To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007 at 12:40 AM Kim =]] (Login xKimb0x)
My order of wonderup came today! YAY!!! Everyone keeps saying that a lot of the 16 and 17 year olds have been getting really good results, but id rather hear it from you!
How have you been progressing? How long have you been on it? Pills and Cream? Etc...
PS.I'll keep you posted with my results too
(Login Alcest)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 2:55 AM
How on earth do you have the money to burn on Wonder Up at 16?? Did your parents pay for it?
At 16 I was spending the little money I had on CDs books and funky colored nail polish... But 16 year olds today think they're 26.
(I'm only 22 btw, this isn't some old lady saying 'back when I was a child...' /end granny voice.) I just find it ridiculous to start spending your money on something like this when you haven't even stopped growing.
Kim =]]
(Login xKimb0x)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 4:08 AM
I had a really long talk about it with my mom and she has a fairly good job and didnt mind "investing in it."
She was flatter than a wall at my age up until her 30s, when she got so sick of it, she decided to get implants.
We've talked about it alot, and she obviously doesnt want me to go under the knife.
I've talked to her about implants before, until i came across this. Id rather try this first, and pay for the real thing, rather than pay $5,000+ for fake ones.
&& to me, my self esteem//confidence is worth way more than a lifetime of CDs or what have you =]
(no login)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 5:36 AM
Hi kim, I'm 16 too but I just recently started 3 days ago. Hopefully starting it in my teens will make it more effective. Would you like to keep in touch so we can compare results from time to time?
(Login Louise1982)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 7:35 AM
I would've thought you'd be better having hormone tests with your doctor to check you don't have a problem then trying a contraceptive pill for a while. The phytoestrogens in all of these products take up your estrogen receptors but are much weaker than real estrogen so may actually prevent natural boob growth. (Having said that I developed early and I was pretty much done by the time I was about 12). Maybe you could do something like tigerlilly or fenshui with a lot of massage and booby food - they're in their early 20s and have growth significantly. I grew slightly on the pill age 17.
(Login MollyH)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 8:34 AM
If I had a 16 year old I would honestly prefer that she tried Wonderup for breast growth rather than a contraceptive pill - much healthier! I also believe that phytoestrogens are only likely to reduce estrogenic activity where there is an excess of estrogens in the first place, which clearly wouldn't apply here.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 9:25 AM
It has been said a lot that NBE is not advisable at that young age. We don't know for sure if it's s harmful or not, but there is some theory that would imply that it could be. What Louise mentioned - phytoestrogens, according to theory, actually diminish the net estrogenic actions in your body. I won't advise you for or against it, cause I'm undecided myself, so you should decide on your own.
(no login)
Yeah but...
September 14 2007, 12:28 PM
Taking things like this at sixteen might throw your hormonal balance out. You forgot to tell your mom that. A lot of people are still "flat as a wall" at your age. It's rather common actually. Girls your age shouldn't mess around with their hormones like that. Sorry.
(Login original.cindy)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 12:48 PM
There's no need to be so pompous. There is no evidence of 16 year olds coming to any harm through this. I only wish I'd known about things like Wonderup when I was 16, as I would definitely have taken it if I had and who knows I might not have been so small breasted for the last few years. To anyone 16 now I'd say you're lucky to know about this at your age and have the chance to consider whether you want to take it.
(Login shoelova)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 12:56 PM
Personally, i believe that the pill doesnt give you lasting growth, as many of my friends who were on the pill who grew, and then came off it, lost it almost instantly. I am on the pill, and had no growth. The pill is a lot worse than herbs, as the pills hormones are all synthetic, whereas herbs have natural occuring hormone like benefits.
I dont see the problem with herbs at a young age. Im only 19 and a half now, and started herbs as soon as i was 17 on and off! Although i havnt found the right routine and products for me yet, i dont believe they have caused me any problems. But this does prove that just because you are younger, it doesnt automatically mean you will get growth straight away, you still need to find a good programme, and wonderup seems to be one of the best. I believe i havnt had good results for many reasons, becaise i only took the products orally, i didnt have enough protein in my diet, and i didnt stick to the same product for long enough, giving up after only 3 months, as i expected to see results instantly due to my age.
Just remember that the growth wont be overnight, and dont give up too quickly, id advise to stick to it for at least 6 months, as not every responds quickly, no matter what age you are. Id also advise to massage and to use a topical product too, such as the creams and sprays, as this recently seems to have helped my boobs. And to try and increase the amount of protein in your diet, i do this by simply drinking a glass of milk everyday, having more milk with a higher protein cereal for breakfast, and generally trying to have more food with protein in, but a lot of women have had protein shakes.
Good luck, and dont let people put you off! Even though they are trying to help, i know how off putting it can be, and how determined you probably are!
