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[archive] A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!


A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 5 2008 at 4:27 AM
lena  (Login stilettos)

Hello ladies! I was just wondering. Why is it that our breasts become painful if NBE enlarges them by increasing fat stores? Well, we don't experience bodily pains when we gain weight, do we? LOL.

(Login angelrage)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 6 2008, 9:49 PM

i dont think the only thing happening is fat being deposited. i'd think your actual breast tissue and ducts grow and that's where the pain originates. just a thought though!

(Login ckrystal)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 7 2008, 9:05 AM

I always thought that if you got growing pains it's because the breast tissue has grown before the skin has grown and your skin then has to grow to accomodate the extra growth and any growing pain goes away.

(Login stilettos)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 9 2008, 2:21 AM

lol, so nobody knows for sure. anyway, thank you very much, ladies!

(Login kieyah)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 9 2008, 2:41 AM

I think the pain comes from the lobes/glands growing and enlarging like crazy...just like the "growing pains" you probably experienced during puberty when you breast started developing. I know I did and it hurt like crazy if they rubed against something or were touched or bumped into something. This was also the case with each of my pregnancies because again they were triggered to grow. If when you massage them you can feel bump like lumps, that is the lobes that are enlarging. With this the fat stores are supposed to also grow, kind of like during pregnancy and puberty.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 9 2008, 10:07 AM

I was thinking it might have sth to do with high metabolic activity in fast growing and dividing cells. All sorts of chemicals being produced there, increased transport between the cells and the blood and that exites the local nerve endings. Kieyah might have a point too, I'm not entirely sure but I think fat tissue is not innervated, while glandular is.

This message has been edited by -Moon- on Aug 9, 2008 10:09 AM

(Login stilettos)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 10 2008, 8:04 AM

i see. now i know. i thought it's onlt the fat that's supposed to increase. thanks, ladies!

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: A question about breast development for anybody who can answer!
August 10 2008, 5:24 PM


I think you hit it - fat would not be innervated. They could not possibly do liposuction if it was. Thanks for mentioning that because it makes sense to me now.


What will increase in my breast after taking herbs? Fat tissues?
August 21 2007 at 11:47 PM xxsmall (no login)

I admit I am very ignorant about NBE. My only question would be first if I will do the resarch and figure out what herbs I personaly need to take to possibly see results, what would get more in my breasts? Fat, glands, what? I'm not sure if I can figure this one out. And I'm not sure if I was clear either..
Let's say if we would take Xray from my 32AA breasts now and later when I will be 32B Smile, what changes would we see in my breasts anatomy?
Thank you in advance!

(Login Louise1982)
Re: What will increase in my breast after taking herbs? Fat tissues?
August 22 2007, 9:27 AM

Technically I think it should be a mixture of fat and glandular tissue the same as it is now. Might be different if you use a different technique like grow yours massage - I think this will show enlarged lobes. Not sure if an increase in glandular tissue would be more actual cells or enlargement of existing cells.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: What will increase in my breast after taking herbs? Fat tissues?
August 22 2007, 1:05 PM

Louise is right. It would be a mixture of glandular and fat tissue. You will have the same number of fat cells, but they will be filled with more fat. Your body is able to grow more glandular tissue, but we are stuck with the number of fat cells we have.

It is a common belief that we grow more fat cells, but this is not accurate. You are pretty much stuck with the number of fat cells your DNA was programed to produce. When we gain body fat we simply fill up what fat cells we have. When we lose weight we empty out those cells. Obviously the number of fat cells from person to person varies - also the location of those fat cells varies.

The thing we can change is how much fat is stored in those cells. Empty fat cells are invisible to us. Filled ones give us that 'fluffy' look. What we are trying to do in NBE is attract the fat to the breast to fill up the fat cells we have there.

Now don't start obsessing about how many fat cells you may or may not have in your breasts. We all have plenty. We just need to fill them up.


(Login Louise1982)
Re: What will increase in my breast after taking herbs? Fat tissues?
August 22 2007, 2:24 PM

I'm sure I have plenty but they're all from the waist down! I honestly think I'd die of starvation with chubby thighs...

(no login)
Re: What will increase in my breast after taking herbs? Fat tissues?
August 22 2007, 7:27 PM

Thank you for both of you!
So "all I need to do" is to fill my empty fat cells up! Piece of cake Wink.. or I just wish it would be!
Increasing the number of glandular tissues instead of filling the fat cells up sounds more scarry to me. Is that safe? I just assume it is. It seems you all know a whole lot about the topic and you wouldnot risk anything unwanted.
Thanks again!

