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[archive] Hormonal Imbalance


Hormonal Imbalance
December 15 2006 at 11:18 PM Corrie  (Login Corrie73)
Ok...this probably overly simplistic, but I was super confused about the whole hormone imbalance thing, and wanted to understand it. From what I have read, here are some symptoms and explanations:

Progesterone deficient: It seems like the easiest symptom to pinpoint is PMS...If you have PMS then you are low on progesterone.

Estrogen dominant: weight gain, weepiness, mood swings, heavy bleeding, migranes.

Estrogen deficient: vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression.

Excess androgens: (too many male hormones) acne, excessive hair on face and arms, ovarian cysts and PCOS, infertility.

A lot of this info came from the Dr. John Lee website (

I am certainly no expert on this, so those who know more, please add your comments or advice to this thread. I just have always been so confused when trying to take the online tests that I wanted to categorize the symptoms for clarity. Also, it is quite possible to fall into more than one category. For instance, many women will be both estrogen dominant AND short on progesterone. So, again, we are back to trial and error and finding the right balance for each individual.

I hope this helps anyone who is confused on this issue.

Good luck to all!

(Login princessglitter)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 6:26 AM

I think I belong to the first category. I have PMS problems. Anyone can help to tell me how should my NBE program be? What herbs help? =)

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 3:40 PM

Princess Glitter--

If you have PMS (and therefore are low on progesterone), you can add any of the progesterone-type herbs. I am not an expert on this, so please read up on the herb pages, BUT, I will say that since I started taking Vitex (also known as agnus castus or chasteberry), my PMS has gone away. It did take about 2 months to kick in though. If it helps with NBE, which I believe it does, then all the better!

I think some of the other progesterone-type herbs are:

wild yam
wild yam cream or progesterone cream
saw palmetto (?)

Experts, please chime in here, as I still don't know all the herbs too well!

Good luck to all!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 4:08 PM

Red clover is estrogenic and blocks excess progesterone. I'm adding that to my routine soon, cause I think I'm 'progesterone dominant'.

SP blocks excess androgens. Fenugreek and fennel are estrogenic. Wild yam is progesteronic. Borage/any oil enhances conversion of testosterone to estrogene.

(Login princessglitter)
December 16 2006, 7:59 PM

Thanks Corrie and Moon,
I think what I need could be wild yam. I found dried ones in my chinese medical hall and I think I will use it to cook soup with chicken feet. Thanks!

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:13 PM

Well, from these four options I would say I'm "Estrogen Deficient", however I don't think all the symptoms listed under it (vaginal dryness, bladder infections, memory problems, lethargic depression) are necessarily due to low estrogen.

I get pretty dry "down there", although I think it has more to do with my nerves than of estrogen. I have pretty low libido due to my birth control (well, any BC really!), so I think it's my inability to get aroused easily that makes me dry. I don't know about bladder infections but I have gotten several yeast infections in the past. Those were purely because of stupid scenarios, though (i.e. trying to nair your bikini line while shaving your legs -_-;Wink. Memory problems can be related to my ADD, and lethargic depression can be the effect of my borderline anemia & low blood pressure.

So am I really "Estrogen Deficit"? I think this hormone test is pretty hard to tell since it's symptoms can be pinpointed at other causes.

(no login)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 8:45 PM

hey thankyou for simplifying it, i think i have a little from each category lol

(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:08 PM


can you explain why you think you are progesteron dominant? And isn't it supposed to be a good thing since the body uses progesteron to produce other hormones necessary? NO?

i feel i have read too much lately about the hormones and getting the things mixed up


(Login faith_full)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 16 2006, 10:13 PM

What would be the case if someone fits into more than one category?

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:24 AM

well Im in more that one catagory too but this is useful info thankyou love jelly...

(Login jessicaheidi)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 6:43 AM

I don't fit into any of the categories...I don't really have any of the symptoms at all! Does this mean my hormones are in balance or something?

