06-02-2016, 01:02
Hormonal Imbalance
December 15 2006 at 11:18 PM Corrie (Login Corrie73)
Ok...this probably overly simplistic, but I was super confused about the whole hormone imbalance thing, and wanted to understand it. From what I have read, here are some symptoms and explanations:
Progesterone deficient: It seems like the easiest symptom to pinpoint is PMS...If you have PMS then you are low on progesterone.
Estrogen dominant: weight gain, weepiness, mood swings, heavy bleeding, migranes.
Estrogen deficient: vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression.
Excess androgens: (too many male hormones) acne, excessive hair on face and arms, ovarian cysts and PCOS, infertility.
A lot of this info came from the Dr. John Lee website (http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_...etest.html).
I am certainly no expert on this, so those who know more, please add your comments or advice to this thread. I just have always been so confused when trying to take the online tests that I wanted to categorize the symptoms for clarity. Also, it is quite possible to fall into more than one category. For instance, many women will be both estrogen dominant AND short on progesterone. So, again, we are back to trial and error and finding the right balance for each individual.
I hope this helps anyone who is confused on this issue.
Good luck to all!
(Login princessglitter)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 6:26 AM
I think I belong to the first category. I have PMS problems. Anyone can help to tell me how should my NBE program be? What herbs help? =)
(Login Corrie73)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 3:40 PM
Princess Glitter--
If you have PMS (and therefore are low on progesterone), you can add any of the progesterone-type herbs. I am not an expert on this, so please read up on the herb pages, BUT, I will say that since I started taking Vitex (also known as agnus castus or chasteberry), my PMS has gone away. It did take about 2 months to kick in though. If it helps with NBE, which I believe it does, then all the better!
I think some of the other progesterone-type herbs are:
wild yam
wild yam cream or progesterone cream
saw palmetto (?)
Experts, please chime in here, as I still don't know all the herbs too well!
Good luck to all!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 4:08 PM
Red clover is estrogenic and blocks excess progesterone. I'm adding that to my routine soon, cause I think I'm 'progesterone dominant'.
SP blocks excess androgens. Fenugreek and fennel are estrogenic. Wild yam is progesteronic. Borage/any oil enhances conversion of testosterone to estrogene.
(Login princessglitter)
December 16 2006, 7:59 PM
Thanks Corrie and Moon,
I think what I need could be wild yam. I found dried ones in my chinese medical hall and I think I will use it to cook soup with chicken feet. Thanks!
Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:13 PM
Well, from these four options I would say I'm "Estrogen Deficient", however I don't think all the symptoms listed under it (vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression) are necessarily due to low estrogen.
I get pretty dry "down there", although I think it has more to do with my nerves than of estrogen. I have pretty low libido due to my birth control (well, any BC really!), so I think it's my inability to get aroused easily that makes me dry. I don't know about bladder infections but I have gotten several yeast infections in the past. Those were purely because of stupid scenarios, though (i.e. trying to nair your bikini line while shaving your legs -_-;. Memory problems can be related to my ADD, and lethargic depression can be the effect of my borderline anemia & low blood pressure.
So am I really "Estrogen Deficit"? I think this hormone test is pretty hard to tell since it's symptoms can be pinpointed at other causes.
(no login)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:45 PM
hey thankyou for simplifying it, i think i have a little from each category lol
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:08 PM
can you explain why you think you are progesteron dominant? And isn't it supposed to be a good thing since the body uses progesteron to produce other hormones necessary? NO?
i feel i have read too much lately about the hormones and getting the things mixed up
(Login faith_full)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:13 PM
What would be the case if someone fits into more than one category?
(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:24 AM
well Im in more that one catagory too but this is useful info thankyou love jelly...
(Login jessicaheidi)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 6:43 AM
I don't fit into any of the categories...I don't really have any of the symptoms at all! Does this mean my hormones are in balance or something?
(Login unhappy80)
December 17 2006, 2:04 PM
I am not sure which category I am fit into. For example I don't have vaginal dryness but I don't have weight gain and migranes too. my mind is very confused about hormones and breasts. We know that having too much male hormones cause extra hair on face or arms or acnes. I think this must cause small breasts but I know that some girls have these and also have big breasts. Very confused...