Bad Perm Sheep
(no login)
Are you sure?
August 22 2007, 9:31 PM

I thought it was impossible to grow new glandular tissue while the fat cells could increase in size or number. I read on the bountiful breast site that no one can make the glandular cells and the ducts increase in number by taking an NBE product. I was under the impression that only pregnancy could develop the glandular tissue and the ducts further and all that is different between small and large breasts is the amount of fat stored in them - not the glandular tissue. I guess I shouldn't believe everything I read lol. It's all confusing to me.

What tissue are we growing
December 6 2006 at 1:15 PM chocmorsel (Login chocmorsel)

I'm soo addicted to this site because it's working for me!!!!! Anyway, just wondering, are we growing fat tissue or glandular tissue? All I know is that my boobies are getting bigger and I can see myself in a C cup in the next few months since I'm completely filling out my B cups. But I can no longer feel my fibroadenoma on my right breast. And of course sometimes my boobies are sore and I'm discovering new large lumps which I don't think are cancer or anything because they hurt and are large. But I am getting an ultrasound this month to see what they are.

Anyway, what kind of tissue are we growing? Fat or glandular?

Happy boobie growing.

(Login Merrik)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 6 2006, 1:54 PM

To be honest I'm not sure, but I feel I should know! I'm sure one of the other regulars here will be able to tell you, but as far as I know, the initial 'growth' may just be water retention, however when growth really begins it would be breast tissue- hence the warnings regarding breast cancers and taking nbe.
I hope everything goes ok with your scans, and good luck.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 6 2006, 2:04 PM

We are probably growing both fat and glandular tissue. Estrogen is reported to stimulate fatty deposition in the breast. Progesterone itself builds glandular tissue, but it also is used to make estrogen and other hormones, so it too promotes breast fat.

(Login Magickwomun)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 7 2006, 10:12 PM

the bumps you refer to sound like possibly fibrocyst. Quit wearing a bra all together for about 6 weeks and see if they go away, it worked for me.

(no login)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 7 2006, 11:55 PM

Are we not replicating the growth process of puberty? So any tissue we grew would be the same as grew then?

(Login everhappy)
December 8 2006, 6:57 AM

Which pills are u taking?

(Login chocmorsel)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 8 2006, 1:24 PM

I use milk thistle, saw palmetto, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil twice a day. Now I use less than 1000mg each, but maybe I need to up that a bit. I just recently added fenugreek about a week ago as well, twice a day. I believe I will up my dosages at the beginning of the year. Plus massage twice daily, at least 5min. each boobie.
Happy growing,

(Login anna-a)
Just curious
December 15 2006, 10:13 AM

Hey Chocmorsel,

Did you get your ultrasound yet?

I guess at least part of our growth must be glandular tissues, as growing fat won't hurt or tingle!

Boobie blessings!


(Login Maria.)
Re: What tissue are we growing
December 16 2006, 12:11 AM

It makes sense (to me anyway) that merely depositing fat wouldn't cause growing pains... and I've had a LOT of growing pains, without actually increasing in size spectacularly.

My teori about growing pain
June 25 2006 at 11:09 PM Pansyclub (Login pansyclub)

Hi, My teori about growing pains is:

those who feel it grow mostly breast tissues,
And those who don't grow mostly fat...

what do you all think?
I'm in my month 2 of NBE, no pain at all, but I have almost grown halv cup size. I think it's all fat, cause the lumps in my breasts are not bigger ...

(Login PinkJewel)
I think that makes sense...
June 26 2006, 2:47 AM

although I can't say for sure if it's true or not. That seems logical to me that growing new tissues can cause pain, a bit like children who sometimes get pains when they grow. Stocking fat doesn't hurt... That's a fact. Well, what's best? Growing new tissues or stocking fat? Wouldn't a bit of both be the best? Maybe the herbs used can have an effect on that, what do you think about it? I got a lot of pains during the first month, but I didn't really noticed if the lumps in my breast got bigger or not. I did get bigger, (in 3 months) but not that much. Maybe it's because I didn't stock much fat in my breasts. I haven't gained weight neither, so maybe that's why. Have you gained any weight during you program or not?

