day.

The shelf life on the liquid is 4 years exactly. So if we get lucky and buy close to the time a batch is produced... we could potentially be spending less than a quarter a day for PM buying it the way I did.

Ainterol also sells a bulk liquid but charges significantly more for it while actually having less concentrated product. I calculated that using Ainterol's product I'd have actually used up a kg in a little under 2 years and at roughly $900 a kg that'd clock in at over $1.25 a day.

Most of the girls are spending what on caps? Going on the assumption of Ainterol's caps, 14 days of every 28 with 100 caps a container that's about 7 cycles or roughly 200 days... at $15 a container, about 8 cents a day. So wouldn't be worth it for them. You'd have to take significantly more before it starts looking like a good idea.

But if you're genetically male like me and might take as much as 5 or 6 caps a day every day, or cycle them somewhat but still take maybe an average of about 5 or 6 caps a day, going with 5 for nice even numbers...

100 capsule bottle would last only 20 days. 10 bottles to last the same amount of time... we're looking at around 75 cents a day.

So it all depends on the numbers... For MOST people the bulk liquid probably wouldn't be the best idea after all once you look at ALL the numbers, but for the guys? Yeah.

If a container had an infinite shelf life it might be different...

Ainterol's smaller liquids though might be competitive. They come in sizes from 10mL to 1kg...

Assuming the same kind of numbers, 10mL provides 200 drops, and 1 drop is about 40mg of a more concentrated extract such that 3 drops are close to 1 capsule... So 3 drops for 14 days is 42 drops every cycle, 200 drops would last 5 cycles... Shelf life is 4 years, so 100mL... $120 dollars. About 8 cents a day. So yes. Ainterol's smaller liquids are competitive with Ainterol's caps. And provide the added benefit of more flexible dosing.

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