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:44 PM
...and to add to the lattter one
too much estrogen is said to grow fats under belly area, but then again how come the nowadays teenagers with overloades estrogens have such a big breasts?
and if progesteron is said to be needed to grow fats on breats then how can be explained that it's warnes that it flushes fat away from breasts?
only the androgens are clear, too much can't possibly be good for feminine assets.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:52 PM
I think the majority of those who don't fit in any category would be slightly estrogen defficient, the symptoms don't always manifest themselves, but it's also possible to be in balance.
(Login Alcest)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:31 PM
Is it possible to not be unbalanced in your hormones, but still have small breasts?
None of those things ever really apply to me. I might have symptoms from several of them occasionally, but never an ongoing thing. I am really quite healthy.
Does this mean I am stuck with small breasts? If my hormones are already balanced??
(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:32 PM
Those hormone tests use to confuse me until I realized that once one hormone goes wrong it affects all the others.
It's like a stack of cards or a line of dominoes. Upset the balance of one and the whole thing goes crashing down.
I used to be so confused because I had so many symptoms. I had horrible fatigue, so I figured I had chronic fatigue syndrome, but when my doctor tested me for the epstein bar virus it was negative.
I began to realize that most of my symptoms fit into the hypothyroid category, but when my doctor tested me my blood tests were normal.
I did some research and thought it might be my cortisol levels gone wrong. The tests came back positive showing they were too high at night and too low in the day. But my doctor just said I had too much stress. She gave me no effective plan to deal with it.
I began having night sweats and my periods became erratic, so I thought I might be going through early menopause.
Finally I came across estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. It all fit. Every symptom I have, every one is related to the imbalance between progesterone and estrogen in my body. It has gone on so long in my body that I have many other hormone symptoms and imbalances as well. Even my itty bitty boobs are just related to this.
My solution is to increase the progesterone in my body to its normal levels so it can produce all the other hormones I need and balance the estrogen in my body. It is a complicated problem with a simple solution. I will solve my throid problem, the cortisol problem, my estrogen problem and my boob problem. I don't hold out too much hope that it will solve my 'talking too much' problem though... lol
If you have questions, there is a lot of information on this site, but even more in some well written books. Dr. John Lee's are my favorites. Pretend you are in school and this is a research paper. Take notes and study. You will find your solution.
Best wishes,
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 4:00 PM
you are very funny Waxingmoon )) and i really enjoy your thorough explanations on this board.
(Login boobins)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:16 PM
wow, waxingmoon, I have been to the dr every yr for throid testing, i just dont feel right. but every yr I am ok. I am glad you wrote about your situation, i took the hormone test and am estrogen dominant and progesterone deficiant. thanks everyone for explaing this stuff, I get get so confused, but its amazing how your body is so affected by balance.
(Login 4pomegranate)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 18 2006, 6:42 PM
I have always tested neutral on the online hormonal tests. I still have small breasts too. It be interesting to know the real reason why. I don't trust the tests completely, but they are a good general guide for these problems.
(Login yvonne03)
found this website
December 20 2006, 6:17 AM
here's a link to a website that may help people figure things out: http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_...etest.html . i think that michelle's explanation is great and i definitely estrogen deficient. on the website it say you should have 2 or more of the symptoms to fit into the category.
i did these tests awhile ago and they said that i was both estrogen and progesterone deficient. i don't know if that's possible, but i'm glad that now i do them again it only says that i am estrogen deficient. maybe i was being a hypocondriac the first time i took them?
(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 5:12 PM
so i googled 'estrogen deficient' and all the information i got was about menopause. is it normal to be estrogen deficient and not in menopause? im so confused.
(Login GoldSnowflake)
Its not the norm,,,
December 20 2006, 5:25 PM
but hey it can happen,, thats why some women may take red clover if theyare trying to get pregnant,, it makes you have a cycle.. Some women just don't have regular cycles,, they would be estrogen deficient,, I guess.
(Login GoldSnowflake)
December 20 2006, 5:27 PM
lack of all the hormones it takes to have regular cycle.