-> May your boobies keep the pace! <-

(Login SugarQ)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 3:05 AM

you could be right actually. the pains women feel is not from fat being deposited. think about it. if there was alot of pains from depositing fat then it would be conconfortable for people to put on weight. the pain women feel is actually from the glands and tissue enlargeing. there is also pain from swelling. swelling happens quickly so it produces tension on the skin and tissue so the skin has to strech to accomidate the tension. now with gaining weight, people gain weight at a slow enough rate that the skin grows (instead of stretch).

pain is important with NBE because it lets us know that the sight we want to cause a change to is actually being effected. it also assures us that we are not just going to gain weight.if you have no pains but you find you are growing then it could be that you are growing slow enough that it could easily be general weight gain all over but thats if you are gaining less then 1/2 cup a year. you have to monitor your weight and take body measurements to make sure you are the same porportions and truely only gaining in the bust. if you are growing all over then you really cant call your progress true NBE.

so pain is good. it shoud come and go over time which is good. if you get pains in the begining of your routine and nothing ever again then you should worry. if you ar growing without any pains in the breast then check to make sure your body porportions and weight stays the same.

(Login fengshuiTW)
June 26 2006, 8:19 AM

i didn't have any pain while growing, either. i wonder if it has anything to do w/ herbs for mimic puberty? cuz i didn't read anybody talking about pain on TW forums using food and massage method. maybe some soreness due to firm massage (pain in arms for sure.LOL)

i did gain 3 lb on boobie project (starting loose B to full C) about in 6 months. but my boobies r bigger then when i was 137 lb (34 lose C then) 4 years ago. i have kept 115 lb and the same size for a long time, but i did gain 7 lbs. recently, i am hoping it's just water weight. but my boob didn't get any bigger. i have been trying to lose weight, lost 2.5 lb. so far, and i managed to keep the same measurement on my boobs. i don't know if i'd get to keep it all since i have 4 more lbs to lose. Sad

(Login wsdm)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 8:27 AM

here here pansyclub

your hypothesis sounds interesting....

(Login pansyclub)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 12:40 PM

I have not gained weight, so my breasts are really growing. My program is chinese massage plus F2F (fenugreek, red clover, saw palmetto). I don't want just gain fat in my breast, cause I'm planning loosing some weight after my NBE, then I will loose my progress!! What should I do to gain some breast tissue?

I got my period today, no warning, no pain, no psm, no nothing! I was very surprised, got my white pants on and everything!! lol... this has never happened before! is this a good sign?

(Login SugarQ)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 2:37 PM

patsyclub, i hate to tell you this but fat is what gives breasts its size. women generally have the same amount of breast tissue regardless of size. the only time you can actually grow more tissue is if you originally are lacking of it and even then its difficult. the best way to control weight and breast size to diet before you start NBE and do maintainance work out and very mild dieting. exercise will affect how much fat your deposite in the breast but if you are careful enough you can actually loose weight and keep growing at the same time. so i wouldnt count on growing more tissue unless you are taking about gland enlargement and shrinkage which will happen when you have very elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone. this is temperary and your body will fight against this so within a year you will loose the breat growth do to gland enlargement. another worry is that glands have to displase fat in the breast go have enough room to enlarge. this happens to women who breast feed sometimes. they get larger breast cause of the super enlarged breast glands and milk they must carry and at the same time fat is being used up and pushed out of the breast. once th glands shrink back some women can end of at a smaller cupsize then when they started. so becarful that you know what you are asking for. when it comes to NBE the goal is fat and only fat in the breast. thats what actually makes breast sizes different and its what makes breast size perminant.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 9:53 PM

From what knowledge on hystology I have from uni, I'd say it's deffinitely possible. I am not sure though if it's not possible also that some women are more prone to feel pain of growing while others less. Another fact that I think speaks in favour of your hypothesis is that women differ considerably on which is the main area of fat deposition for them. I think that those for which it's the stomach deposit the least fat in the breasts, but that's more of my observation.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 26 2006, 9:55 PM

Oh, and I'd also add that I've been off herbs for two days for a short break, but I still have the pains.

(Login pansyclub)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 2:30 PM

SugarQ: u mean women who have b-cup and women who have d-cup basicly have same amount of breast tissue?