(Login unhappy80)
December 17 2006, 2:04 PM

I am not sure which category I am fit into. For example I don't have vaginal dryness but I don't have weight gain and migranes too. my mind is very confused about hormones and breasts. We know that having too much male hormones cause extra hair on face or arms or acnes. I think this must cause small breasts but I know that some girls have these and also have big breasts. Very confused... Sad

(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:44 PM

...and to add to the lattter one

too much estrogen is said to grow fats under belly area, but then again how come the nowadays teenagers with overloades estrogens have such a big breasts?

and if progesteron is said to be needed to grow fats on breats then how can be explained that it's warnes that it flushes fat away from breasts?

only the androgens are clear, too much can't possibly be good for feminine assets.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 2:52 PM

I think the majority of those who don't fit in any category would be slightly estrogen defficient, the symptoms don't always manifest themselves, but it's also possible to be in balance.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:31 PM

Is it possible to not be unbalanced in your hormones, but still have small breasts?

None of those things ever really apply to me. I might have symptoms from several of them occasionally, but never an ongoing thing. I am really quite healthy.

Does this mean I am stuck with small breasts? If my hormones are already balanced??

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 3:32 PM

Those hormone tests use to confuse me until I realized that once one hormone goes wrong it affects all the others.
It's like a stack of cards or a line of dominoes. Upset the balance of one and the whole thing goes crashing down.

I used to be so confused because I had so many symptoms. I had horrible fatigue, so I figured I had chronic fatigue syndrome, but when my doctor tested me for the epstein bar virus it was negative.

I began to realize that most of my symptoms fit into the hypothyroid category, but when my doctor tested me my blood tests were normal.

I did some research and thought it might be my cortisol levels gone wrong. The tests came back positive showing they were too high at night and too low in the day. But my doctor just said I had too much stress. She gave me no effective plan to deal with it.

I began having night sweats and my periods became erratic, so I thought I might be going through early menopause.

Finally I came across estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. It all fit. Every symptom I have, every one is related to the imbalance between progesterone and estrogen in my body. It has gone on so long in my body that I have many other hormone symptoms and imbalances as well. Even my itty bitty boobs are just related to this.

My solution is to increase the progesterone in my body to its normal levels so it can produce all the other hormones I need and balance the estrogen in my body. It is a complicated problem with a simple solution. I will solve my throid problem, the cortisol problem, my estrogen problem and my boob problem. I don't hold out too much hope that it will solve my 'talking too much' problem though... lol

If you have questions, there is a lot of information on this site, but even more in some well written books. Dr. John Lee's are my favorites. Pretend you are in school and this is a research paper. Take notes and study. You will find your solution.

Best wishes,

(Login bonnette)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 4:00 PM

you are very funny Waxingmoon Smile)) and i really enjoy your thorough explanations on this board.


(Login boobins)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 17 2006, 5:16 PM

wow, waxingmoon, I have been to the dr every yr for throid testing, i just dont feel right. but every yr I am ok. I am glad you wrote about your situation, i took the hormone test and am estrogen dominant and progesterone deficiant. thanks everyone for explaing this stuff, I get get so confused, but its amazing how your body is so affected by balance.

(Login 4pomegranate)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 18 2006, 6:42 PM

I have always tested neutral on the online hormonal tests. I still have small breasts too. It be interesting to know the real reason why. I don't trust the tests completely, but they are a good general guide for these problems.

(Login yvonne03)
found this website
December 20 2006, 6:17 AM

here's a link to a website that may help people figure things out: . i think that michelle's explanation is great and i definitely estrogen deficient. on the website it say you should have 2 or more of the symptoms to fit into the category.

i did these tests awhile ago and they said that i was both estrogen and progesterone deficient. i don't know if that's possible, but i'm glad that now i do them again it only says that i am estrogen deficient. maybe i was being a hypocondriac the first time i took them?


(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 5:12 PM

so i googled 'estrogen deficient' and all the information i got was about menopause. is it normal to be estrogen deficient and not in menopause? im so confused.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Its not the norm,,,
December 20 2006, 5:25 PM

but hey it can happen,, thats why some women may take red clover if theyare trying to get pregnant,, it makes you have a cycle.. Some women just don't have regular cycles,, they would be estrogen deficient,, I guess.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
December 20 2006, 5:27 PM

lack of all the hormones it takes to have regular cycle.

(Login yvonne03)
Re: Really Simple Hormone Info
December 20 2006, 6:06 PM

hmmm, i get my period bang on every month. but i don't think i can get pregnant. that might be because up until a year ago i was on birth control for 5 years tho.

i guess every situation is unique tho and when i took the test i had 6 from the estrogen deficient and no more than one from the rest.

thanks for the reply


Hormonal imbalance help!
December 19 2006 at 9:28 AM deamsy (no login)
hey girls! i stumbled on this site a couple weeks back and i must say that it has motivated me to start on my own nbe program! =)

however i was looking through the threads and i saw the ones on hormonal imbalance, so i took the test to see whether an imbalance was affecting my growth.. to my dismay (or relief? i'm not sure) i don't really suffer from any of the symptoms! does this mean that my hormones are not imbalanced and i'm just stuck with what i have? if i'm not imbalanced then what are the supplements/herbs i shld take to increase (actually just to start) my boob size? hopefully you girls could help me with this.. =)

(no login)
is there no hope?
December 20 2006, 7:44 PM

From the threads i've seen, it seems only those with hormonal imbalance can do something to increase their boobie size. does that mean if my hormones are balanced there's nothing i can do? if not what approach should i take in choosing herbs? Someone pls help me!!

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 20 2006, 8:55 PM

hi, sorry but i don't really know the answer to your question, i'm quite new as well, but i think you could try to take some herbs and see how it goes or it might be that there is something missing from your diet and that's why your boobs are not growing. there is a threat called things that prevent NBE from working, you can find some useful info there as well

(Login Corrie73)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 20 2006, 9:06 PM

I don't think that boobs that are on the small side are only caused by a hormonal imbalance, and that they will suddenly grow, once the imbalance is corrected. That may be the case with some women, but with me, I think my smaller breasts are just genetic. My mother and her mother, like me, are petite women with smallish breasts. However, I do feel that I have somewhat of an imbalance, because I have PMS, and I have noticed that Vitex is helping with that, and hopefully with NBE too. But the imbalance is not the key thing with NBE, in my opinion.

So, what I am saying is that yes, you should be able to grow, even if your hormones are fairly balanced. I'd just start with a very basic program of herbs that seem to work well for most women, like fenugreek and saw palmetto, and a good oil, like flax or fish oil. As you learn more about NBE and your body, you'll start to notice which things work well for you, and which don't.

Good luck!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 20 2006, 10:07 PM

Those tests are not always useful or accurate. You can't know what the circumstances in your body are based on a few symptoms, the body works in a lot more complicated way than that. You need to do a hit and miss method like everybody else, starting with the most recomended herbs. Fenugreek is a must, saw palmetto is good if you're smaller than B, but the dose should be moderate. Borage oil/EPO is also a must. Then wild yam and red clover would probably be the most sensible. Also if you have poor blood circulation (being cold more than it's normal), you should add a herb for improving it, such as ginko biloba or cayenne.

(no login)
thanks girls!
December 21 2006, 3:17 AM

thanks so much for your responses! i'm really glad i stumbled on this forum.. the people are so nice! =) i guess i will try fenugreek and sp and maybe wild yam.. thnks moon for your suggestions! Cheers to boobie growth!!

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 21 2006, 5:06 AM

Hi Dreamsy, and welcome. You questioned hormone imbalance, and if you're NOT experiencing any hormone imbalance, than you are not able to grow boobs.

Almost every woman has some type of hormone imbalance, be it significant or minor. Imbalances just make finding the right routine for you a bit more challenging. Let's say perfect world, and you are in complete hormone harmony, you still have to do your trial and error in finding your right nbe routine.

In general, the better in-balance you are, the better the single herbs and herb combo's tend to work. I think that BO (bovine ovary) is better suited for hormone imbalance (but you still must get it in check); older woman; those who consume caffiene and alcohol regularly.

It's about hormone balance and trial and error. Consider your age; any health issues you have; smoke; drink; caffiene use; birth control; and lifestyle. Research everyone's personal programs as well as nbe in general and then pick a starting routine from there. There is no perfect starting point.

Good luck, and we're all here to help!

Boobie Love My Organic Beauties

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 21 2006, 9:39 AM

Just because you haven't got any symptoms suggesting a hormone imbalance, it does not automatically follow that your hormones are in perfect balance.

(no login)
Re: Hormonal imbalance help!
December 21 2006, 7:49 PM

i guess i might be imbalanced but i've not been able to identify it as yet. thanx again ladies! i will continue to read through the personal programs and come up with my own! =)

Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 27 2009 at 2:06 PM Sri (Login allforwellbeing)
Dear All,

I m confused once i get into the hormonal imbalances check list.. Sorry for the long mail. Pls. be patient and help.. someone who is wellknown in this field. Will be so grateful.