(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 6:06 PM
hmmm, i get my period bang on every month. but i don't think i can get pregnant. that might be because up until a year ago i was on birth control for 5 years tho.
i guess every situation is unique tho and when i took the test i had 6 from the estrogen deficient and no more than one from the rest.
thanks for the reply
December 15 2006 at 11:18 PM Corrie (Login Corrie73)
Ok...this probably overly simplistic, but I was super confused about the whole hormone imbalance thing, and wanted to understand it. From what I have read, here are some symptoms and explanations:
Progesterone deficient: It seems like the easiest symptom to pinpoint is PMS...If you have PMS then you are low on progesterone.
Estrogen dominant: weight gain, weepiness, mood swings, heavy bleeding, migranes.
Estrogen deficient: vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression.
Excess androgens: (too many male hormones) acne, excessive hair on face and arms, ovarian cysts and PCOS, infertility.
A lot of this info came from the Dr. John Lee website (http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_...etest.html).
I am certainly no expert on this, so those who know more, please add your comments or advice to this thread. I just have always been so confused when trying to take the online tests that I wanted to categorize the symptoms for clarity. Also, it is quite possible to fall into more than one category. For instance, many women will be both estrogen dominant AND short on progesterone. So, again, we are back to trial and error and finding the right balance for each individual.
I hope this helps anyone who is confused on this issue.
Good luck to all!
(Login princessglitter)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 6:26 AM
I think I belong to the first category. I have PMS problems. Anyone can help to tell me how should my NBE program be? What herbs help? =)
(Login Corrie73)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 3:40 PM
Princess Glitter--
If you have PMS (and therefore are low on progesterone), you can add any of the progesterone-type herbs. I am not an expert on this, so please read up on the herb pages, BUT, I will say that since I started taking Vitex (also known as agnus castus or chasteberry), my PMS has gone away. It did take about 2 months to kick in though. If it helps with NBE, which I believe it does, then all the better!
I think some of the other progesterone-type herbs are:
wild yam
wild yam cream or progesterone cream
saw palmetto (?)
Experts, please chime in here, as I still don't know all the herbs too well!
Good luck to all!
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 4:08 PM
Red clover is estrogenic and blocks excess progesterone. I'm adding that to my routine soon, cause I think I'm 'progesterone dominant'.
SP blocks excess androgens. Fenugreek and fennel are estrogenic. Wild yam is progesteronic. Borage/any oil enhances conversion of testosterone to estrogene.
(Login princessglitter)
December 16 2006, 7:59 PM
Thanks Corrie and Moon,
I think what I need could be wild yam. I found dried ones in my chinese medical hall and I think I will use it to cook soup with chicken feet. Thanks!
Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:13 PM
Well, from these four options I would say I'm "Estrogen Deficient", however I don't think all the symptoms listed under it (vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression) are necessarily due to low estrogen.
I get pretty dry "down there", although I think it has more to do with my nerves than of estrogen. I have pretty low libido due to my birth control (well, any BC really!), so I think it's my inability to get aroused easily that makes me dry. I don't know about bladder infections but I have gotten several yeast infections in the past. Those were purely because of stupid scenarios, though (i.e. trying to nair your bikini line while shaving your legs -_-;. Memory problems can be related to my ADD, and lethargic depression can be the effect of my borderline anemia & low blood pressure.
So am I really "Estrogen Deficit"? I think this hormone test is pretty hard to tell since it's symptoms can be pinpointed at other causes.
(no login)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:45 PM
hey thankyou for simplifying it, i think i have a little from each category lol
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:08 PM
can you explain why you think you are progesteron dominant? And isn't it supposed to be a good thing since the body uses progesteron to produce other hormones necessary? NO?
i feel i have read too much lately about the hormones and getting the things mixed up
(Login faith_full)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:13 PM
What would be the case if someone fits into more than one category?
(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:24 AM
well Im in more that one catagory too but this is useful info thankyou love jelly...
(Login jessicaheidi)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 6:43 AM
I don't fit into any of the categories...I don't really have any of the symptoms at all! Does this mean my hormones are in balance or something?
(Login unhappy80)
December 17 2006, 2:04 PM
I am not sure which category I am fit into. For example I don't have vaginal dryness but I don't have weight gain and migranes too. my mind is very confused about hormones and breasts. We know that having too much male hormones cause extra hair on face or arms or acnes. I think this must cause small breasts but I know that some girls have these and also have big breasts. Very confused...