(Login SugarQ)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 4:57 PM

exactly the same amount of breast tissue. the only difference between both women is the amount of fat that is stored. a bcup can produced just as much breast milk as a dcup. the size of your original cupsize plays no part in how much milk you can produced.

(Login wsdm)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 7:41 PM

so basically we are trying to direct fat into the breasts...SugarQ I think you mentioned stimulating prolactin was the only way.

the only way from having our bodies store fat all over the place...and that the galactogogues fenugreek/fennel stimulates prolactin and

progesterone wakes up the estrogen receptors, finally estrogen will direct the storage of fat in the breasts...

(Login wsdm)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 8:27 PM

You know what? as I wrote that last post I thought to delve into some biochemistry sites to learn more about what exactly will direct fat storage into the breasts. Being a chemistry masters student and all I should put my education to work. I ran across this information I am going to try and cross reference it to check its validity

12. What do endocrine glands produce?

1. Hormones

13. What are the reproductive actions of estrogen?

1. Proliferation of the endometrium during the follicular phase of the monthly cycle

2. Build up of mammary tissue in the breast during the luteal phase and during pregnancy
3. Addition of muscle cells to the uterus during pregnancy

14. What are the non-reproductive system actions of estrogen?

1. Decreases fat storage

2. Increases general activity level
3. Decreases food intake
4. Softens skin and maintains skin resilience
5. Increases bone development and retains calcium in bones
6. Maintains stability of blood pressure

15. What are the target tissues of estrogen and progesterone?

1. Every cell of the body

16. What are the reproductive actions of progesterone?

1. Increases fats and glycogens in endometrial cells

2. Increase mammary gland development
3. Inhibits coordinated contractions of the uterus

17. What are the non-reproductive actions of progesterone?

1. reverses estrogens suppression of fat storage

2. Increases food intake and appetite
3. Decreases coordinated contractions of smooth muscle throughout the body
4. Maintains stability of blood pressure
5. Increases sleepiness

How thoroughly confusing. BASICALLY PROGESTERONE DIRECTS FAT STORAGE AND ESTROGEN INHIBITS IT?... I feel I need to do a full scale research on this topic, SugarQ we should join forces and write a book, lol. I am so close to choosing endocrine pathways as a phd study just so I can crack this NBE THING.

(Login wsdm)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 8:43 PM

108. What are Tanner’s five stages of pubertal development?

1. Start of the adolescent growth spurt

2. Thelarche
3. Simultaneous adrenarche and peak of the growth spurt
4. Underarm hair formation
5. Menarche

109. What hormone(s) are involved in the adolescent growth spurt?

1. Estrogen, androgen and growth hormone

110. What is thelarche and what two things occur in this stage?

1. Thelarche= the budding of the breasts

2. Areola increases in size
3. Increased breast fat deposition

111. What hormone(s) are involved in thelarche?

1. Estrogen and prolactin

(Login pansyclub)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 27 2006, 11:21 PM

wsdm: yeah!!! Maybe you can write a dissertation on this subjct, and maybe even find a way to direct all the fat from the stomach and into breasts (or ass if u don't have one, like me)... U will become billionaire!!! Big Grin

(Login wsdm)
Re: My teori about growing pain
June 29 2006, 9:42 PM

lol @ pansyclub

I wish .... speaking of wishing bumping for SugarQ...trying to figure out how to cause the body to direct fat to the breasts...would like to get some hints from you

Nipples changing color? Help!
March 5 2009 at 5:44 PM Lisa (Login Chibichan_630)

I was massaging my breasts this morning and I saw that one of my nipples had turned lighter than the other on the inside. The outer ring of it was normal color, but the inner part had lightened. Is this normal? I'm only on WU and doing massage. My nipples are bigger than normal, though. So maybe what made them big has to do with what lightened one of them.

Also, does anyone have a problem with their boobs twitching? It just happened to me a couple times maybe a month ago. Thanks for your help!

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Nipples changing color? Help!
March 5 2009, 9:13 PM

Its got to do with the herbs. for me my nipples got darker, but once again everyone will be different. And to, they got larger. When I was taken herbs, that including Sp and Fenugreek, it almost felt like chain lighning across my entire chest area, almost like every nerve just got a jolt. It happened a few times and lasted about 20seconds when it did happen, have to say it freaked me out a little. So to have some twitches and stingers would be quite normal considering what you are trying to do, right? Don't worry about your nipples, I really think it is temporary and when be back to normal when your finished herbs, if not before. Same thing happens to nipples when you are pregnant too,, always alot of changes.