Love shoelova xxx
(Login -Moon-)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 1:35 PM
Whether a chemical is syntethic or naturally occuring doesn't matter for how it works on the organism. The pill contains an estogen which is the same as the one in the body and a progestin which is different from the endogenous one. All of the herbal hormones are different from those in the body. The pill has its benefits and it's disadvantages, as do herbs.
Kim =]]
(Login xKimb0x)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 3:35 PM
To everyone: Thank you so much for all of your responses, postive or negative, i still appreciate your input! I also responded to everyones message, so look for your name.
To Lena:
Yes absolutely! I would love to see how you're progressing, please, keep in touch =]
To Louise:
I know a lot of girls at my school that have actually been on birth control to make their boobs bigger, but the results last only as long as they are on the pill. i'lve talked about that with my mom too and she said it's probably not the best idea for breast growth.
To Molly:
Yes absolutely. Like i just said, my mom didnt think itd be a "healthy" idea. Herbs would be much better to put into my body than chemicals & such.
To Moon:
My mom actually made me discuss taking this with my doctor and (in short) it turns out that it wouldnt be a problem, because they're all herbs -even at my young age. Thanks for your input though =]
To God:
Yes i completely understand where you're coming from. I havent grown since i was 12, and since i talked it over with my doctor and got the "O.K." Im hoping everything will go according to plan! Theres also so many 16 year olds on the wonderup message board that have great results form wonderup. they even mention in the studies that they tested on girls as young as 17.
To Cindy:
Thanks so much for the support =] I know im still young and am very lucky to have the chance to do this. My mom knows how much i love and appriciate her for doing this for me too, so dont worry.
To Shoelova:
I agree! I have tons of friends on BC (the majority to it for bigger boobs) and they either have gained weight every, therefore making their boobs bigger, or the "reuslts" go away after they're off it. No worries, im not the type to give up =] Im also a pretty patient person. I ordered a 6 month supply or wonderup pills and 2 bottles of the cream, so hopefully i'll get some kind of result! I will also definately look into the protien shakes too.
To moon(again):
Yes i've heard that before too. They both have their "up's and downs" ...but then again, what in life doesnt? I guess its about whether or not you want to risk it =]
(Login shoelova)
To Moon...
September 14 2007, 5:28 PM
To moon...
I think i phrased what i was trying to say a bit wrong, so you missunderstood me, so sorry for any confusion there. I put:
"The pill is a lot worse than herbs, as the pills hormones are all synthetic, whereas herbs have natural occuring hormone like benefits"
I didnt mean the pill was bad for you by my phrasing of "worse", i merely meant that peoples breasts seem to respond better to herbs, possibly because they are natural so have lasting effects on the body, whereas with the synthetic hormones, they need to constantly be consumed, as with the pill.
I dont doubt that the pill has benefits, im not knocking it, iv been on it for 3 years, i just meant that for breast enlargement, the pill is not the answer, as if it does cause breast growth (as not all the types of pill do, and some people still dont grow even on ones that commonly do cause growth), it is not "real" growth and is only ever temporary, and as soon as you stop, you lose it. With herbs on the other hand, many people who have grown and then stopped taking them, have kept a lot of their growth, if not all of it.
The pill and herbs work differently, otherwise they would be interchangeable, for example, drug companies would start using herbs for things such as birth control, and other companies could use a similar compositon of the pill as a breast enlarger.
To Kim:
I wish i had found this site when i first started, as i probably wouldnt have bought as many rubbish products. I just believed what the companies site said, thinking it must be true due to laws on false advertsing!
I believe that a lot of women would have tried natural breast enlargement when they were much younger if they had the money/time/knew more about it...But it only seems to be more recently that more research has been done into it, so i think youv got a good chance in getting the boobs you want!
I know its hard being young and flat chested, with all the clothes out there what only seem to suit big chested women, and everyone on tv and magazines being big breasted (unless they are the unhealthy siz 00 or 0!), aswell as people around you like your friends! I think that if your sensible enough to talk to your mom about this, and sensible enough to do your research, then your definately ready, at least mentally, for taking herbs. And as you just mentioned, you havnt grown since 12, then id say your body is probably ready. My friend got told by her doctor that once your breasts seem to stop developing for 2-3 years, they most likely wont start growing again unless you gain more weight, and as it has been 4 years, i dont see the problem.
Love shoelova xxx
(Login -Moon-)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 6:13 PM
What I do agree with is that herbs work better because nature is smart, it knew how to make things functional. There is a reason all these plants with all these health benefits exist, with the abiliy to lower some hormone if it's in excess, but not if it's defficient. That is to make the animal species benefit from them. Nature is still a lot smarter than science, that is the reason why herbs are better in my opinion.
(Login -Moon-)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 14 2007, 6:15 PM
To Kim - good luck on WU then, you made a good choice of a product btw. Keep us informed how it works for you, and plase do answer the WU sucess rate poll in the survey section in a few months when you will possibly start seeing resuls.
Kim =]]
(Login xKimb0x)
Re: To all the 16 yr old girls!!
September 15 2007, 1:14 AM
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys =]