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Anyone tried this Japanese PM brand yet?


It seems really good price for the given quantity. I am thinking of buying several and share with you guys here to save the shipping cost...?

I like the Japanese brand as they don't have them in the Gelatin capsule form as I am really suck at swallowing (push) it down... Angry

I have tried Puera Panic SOS from Japan a few months back. Its 400mg PM and advised to take only 1 tab a day. I didnt cycle it when i took it in February coz i didnt know its better to cycle it. But i did feel breast tenderness after a month or so. I had bad menstrual cramps however so i stopped it and took it on and off some months. Now i have my cycle messed up! That's why I did more looking around on the internet about PM and NBE.

I bought Puera Panic SOS from Rakuten since Im closer to Japan.

(05-09-2013, 09:53)Koko Wrote:  I have tried Puera Panic SOS from Japan a few months back. Its 400mg PM and advised to take only 1 tab a day. I didnt cycle it when i took it in February coz i didnt know its better to cycle it. But i did feel breast tenderness after a month or so. I had bad menstrual cramps however so i stopped it and took it on and off some months. Now i have my cycle messed up! That's why I did more looking around on the internet about PM and NBE.

I bought Puera Panic SOS from Rakuten since Im closer to Japan.

For me, when I have bad cramps (and spotting), it dues to low Progesterone level. I use Progesterone cream to ease the pain down. Prior I use the Midol over the counter to relieve the pains. When I sudden feel sweat before mense, I know I am low in Estrogen, etc. you just need to be more receptive of your body I think... Some can produce estrogen, progesterone, lh, fsh better and some don't...

I did use PM for a month (300mg/day) and it took couple months later to show the mess-up effect (2 months no mense).



Yes, I learned about PC from reading diff threads here. I'm using PC now to correct my messed up cycle. I haven't missed period yet just prolonged luteal...

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