(Login lilly-pilly)
Re: Nipples changing color? Help!
March 6 2009, 2:29 AM

Mine have lightened since starting NBE, they used to be light, then darkened when I breastfed - and are lightening up again. I am happy as I prefer them lighter Smile

Snowflake, for the record I think you are a funny, funny girl and you had me in hysterics. It seems we have the same sense of humour - and that's all I am going to say!

Smile Lilly

(Login Chibichan_630)
March 6 2009, 3:59 PM

Thanks, girls. Well, at least I know now that the color is only temporary and that the twitches are alright. I've never seen anyone post about having twitches, so I was wondering about that. I'm glad the color will fix itself. Now, if only my nipples would shrink. They've been huge all my life, so I don't think that's going to happen.

(Login Iza82)
Re: Nipples changing color? Help!
March 6 2009, 4:18 PM

My nipples changed a lot! I know exactly what you mean about them getting lighter, but that has stopped. They used to be round, and now they are more vertical! And now even after they are vertical, they seemed to have turned to the side a little, haha.

I think it's funny how they change. I get a kick out of it.

(Login ShyBoobs)
March 6 2009, 5:40 PM

Lisa & Iza,

I think I know what you girls mean. I guess what they call it is 'puffy' nips or areolas. Ugh. I don't like it either. I suppose according to the "Tanner Stages" I would be like stage 4. Also, I noticed my areolas have darkened too. Thankfully both of these conditions are temporary. I'm pretty sure once I really fill out to a 'C' cup my areolas will at least flatten and be in better proportion.

(Login waterfall2089)
Re: Nipples changing color? Help!
March 7 2009, 5:17 AM

since starting fenugreek again my nipples got bigger and darker. hopefully the boobies catch up with them soon. noticed the twitching too.... it's not that bad, it doesnt bother me that much. to me its a good sign something is happening in there.

happy growing everyone!

(Login Maddy Rose)
Re: Nipples changing color? Help!
March 7 2009, 8:19 PM

I don't know about twitching, but I certainly had a lot of itching. I've never really had the growing pains that so many girls refer to, but my breasts have been itching like crazy since 3 weeks of starting the herbs.

darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
August 31 2006 at 4:01 PM elle (no login)


i have been doing the pansyclub massage for a week on just the small one and i think i have felt some tingles, tho i could be imaginig it because i want them so much. and the big one is quite noticibly tingeling. it's hard to tell if the small one is growing because it has never been a proper boobie shape and ive forgotton how my bigger1 began to look when i was younger and it was 'rounding up'.

are these possible signs? -the skin around the nipple slightly is darker, and the skin round the nipple is loking slightly 'pointy' from the side, possibly my nipple is swolen slightly?

sorry i can't help reading into things :o) but is this what happenes?

(Login minsky)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 1 2006, 9:22 PM

I have heard some women saying their nipples changed colour when they were pregnant and their breasts got bigger.

(Login leah28)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 2 2006, 10:00 AM

i started taking breast sculpt few days ago. i had same prob. one boob swelled up the other did not! bit scary as i had only taken two tabs. i thought it was suppose to take weeks!

(no login)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 4 2006, 3:28 PM

i know i was scared but not so bad now cause i 'think' i feel pains in the smaller one, how are you doing?

(Login Epiphany.)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 4 2006, 10:13 PM

I noticed some girls in the Wonderup forum who were growing said their nipples changed colour.

(Login Surf.)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 5 2006, 8:00 PM

Yes, this is an indication of growth (per previous posts on the subject). Good sign for you!!!

(Login Nicole)
Re: darker around the nipple, is this a sign of growth?
September 5 2006, 11:33 PM

Yes it's a good sign, along with any aches and pains and itching you may experience. They are all indictions of something happening.

stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 24 2006 at 10:01 PM roxyrose (no login)

Hi guys,
ive been Wonderup since end of may so i guess its been nearly 8 weeks.....n yes thers definately some growth woooohooooo.......but lately i constantly seem to have stiff tender nipples.....has any one else had this happen on WU?? its not that bad jus a bit embarrassin n sometimes rubs against my bra......but jus wanted to compare notes.........
good luck everyone........

