I'm a new forum member, though not new to NBE.
I've gained pretty much what I set out to already, but I like to keep up on things. I have not used this site as a resource until now, but I have to say some of the programs are interesting, and some....are scary.
I actually just came to check out the site as Rocket posted a couple of pics over on Noogleberry's forum some time ago. (I guess she was having problems, posting pics on this site at the time.)
She had some great progress pics, so I thought I would see what was going on over here.
So far most everything I have read has been positive though....I find the amateur alchemy a bit frightening. I use supplements too, but I tend to use one at a time. The mixing is a bit scary, especially as receptors for the stuff can only accept one type at a time and it tends to be first come first serve. I tend to use the balancing statement in my usage, moderation is the key
In any case ... I have a lot more reading to do at least on this site, can anyone point me to say a list of success stories that would shorten my search?
I do have a couple things I disagree with here
I am wondering why, prolactin seems to get very little air time in the hormone lists. When it is THE item to induce breast growth, yes estrogen is neccessary, but to put it in lay terms Estrogen/testosterone can be viewed more in terms of say.... a PH scale. If you set the PH of the solution to the correct value then the growth trigger (prolactin) can be allowed to send the right message, coupled with elevated HGH the process can take off.
The two times that breast growth is triggered during a females life cycle is puberty and pregnancy. These are both times in which prolactin levels elevate and send the signal to grow. (prolactin actually is responsible for a LOT more goings on, but .... we are talking NBE here.) Prolactin is not OTC, at least where i am to get it you need a script, so I am looking for a to supplement. Right now the best method is nipple stimulation, especially sucking, as this triggers prolactin more than anything you can do, beside taking it as a supplement.
I'm sorry to say I have seen soy listed as an acceptable resource, I am going to say, "the federal government listed soy as unfit for human consumption" quite a long time ago, but that information is gone now. Most of the populous of the Asian folks that uses soy , use very little UN-FERMENTED soy in their diets or on their persons. The stuff is just NOT good for you unless it has been fermented. All the health benefits you can list, are not true and are the result of a marketing campaign by the soy industry and most of them came from the fermented state but do they tell you? . In fact if you look into the subject on a deeper level you will find health detriments have been listed as results of eating un-fermented soy in any quantity. Including breast cancer! On top of that most all soy products that you can currently obtain, have been modified genetically to a round up ready state....thanks Monsanto.
ahhh but to each their own?
I've gained pretty much what I set out to already, but I like to keep up on things. I have not used this site as a resource until now, but I have to say some of the programs are interesting, and some....are scary.
I actually just came to check out the site as Rocket posted a couple of pics over on Noogleberry's forum some time ago. (I guess she was having problems, posting pics on this site at the time.)
She had some great progress pics, so I thought I would see what was going on over here.
So far most everything I have read has been positive though....I find the amateur alchemy a bit frightening. I use supplements too, but I tend to use one at a time. The mixing is a bit scary, especially as receptors for the stuff can only accept one type at a time and it tends to be first come first serve. I tend to use the balancing statement in my usage, moderation is the key
In any case ... I have a lot more reading to do at least on this site, can anyone point me to say a list of success stories that would shorten my search?
I do have a couple things I disagree with here
I am wondering why, prolactin seems to get very little air time in the hormone lists. When it is THE item to induce breast growth, yes estrogen is neccessary, but to put it in lay terms Estrogen/testosterone can be viewed more in terms of say.... a PH scale. If you set the PH of the solution to the correct value then the growth trigger (prolactin) can be allowed to send the right message, coupled with elevated HGH the process can take off.
The two times that breast growth is triggered during a females life cycle is puberty and pregnancy. These are both times in which prolactin levels elevate and send the signal to grow. (prolactin actually is responsible for a LOT more goings on, but .... we are talking NBE here.) Prolactin is not OTC, at least where i am to get it you need a script, so I am looking for a to supplement. Right now the best method is nipple stimulation, especially sucking, as this triggers prolactin more than anything you can do, beside taking it as a supplement.
I'm sorry to say I have seen soy listed as an acceptable resource, I am going to say, "the federal government listed soy as unfit for human consumption" quite a long time ago, but that information is gone now. Most of the populous of the Asian folks that uses soy , use very little UN-FERMENTED soy in their diets or on their persons. The stuff is just NOT good for you unless it has been fermented. All the health benefits you can list, are not true and are the result of a marketing campaign by the soy industry and most of them came from the fermented state but do they tell you? . In fact if you look into the subject on a deeper level you will find health detriments have been listed as results of eating un-fermented soy in any quantity. Including breast cancer! On top of that most all soy products that you can currently obtain, have been modified genetically to a round up ready state....thanks Monsanto.
ahhh but to each their own?