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(29-03-2017, 03:37)Odile Wrote:  Hey Anastasia,

Thanks so much for making that video talking about your nbe journey. 
And thank you for your courage and for exposing yourself and talking openly about it. I don't have that courage. I don't even talk with friends about it. It's important to many of us. 
And it's important to expose that plastic surgery business is not the only way to go. While it's sad that women still feeling wrong about their bodies just because their size/shape..and specially about breast size that it is such a media construction.

But I cannot agree with you about asiatic breasts and about asiatic knowledge about nbe eheheh. As well as I think that we (as woman, and as a woman with self consciousness about our own appearance) should not categorize other women in terms of their appearance, because better than anyone, we know it hurts. While asiatic women usually don't have huge breasts (as women are usually slim) they usually have naturally medium """perfect"" round breasts, that most of the women look for, and it's rare to see breasts "issues", as tubular breasts. It is known that breast cancer have less expression in asiatic women as well. I think that they are more connected with nature and have more perception about the benefits of that connection in their own bodies. 

keep us up to date Smile

I think you're taking it not how I meant it. From my experience in every Asian girl I've ever met and seen they either have big breasts D or bigger or they are small B or smaller, I have not met a Asian girl with average sized breasts naturally. I do believe some Asian cultures know more about NBE and other homeopathic remedies more than the American culture, that was my point. For example, Thailand and Japan are more into PM and knowing it's benefits, as well as Flaxseed. This is coming from people I have known from these countries. One, her mother put flaxseeds in her food, gave her soy alot once she hit puberty. By the time she was 18 she was a 32F, she's Japanese. I am only speaking from my own personal experience, that is what youtube is about right? In no way was I insulting them. I believe they are more open minded than USA will ever be on many different subjects, their culture fascinates me.

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