Hello people! I've been scrolling around this site for about three days now and I must say all these different herbs having my head spinning.
I am in my early twenties, a college student, and a 34A. I wanted to increase my breast size since I was nineteen but I NEVER wanted to have implants. Nothing against it but just the thought of having two foreign objects on top of my chest makes me shudder. Plus the maintenance and praying to God those babies don't leak silicone inside me. Anyway, I decided to order a bottle Ainterol PM from Amazon (Since it's pretty much all I could afford now that's relatively good on this site) and I will use that for the first month or two to see if it will work on my body. My plan is this:
Ainterol: 2X a day, morning and evening for 15 days after my period.
Naturemade Multi for Her: 1 tablet daily.
Neocell Collagen Type 1 and 3: 3 tablets twice a day.
Neocell Hyaluronic Acid: They say that it's better with the collagen.
MSM: Does anyone know a good brand? A lot of users seem to be taking this with their program.
And that's pretty much everything. I wanted to do MACA for my flat butt but IDK. It might be overkill. If anyone could recommend anything I'd be very much obliged because I have no idea what I'm going to take with my 15 day break from Ainterol. Probably HOPS if I could find a good brand.
Thankful for any advice!

Ainterol: 2X a day, morning and evening for 15 days after my period.
Naturemade Multi for Her: 1 tablet daily.
Neocell Collagen Type 1 and 3: 3 tablets twice a day.
Neocell Hyaluronic Acid: They say that it's better with the collagen.
MSM: Does anyone know a good brand? A lot of users seem to be taking this with their program.
And that's pretty much everything. I wanted to do MACA for my flat butt but IDK. It might be overkill. If anyone could recommend anything I'd be very much obliged because I have no idea what I'm going to take with my 15 day break from Ainterol. Probably HOPS if I could find a good brand.
Thankful for any advice!