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Mind-over-matter, Joe Dispenza, & Mantras



I've seen the defeated posts lately, and I stayed away from them until today. 

There's something we're missing regarding how we're connecting to our Breasts...

I'm really feeling y'all right now. I was sick & lost 7 lbs this week and 2 cm on my breasts. Everything else looks great, ? lol but damn I'm tired of this crap.

Lol we could mind-over-matter / Mind-Body-Connection this journey like Joe Dispenza and his Spine?! Has anyone tried the M.O.M / M.B.C Approach to this whole NBE Journey?

And what does breast growth feel like to you? Do you ever get random suprise sharp pains that sorta Ping you from inside the breast tissue? 

I'm tired of this journey. Who wants to do MIND BODY CONNECTING as part of this journey? It would be interesting to test it out amongst us.

Also, what mantras do you like to use when positively focusing on your goals?

Lol, I was using: Growing, Growing, Growing.....

which was great until I got sick... but on the plus side,  I'm bigger this time than i was last time i was at this weight & cycle timing, so Yay?!

Hi Dreamkist!

lovely post, thank you very much!

I do better with visual mantras my self..your avatar has given me a new one so thanks for that too.

A lot of girls get help from the subliminal binaural beats. I used them for awhile and was amazed at the feelings that would reverberate through my breasts.

Problem is a cant tell whats working since I try herbs, massage, noogle, etc. For me its not possible to just try one.. I get impatient, and we all know this is a Sloooow process.

Wat MOM do you have in mind? do you have someone that has a good program, or is it just the normal meditation but focused on breasts?I'm intrigued so do tell us more what your thinking.



I've been looking into Abraham Hicks for years,  but I recently discovered and Joe dispenza, and I've realized that the way we connect mentally and emotionally are HUGE, tangible influences. When I'm in the good- zone and I can really feel it in my heart, my breasts are happier and more responsive.

I watched this last night and I thought some of the points made were really good, how 70% of your thoughts and emotions from the previous day are carried over! Just think about how negative we are towards our bodies, Consciously, and subconsciously!

Over the past couple months I've put alot of work on really reworking my inner paradigm, mantras, visualizations  and really feeling it both physically and non-physical (mind-emotions), and energetically directing the flow. 

I've also included Reiki videos from YouTube and since of the most surprising ones helped, like last night,  I didn't notice a change until I was half way through a karmic cleanse reiki video I hadn't realized auto- played! Lol I was back up 1 cm by bedtime, and I double checked this morning that I hadn't gained any weight, lol not even an ounce. 

I'm really starting to see how much my mentality, inner monologs, emotions, and stress levels affect my body. I think the foundation of our Breasts growing (you know, before we actually see results physically) STARTS WITHIN. 

My Breasts are smallest during my period and just afterwards, I track my weight & measurements and compare them to my cycle days.... I stopped noogling and massaging to conduct a small test using only M.O.M/M.B.C techniques... and my cycle days where I previously was smallest, my breasts were larger the past 2 periods, than they were before, and when I couldn't measure any differences, I SAW the shape gradually changing. 

Even this week, when I was struggling with my cycle and getting sick, losing 7 lbs is HUGE on my frame, the loss in size... altogether I STILL had a LARGER measurement during my smallest, than I usually did at higher BF% during the same phase of my cycle,  which really did show that even the slightest .5 to 1 cm can be the difference in new foundational growth, we just don't see at first. 

I really think energy had a LOT to do with my own experiences, and I'm excited to see if anyone else notices positive differences in the directing of their growth too. 

I think massage and noogling could benefit a LOT from added energy therapy & mindful connecting.

Visualizing growth, external and an army of fluffy pink bubbles of fat who suddenly realize they accidentally read their orders wrong and need to pack up and move to my Breasts rather than my Core/Belly, lol. They're so excited and happy to be in their 'right places' in my internal visualizations... like they finally see their proper blueprints and gleefully go, 'Oooh, Aaahhh, that makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE GIRLS!!!' Then they get all pampered & cleaned & refluffed before finding their places. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Also, chakra work,  my heart, breast and solar plexus chakras hold a LOT of Heaviness that I've realized I feel physically, and uses up valued energy that could be used for Body Goals instead. (Yeah apparently our breasts have chakras as well as our heart!) 

I've been feeling for a few years now that the N.B.E Journey lacks the non-physical aspect of our Healing & Growth, which i think could be the missing link!

Too much pressure  expectations, negative internal narratives.... Those with the breasts we adore rarely spend their whole lives thinking that they won't ever grow, and for me personally I realized recently that a specific Town I lived in during my growing years had affected me so severely that all the narratives of breasts I'd heard were negative. Took me a really long time to realize that it wasn't just a person, it was a whole town, and a whole lifetime of absorbing and keeping someone else's narratives, and then pulling my own on top. 

Lol, am I making any sense?!  Cool

Hi dreamkist

Looks like we have shared a bit of the "safe search for life path".

I did the secret, life attraction, and many others of the same ilk.

They were all helpful at the time, but I noticed when you started one, then there was another one available for a few dollars more that would get you too your goal even faster, and if you signed up for that one there was another one that would supersize your results for just a few dollars more.

After may dollars invested I threw them all out.

One that i like and enjoy immensely every day is Mike Dooley

The bottom line is that YOU can change your life if YOU take charge, visualize your new you and work towards that end. Dont give up and let nature help you.

Aint life grand!


Thoughts become things is his mantra and his notes from the universe hit me everyday..right on the mark.


I haven't bought any programs, however I do a lot of research and YouTube is really great for finding tid-bits of gold!

Mind-body-connection is something that goes beyond wishful. Thinking, which I think The Secret could have explained more lol. 

I saw a post today that said:

There is a difference between 
Detachment from Process, and
Detachment from Outcome.

The former stems from Apathy,
The latter stems from Wisdom.

I really think there's something there,  between the mind & emotions connecting with the physical body... as well as how we both feed those energies, and Detach.

Like when we're focused on the process, but detatched from the outcome, so we can enjoy the journey, without the contradiction of our desperate desires.

If you put yourself in the position of having it... how do you feel? I mean after the initial excitement? It's not a huge deal anymore weighing on your energies, because you're content, and satisfied  and neutral because it IS REALITY now. Like when you get a new car,  after a while,  its just your car, you've acclimated to the reality where it's just a given that it's yours and you're not thinking all the time about how you own it or want it, its just there, you enjoy it,  and now you can shift your energies towards something else. 

It's like, if we could enjoy the process, but detatch from the outcome as if we've manifested it and we're onto the next exciting thing. 

If you had your desire, would you still be torturing yourself by looking at other babes?! Or measuring all the time, or obsessing? No! You'd be all about how awesome YOU are, and other babes wouldn't even phase you. 

We need to stop being so darn hard on ourselves.

I wonder if any of this discussion got to their intended audience?

Lets hope so!

Thanks for being an caring soul!



I noticed there is little interaction at this forum lately. It seems nobody here has a lot audience lol. But it does get clicks.. So lets hope because what dreamkist wrote is a step in the right direction. The mind is very powerful tool which might help us more then we might know.  I am into binaurals lately i went from flat to full with just twice about 30 mins listening. How do you use your mind for nbe?  Is it permanent I am wondering is a weird thought but worth trying.

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