I have these below prbs mostly:

1. I used to be thin till my 17 yrs, flat chested, never have interest to eat more, very slow eater, later during my college days, slowly i got interested to eat more n gained weight more.

2. Now, i m 27 yrs old, 5'3'' and weighing 59kg. I m married and have a kid of 3 yrs old now. I stopped breast feeding 1 1/2 yrs before. I felt the growth when i breastfeeded.

3. My breast size is 34b (Sometime fit to C). I have mass only in my lower breast, but my upper breast seems almost flat always, saggy breast a bit.

4. I have head ache problem whenever i concentrate a lot either in system or in any books or if i watch TV or movies for a long time may be an hour or so.

5. I have polystic ovaries prb and i cured through homoe medicines.

6. I get my menstrual cycle once in every 32 - 34 days, very rarely used to skip for more than a week or 2.

7. I feel to masturbate the clitoris when i feel hurt or much tensed. This habbit is with me for a long time. Attimes, i wanted avoid it controlling, attimes i relax by doing it to let me cool down.

8. I loose my temper very soon when someone hurts or irritates me or disappoints me.

9. I m a pure vegetarian.

10. I have been teased a lot during my school days for me being dark. Also, they used to make fun by comparing me with my classmate as my boyfriend which used to irritate me a lot. I have those hurtings much for years together.

11. I get more nightmares about that guy even till today if i feel hurt by any of the current situations. Apart from that also, i get more nightmares.

12. Since i used to be thin till my college days, i never used bra till that. Only then, i started using it.

13. I long for true love. I believe in my love but been frustated due to the failure. I m very sensitive attimes and casual otherwise. I dont know how the mood changes.

14. I used to be brave attimes. But, opposite the other time.

I hope in only that final yrs of school days, my growth bud stops. may be normal or due to the mental stress that i had since i faced the above prb much.

I hope these are happening within me.. Can anyone pls let me know what imbalance should be with me, if any, if any of u can find it probably, pls let me know..

Coz, i dont believe i can go out here to check this things with any doctor, coz, my family is very orthodoxed family same case with hubby and his family.

But, he is very much a crazy guy for a shaped breast and beautiful boucy breast. Pls. help me out to let me know what the imbalance i might have so that i can do something accordingly...
with luv,

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 27 2009, 4:06 PM

Hi Sri,

The thing that is the most telling of your account is that you had polycystic ovaries. This would indicate a tendency toward excess estrogen and deficient progesterone. I know you say this was treated with hormones, but the condition my have a lasting effect.

You also state you have a long cycle - 32 to 34 days. This also might indicate hormone problems, but since you were able to get pregnant and give birth the hormone imbalance must not be that great.

If you are looking to balance your hormones then you might try Vitex. It would probably help with any polycyctic ovarian problems as well and it would likely regulate your cycles to a shorter period.

You are already starting with a fairly large breast as a 34b. This usually means it will be easier for you to respond to NBE. Since you find you have less breast tissue in the upper part of your breast it would be good for you to follow one of the massage techniques. You can find them listed on the main page of the forum.

You say you are a pure vegetarian. Do you eat eggs or milk products? If not you are likely low in protein which can make it difficult for NBE. At your size it would be a good idea to try to eat at least 75 - 100 grams of protein per day for NBE. The more this protein comes from animal sources the better. Our bodies do not process vegetable proteins as well as animal proteins. If you eat no animal products at all then make sure you combine your plant proteins so you get the right mix of amino acids (mix nuts and legumes with grains).

You did not talk about exercise, but it can be a great thing for stress. Also, push ups can help develop the upper part of the breast area and lift breasts that tend to sag.

If you are concerned about hormone balance then try to create an NBE plan that does not rely on herbs as they can cause imbalances systems to become further imbalanced. There are several women who have had great results with massage and boobie friendly foods.

I hope this has been some help.

Best wishes,

(Login allforwellbeing)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 28 2009, 5:49 AM

Dear Waxingmoon,
Nice to see a detailed answer n for ur patience to read the whole of my story.. ;-)

Thanks for the info. I really dont know if the polysctic ovaries prb remains with me yet. I need to check. Also, doctor informed that is the reason i get delayed periods. This delayed problem(34days) is with me from the time of puperty itself.

Also, i have heavy breasts before my menstrual cycle and i feel pain in it. I feel my breast to be filled out n aching at those times.. May be water retention prb is the cause.

