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Has anyone tried curvinexx Breast augmentation


I was wondering if anyone has tried Curvinexx and had any growth???

It is a combination of these herbs
Fenugreek seed
Fennel seed
Saw Palmetto Berry
Pueraria Mirifica root
Dandelion root
Don Quai root

I have just ordered this from it works for me..It had a lot of good reviews on it so I guess I will find out if it works or not...


As a general rule herbal combination pills are much too low in dose of the needed ingredients to grow it contain pueraria? That could make it work how many 650mg pills do you take? Its possible it could work I don't like how they don't show amounts of each herb on the site.
And I read one Amazon review it sounds like she just put on about 20lbs it more in weight she when from 32b to 36c that's like gaining 4 inches to the waist or more so keep an eye on what you eat herbs often increase appetite.
I hope your lucky and get some results.

I just got them in the mail yesterday...the pills are 630mg that i received...It says to take 2 capsules daily. For faster results take 2 capsules twice a day..I have been taking 3 a day 1 in the morning 1 in the afternoon and 1 before bed trying to space out the pills a little...but i am already having some tingling going on but i am also listening to Blake talks order came with 3 bottles so I will finish them and see what happens..

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