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:44 PM
...and to add to the lattter one
too much estrogen is said to grow fats under belly area, but then again how come the nowadays teenagers with overloades estrogens have such a big breasts?
and if progesteron is said to be needed to grow fats on breats then how can be explained that it's warnes that it flushes fat away from breasts?
only the androgens are clear, too much can't possibly be good for feminine assets.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:52 PM
I think the majority of those who don't fit in any category would be slightly estrogen defficient, the symptoms don't always manifest themselves, but it's also possible to be in balance.
(Login Alcest)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:31 PM
Is it possible to not be unbalanced in your hormones, but still have small breasts?
None of those things ever really apply to me. I might have symptoms from several of them occasionally, but never an ongoing thing. I am really quite healthy.
Does this mean I am stuck with small breasts? If my hormones are already balanced??
(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:32 PM
Those hormone tests use to confuse me until I realized that once one hormone goes wrong it affects all the others.
It's like a stack of cards or a line of dominoes. Upset the balance of one and the whole thing goes crashing down.
I used to be so confused because I had so many symptoms. I had horrible fatigue, so I figured I had chronic fatigue syndrome, but when my doctor tested me for the epstein bar virus it was negative.
I began to realize that most of my symptoms fit into the hypothyroid category, but when my doctor tested me my blood tests were normal.
I did some research and thought it might be my cortisol levels gone wrong. The tests came back positive showing they were too high at night and too low in the day. But my doctor just said I had too much stress. She gave me no effective plan to deal with it.
I began having night sweats and my periods became erratic, so I thought I might be going through early menopause.
Finally I came across estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. It all fit. Every symptom I have, every one is related to the imbalance between progesterone and estrogen in my body. It has gone on so long in my body that I have many other hormone symptoms and imbalances as well. Even my itty bitty boobs are just related to this.
My solution is to increase the progesterone in my body to its normal levels so it can produce all the other hormones I need and balance the estrogen in my body. It is a complicated problem with a simple solution. I will solve my throid problem, the cortisol problem, my estrogen problem and my boob problem. I don't hold out too much hope that it will solve my 'talking too much' problem though... lol
If you have questions, there is a lot of information on this site, but even more in some well written books. Dr. John Lee's are my favorites. Pretend you are in school and this is a research paper. Take notes and study. You will find your solution.
Best wishes,
(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 4:00 PM
you are very funny Waxingmoon )) and i really enjoy your thorough explanations on this board.
(Login boobins)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:16 PM
wow, waxingmoon, I have been to the dr every yr for throid testing, i just dont feel right. but every yr I am ok. I am glad you wrote about your situation, i took the hormone test and am estrogen dominant and progesterone deficiant. thanks everyone for explaing this stuff, I get get so confused, but its amazing how your body is so affected by balance.
(Login 4pomegranate)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 18 2006, 6:42 PM
I have always tested neutral on the online hormonal tests. I still have small breasts too. It be interesting to know the real reason why. I don't trust the tests completely, but they are a good general guide for these problems.
(Login yvonne03)
found this website
December 20 2006, 6:17 AM
here's a link to a website that may help people figure things out: http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_...etest.html . i think that michelle's explanation is great and i definitely estrogen deficient. on the website it say you should have 2 or more of the symptoms to fit into the category.
i did these tests awhile ago and they said that i was both estrogen and progesterone deficient. i don't know if that's possible, but i'm glad that now i do them again it only says that i am estrogen deficient. maybe i was being a hypocondriac the first time i took them?
(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 5:12 PM
so i googled 'estrogen deficient' and all the information i got was about menopause. is it normal to be estrogen deficient and not in menopause? im so confused.
(Login GoldSnowflake)
Its not the norm,,,
December 20 2006, 5:25 PM
but hey it can happen,, thats why some women may take red clover if theyare trying to get pregnant,, it makes you have a cycle.. Some women just don't have regular cycles,, they would be estrogen deficient,, I guess.
(Login GoldSnowflake)
December 20 2006, 5:27 PM
lack of all the hormones it takes to have regular cycle.
(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 6:06 PM
hmmm, i get my period bang on every month. but i don't think i can get pregnant. that might be because up until a year ago i was on birth control for 5 years tho.
i guess every situation is unique tho and when i took the test i had 6 from the estrogen deficient and no more than one from the rest.
thanks for the reply