For my case, can u suggest me which massage could be really helpful. I have slightly saggy breasts as well as upper breasts are almost flat.

As for as exercise, i really didnt have a regular part due to busy life schedule. But, i m not determined to do it regularly.. let me see.

As for as pushups, i really a forum here, some over did n lost the one they had. Can u advise what no. of pushups is normal n good to do.

I have gained mostly fat around my upper arms, lovehandles, stomach and thighs. I dont know how to redirect to breast.. ;-)

So, already being fat, if i take more milk and protein shakes, will that not add up extra pounds in me.. Pls. advise me in this concern.

Also, i will check the forum about the healthy eating habbits myself too.

Thanks for ur help once again. Pls. advise me for my confusions.

Let me get cleared my doubts and start with Vitex.


(Login allforwellbeing)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 28 2009, 6:45 AM

Dear Waxingmoon,

Also, the other prbs i have is, i get giddiness recently often. Also, i had weight gain few months before. I dont know if they both are too due to any hormonal changes or due to new food style and environment. I m in a new environment now.

I feel more headache if i concentrate in anything. Also, stress damages me a lot. I m really a bit now ok n started managing me to be cool.

I have hairloss n hairs are becoming so dry. My eyes are also a bit dry. I get mouth odour sometimes but not always.

I have facial hair, also in my hands n legs from my small age. I have a belly gain even when i m thin.

I hope these are the symptoms of me. Is there any way, we can fix in what category i m n try taking something accordingly.

Without knowing all this, thinking if fenugreek will help, i took fenugreek seeds n busttea for a week or so few months before then scared n stopped if that will create any trouble to take without proper guidance.

Now, i really feel happy n thanks to all for who sharing n helping others to get into good health n good boobs.

Thanks for ur help. Pls. help me identify with what category i suit.


(no login)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 28 2009, 2:35 PM

I'm new to the board and have only posted over on the BO board, BUT I couldn't not post an answer to this. I completely agree with the estrogen dominance. I've walked that road myself before. It can be very frustrating and really just adds on to your stress load wondering what in the world is wrong with me, when your estrogen gets so imbalanced that it begins effecting you emotionally, which in turn only makes it worse. It's a terrible cycle. I went to the doctor and while they could tell me that all my results said I was in perimenopause, I refused to accept that because I was only 36! There had to be something better than the synthetic hormones which I wasn't a canidate for because of breast cancer running in my family so strongly. I began researching and coming across Dr. Lee's book on "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause" saved my sanity.

my periods were every 34 to 35 days and so heavy I couldn't leave home the first 3 days. I cramped terribly. I had fibroid cyst in breast. I had migraines constantly. I was emotional. I was paranoid. I was obsessive. I had anxiety attacks, all of which stunned me. I was known as the most laid back, level headed person most people had ever met until this point. It was a shock to them as much as me and all I could do was beg for understanding from them all.

Natural progesterone cream was a God Send and quick. I had the migraines and heavy bleeding under constrol by the end of the first cycle. the next one was a perfect 28 days like they use to be. I was beginning to know what peace of mind was again. I really cannot say enough about the use of this stuff. I also experienced a bonus of my breast perking back up from where I had breast fed and though I no longer need the cream after a 1 1/2 years, the perkiness stayed with me. yeah!

Eventually, if you stay with a complete regiment of vitamins, avoiding stress, taking care of yourself and using the cream. your body will begin working properly on it's on again. I sign that this was going on was when I began getting the emotional swings again. This time it was due to too much progesterone, because I no longer needed a suppliment. My body was doing it all on it's own. I stopped my cream and have been running smoothly ever since.

For me, it made me feel very insecure going through this. It's hard for other people around you to "really" understand what is happening to you even when you try to explain it and you feel like you're in a one man life raft fighting for your life. I'm here to tell you there is land in sight! LOL

It seems to be happening to more and more women at younger ages now. It's pretty shocking in fact how many woman under 40 are beginning to have these problems, ut at least you're not alone.

Good luck with your journey to find balance again.


(Login .Britneyy.)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 29 2009, 10:57 PM

Hi, just wondering. What kind of cream are you using??

(Login allforwellbeing)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 30 2009, 1:31 PM

Dear All,
Well.. Nice to see the response of itsjust4fun91. Thank u yaar. What u felt before was the same one i m suffering now.. esp. the mood swing n anxiety, which i couldnt control n much used to worry for it. So, is that clear from all my above mentioned symptoms that i m estrogen dominant n progesterone deficient girl.