(no login)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 25 2006, 8:33 AM

I am new to Wonderup and only been taking it a week. I noticed my nipples were very sensitive yesterday. Is that normal?

(Login annieboobs)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 25 2006, 5:01 PM

hi gurls , i'm no expert but i think that is a good sign that wonderup is working for you guys. When i was on single herbs that happen to me also. but it would end when my period is finish.

I would say keep doing what ya doin. Hannah it's so early and yet you are getting tender nipples. keep it up gurl. i will soon start taking wonderup myself. would love to keep in touch with you gurls for exchanging notes, if intrested to do so.

Good luck.

(Login Jacka-b)
3rd month of WU
July 26 2006, 9:43 AM

I've experienced quite a change in my nipples on WU. I'm near the end of my period now and just before starting and at beginning of period I had swollen ducts, or tissue (lumps) near nipples and towards outside of breast. This has all gone now and they're back to being quite soft now. It's definatly working. I'm so glad I've experiences the whole tender breasts thing I was beginning to worry a while of luck to all, keep massaging!

(no login)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 27 2006, 8:31 PM

Annieboobs, yes I will stay around to compare notes, no problem.

Jacqui, thanks for the useful information, I know that helps me.

(Login annieboobs)
TO Hannah
July 29 2006, 2:43 AM

Thanks alot, looking forward to hearing your success. Will let you know as soon as i start my program.

Good Luck HUN.Smile

(Login TinyApril)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
August 2 2006, 3:10 PM

Hi Roxy,

I am a newbie. I have been taking Wonderup for 5 days know and my nipples started to hurt really bad the 2nd day of taking it. My nipples were really stiff and they still are. I know what you mean by embarrasing. I took BGP for four months so I think that gave me a big boost when starting Wonderup. The BGP was working but not like I was hoping for. I have been looking at this forum for awhile and decided to try Wonderup. I really think it is a good sign. What other herbs are you taking? That may be part of it to.

Good luck to all.

(Login faerycat)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
August 20 2006, 6:43 PM


The stiff nipples thing hit me yesterday and am still suffering today (day 18 of WU).

Eeeks! feels like there is crocodile clips or clothes pegs or something attached to my nips. Have really swollen up too. Not due a period for another 2-3 weeks and am spilling out my bras. Hah.........kinda awesome after being flat for a lifetime.

When does this feeling subside? I mean, how long does the sore nips thing last for?


=^_^= x

(Login Natalie.)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
August 21 2006, 6:24 PM

Hey, I am another one. I have only used Wonderup a short time and my nipples are really sore.

(Login annieboobs)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
August 21 2006, 8:25 PM

Hi gurls, i started my WU, it's been 10 days now and i'm feeling pain throughout the day and my boobs are feelin a bit heavy.

Hi hannah how are you doing. Hope everything is going well for you.

Take care.
happy Growing :0)

(no login)
August 21 2006, 11:04 PM

oh and the nipple shrank afterwards, but WU has made it grow again

(no login)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
August 25 2006, 12:01 AM

WU also giving me very itchy breasts.

(no login)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 29 2008, 7:42 AM

After only 3 weeks of Wonderup my nipples are very tender and get sore if I tough them, but I see from this thread that it's a normal development. It's good I can find useful info like this.

(Login tinacker)
Re: stiff nipples cus of WU?
July 29 2008, 1:17 PM

So am on WU too. My breast get sore 2 wks. before I get my period but then slowly go back to soft like Jacqui said. I also feel some tingling that comes and goes when I am not on my period, although this occurs more in my left breast (the smaller one) then my right. I guess this is normal, considering I never had tingling before. Anyways, has anyone figured out how to keep the growth that comes before and during your period? I have always gotten sore around my period but since on WU the soreness has been a lot more intense.

I'm 37 and apparently was born with TB. I tried BO about 16 years ago and it helped me have an AA cup ( which was something back then)! I did not know I had tuberous breasts then.

I recently began taking PE (Solaray SP-7C) (about 1 or 2 weeks) and then decided to go with Swanson Raw OG (about 1 week) since it seems to be the best option for the tuberous breast. I did see and feel an improvement from the PE by Solaray.

I am taking the dosage of Swanson listed on the package: 250mg per day. I weigh 105lbs and am a 30B. My goal is 30C. I'm not feeling any tingles. How do I know if it is working? Is that enough of a dose? Have I hit a glass ceiling? Any suggestions?

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