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Big decision made?


Hi everyone, this is not exactly NBE related as such but its a decision i have made because of how successfull my NBE has been. As alot of you know i am male but i have been living as a woman for about 5 months or so and i have been very happy. I have been seeing a gender specialist for 6 months and they have helped me realise i am transgender. When i first started NBE it was purely to develop breasts which i could keep underwraps as such lol and i never had any thoughts about living as a woman or the changes i have gone through over the last year. But as the year has progressed and i have changed i have come to except who i am and really enjoy my life so with a little help and advice from my specialist i have made the decision to change my gender completely.Many of you have shared my journey over the last year and have gave me so much help and support and i felt i would just like to let you all know what i have decided. I would love to hear any comments on this as im still a little overwhelmed with it all but i feel this is the right choice for me and im hoping to make a worthy addition to womankind lol. Thanks everyone xxxx

I wishing you all the best Cheryl and that everything goes as easy as your NBE did. I believe in signs and my thoughts are why would you be able to grow breast so easily if you weren't really supposed to be a woman anyway? So those are just my thoughts and I'm happy that you have been working with someone so closely to help you with your choices.

hugs, Mel

Hi Mel, thank you. I have to admit i have been thinking about the full change for awhile now and i have been discussing it with my specialist since i started seeing her. I have to admit my specialist has been very helpfull and has helped me make sense of so much. All i need now is £11.000 lol god knows where that will come from and 2 referrels from 2 specialists and thats if i go private. If i go down the NHS route i will be waiting about 3 to 4 years to have it done. Now im not in a rush lol but i feel i have made my decision and it has took alot for me to decide this and im scared stiff and anxious so i think im going to have to try the private route as i cannot wait 4 years as i am starting to feel incomplete again and feel im wrong down below now lol so hopefully ill get it sorted sooner then later. Again thank you Mel xxxx

Hi Cheryl,

You sound a very nice person and the kind of person that makes a good friend for someone. You always sound so understanding and kind. I understand you wanting to go private for this as you can chose where and when you want it but you know a few years does pass fast. I take it you are in the UK somewhere. I live in the UK and its good to know they do this in the NHS. I just want to wish you the very very best of luck and hope your dream comes true real soon. xx

Good luck! Smile Tell us how it turns out

Cheryl, I agree with Mel, I too believe in signs and it sounds as if this past year has been your sign. I can tell you are a very sensible person and would not go into this change without alot of thought and research. And although it is only online, I support you 100% and will be here for you along the way. Our journey through life aften takes us places we never imagined, which keeps it interesting. Good luck!


how much will it cost$

Hi everyone, thank you all so much for your support, its a huge decision i have made but i feel its the right one and so do some of my friends and family. My NBE is going really well and my breasts and the rest of my body unfortunatly are on the increase again lol. Some of this is NBE related but most is due to my hormone condition which i have just found out. My specialist has told me that the BB i am taking is no longer effecting my development so i am going to stop. She has also told me the noogleberry is aiding the speed of my development but at the moment my body is just naturaly developing and even if i stopped my body would still continue to develop which i kind of knew anyway. My boobs are becoming very large due to a huge hormone surge so i think i am going to end up like the rest of my family and be quite well endowed in the breast department which i do feel very fortunate about but i know im getting to big really but only time will tell. All in all i am very happy even though my body is kind of out of my control at the moment so i am going to stop my NBE for a while untill my body settles down but i will still be on the forum offering advice where i can and hopefully talking to all you lovely people on here. My body feels like its all over the place at the moment and so does my head, my specialist has said im going through what could be the final stage of my development at the moment so im hoping after this my body will finally be the shape it wants to be lol as i feel really rubbish at the moment and i have gone up nearly 2 dress sizes since christmas. Anyway sorry about going on and thank you all so much, spk to you soon. xxxxxxxxx

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