So, can i start using Vitex or the Progesterone cream. Does Milk Thistle has the same effect? Can any of u pls tell some good brands to buy those in net. Can u give me some ideas in this concern.

Or is it available in medical shops r Vitamin shops?

Itsjust4fun91, can u pls mention as what is the name of the cream u used so that i can start over that..

Is that cream alone is enough r should i eat some other natural herbs or species as such?

Ok, eagerly waiting for the replies of seniors so that i can start over my journey in a safer way with all the elders' support n encouragement...(LOL)


(Login allforwellbeing)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 30 2009, 1:42 PM

Dear All,

I also need some advise in food part.. Like, what should i avoid in my particular case n what foods boost me up as per my imbalance level. Can i take more milk? I dont take egg or any Non Veg.. I dont like the smell. Then, does taking more milk, cheese, paneer or butter will again increase only my estrogen r it's safer n advisable to drink more milk n milk products?

Also, what particular vegetables, fruits are good to me for my breast growth n hormonal balance.. Pls. suggest. Can i have more nuts, dates, corn, dal, beans.. pls share what healthy food turn out to make me more balanced n healthier. Pls. suggest.


(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 30 2009, 2:02 PM

Hi Sri,

Just4fun91 made a great post explaining the effects of estrogen dominance. Her story matches my own in many ways. She also gave you the name of a great book by Dr John Lee: "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause". So that you can better understand what is happening to your body and the best way to treat it - you need to have that book.

With that book you can safely use progesterone cream. Without that book I would not recommend you try progesterone. If you have estrogen dominance of the level that Just4fun91 described then it will be a long journey to resolve your symptoms.

There are no phyto-progesterone herbs according to Dr John Lee. Any herb that can bind directly to the progesterone receptors will lower progesterone. So, other than using the lab created progesterone cream there is nothing that will mimic our body's progesterone.

There is one herb however that can cause your body to raise progesterone levels. That is vitex. It works by stimulating your body to produce more progesterone after you ovulate. It takes at least 3 months of use before you begin to have much result from it. Vitex is very safe to use. There are no cases of overdose of it and because it works within your body's natural system of regulation, you cannot over-produce progesterone as a result of taking it. There are reports of women taking vitex for years duration without harmful effects.

My suggestion is to begin by taking vitex. Get the book by Dr. Lee. Read the book by Dr. Lee. Once you have read that book you will be ready to use progesterone cream. Depending on the country you live in you may be able to find progesterone cream easily. There are many different brands - some are better than others. Here is a great article that talks about progesterone and at the bottom of the page has a wonderful review of several types:

As far as nutrition there are many thing you can do to cut down on your exposure to harmful artificial estrogens (the kind that make estrogen dominance so bad) -

Avoid: pesticides, plastics (plastic food dishes, plastic wraps - never heat food in plastic - don't drink from plastic water bottles that have been allowed to get hot). Avoid food from animals treated with artificial hormones, and any artificial hormones such as birth control.

Reduce your stress. You will need to do some sort of mild exercise daily. Take a walk or swim or do something that you find calming. Yoga can be very good.

Increase your protein. Protein has the same amount of calories as carbohydrates. So if you are worried about gaining weight then as you increase your protein - reduce your consumption of carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, etc. Don't cut down on vegetables though. Vegetables hardly have any calories anyway and they contain a lot of protective phytoestrogens that can help to lower your body's total estrogen. Eat lots of vegetables.

Take crushed flaxseed. Flaxseed is a lignan, which is a very low dose phytoestrogen. It will help to block your receptors from more potent estrogens. One to two tablespoons a day is good. You can add it to cereals or smoothies. It has a nutty, pleasant taste.

This would be a good way to start. In time you will feel much better, but it is going to take some work.

Best wishes,

(Login itsjust4fun91)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 30 2009, 2:47 PM

I agree on getting the book first. There is alot of information in there that you really need to tackle this problem. The cream is fantastic, BUT you want your body to eventually kick in and be able to do this on it's own, instead of relying on the cream for ever. In order to do that, there are many adjustments you need to make-- vitamins,household products. ect. Also the directions on how to use it. You can just as easily swing in the opposite direction of not enough estrogen if you just slather this stuff on,(as tempting as that is at times)

I get my cream from they have an excellent product and the price is very very reasonable. I get the 3 bottles at a time option which ends up making it about 13 dollars a tube.I've tried a few other brands, but either didn't like the consistency, or it just seemed to not be working. I also discussed using this product with my GYN who was fascinated and kind of excited that she had her own personal test subject to see how it worked.

My husband was extremely grateful that I began using this stuff. LOL. So grateful in fact that whenever one of his friends would complain about their wife, he would say, "You need to get them some of that progesterone cream man. It's good stuff." LOL, I think he never came out and told me that he thought I had become a psycho, but I think his peddling the stuff says plenty.

I have bought copies of this book repeatedly and gave them away to friends that were having hormone issues. I got them very cheap in the used book section of
The book not only addresses the issues you are having, BUT Dr. Lee also includes many stories of his patients to show that we are not alone in what we are going through.

One of the really disappointing things for me before I began the cream was how saggy and floppy my breast had become. I thought hey, I thought girls with no breast are supposed to never have to deal with sagging. Isn't that the line peoplt throw at you to make you feel better about not having much? So you can imagine my dismay when they did indeed start to sag. LOL.

The cream perked them back up pretty fast. It also did an awesome job on helping with some of those facial wrinkles I had begun to lament over. Progesterone is absorbed into the fat cells and plumps them up and is stored there until the body needs to use it. On the other side of that, those cells can also become too saturated and not do you a bit of good. So you can see the need for learning the exact balance to succeed with this.

I of course can never do as good of a job of explaining this all to you as Dr. Lee himself, and while he has passed away now, new books come out all the time, because his partner has continued with her studying and promoting this natural way to find balance. So if you don't do anything else for yourself this week, DO get the book. You won't regret it.


(Login itsjust4fun91)
Re: Figure out my imbalance and help pls.
July 30 2009, 3:08 PM

I just looked at the start here forum for newcomers and it looks like waxingmoon has really covered all the bases with estrogen dominance, you should go check it out. It kind of makes me quesy to read through the list of symptoms and know that at one time, I had ALL of them! Yes I even was having gallbladder attacks. I refused to let the docs take mine out though and am glad I did! I started doing liver and gallbladder flushes and saved my gallbladder!

It's amazing the things that hormones can effect and no the doctors don't always get this. They want to treat the symptom most times instead of the cause, when in fact they may all be related!

So head on over to the other forum and read read read! Knowledge is power, and half the battle of beating this is arming yourself with as much knowledge as possible.


Hormonal Imbalance
August 17 2005 at 6:59 PM Chatbox (no login)
I read that hormonal imbalance is usually the result of underdeveloped breasts...and the breasts enlarging pills/herbs are supposed to help. But how does one knows if she has imbalanced hormone? What if her hormonal levels are alright... will taking the breast enlarging pills or herbs result in any imbalance then?

(no login)
Re: Hormonal Imbalance
August 17 2005, 9:20 PM

You can go to your doctor to find out if you have an hormone imbalance. Your doctor then would take some blood and send it out to get it tested for your hormone blood levels.
Whether the NBE herbs can cause a permanent hormone imbalance I am not sure, I would just be guessing.
Hope this helps a bit,

(no login)
Re: Hormonal Imbalance
August 18 2005, 3:59 AM

Herbs can definatly cause a change in hormone levels. and yes imbalanced hormone levels (usually lower levels but high levels of certain hormones can be resonsible for small breasts) can cause underdeveloped/small breasts. if a girl has a higher BMI during the early parts of puberty then she has a good chance of getting larger breasts. If you were very skinny or your body had trouble storing fat during that same time period then it may explain smaller cupsize. there are so may factors. Herbs can mess up your cycle and cause some stomach problems and aggrivate endometriosis for some women. But even if you know your hormone levels its hard to say how much or what herbs you will need to take but if you are willing to pay for it then its worth knowing.

(Login Melody_of_Dismay)
Re: Hormonal Imbalance
August 24 2005, 5:47 AM

Sometimes doctors will not do a hormone test on you because you may not have any reason for one. For instance, I am a healthy person, but I am worried that my flat chest may be a result of inadequate hormone levels. One doctor told me to see him again if my breasts are still this small when I am 21 (I am 20 right now). But another doctor said that there is no need for a hormone test because I am healthy, and it's normal for some women to have a flat chest. It may be normal, but it's not desirable!


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