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Evebra finally available


I admire your tenacity Smile . I couldn't do 6 months at all. I barely made it to 18 weeks the first time, lol. I'm glad you are still getting more gains!!!

Have you noticed if you pump at a higher pressure, the swelling stays longer? When I experimented with higher pressures (continuous or variable) in the first round, I did get more swelling but I'm not sure if it lasted longer than when I was at 20 mmHg continuous. It might be worth a shot on days where you can't get 12+ hours - if it's tolerable for you. 


I forgot I was going to update this thread periodically in addition to my posts in the personal programs section.

Basically, I ditched the higher pressure on one breast technique since I still had more swelling on my regular size breast than on the smaller one despite the higher pressure. I think time is a bigger factor than the amount of pressure for me. 

I found success [I hope] by using the same pressure on both but pumping longer on one breast than the other [12 hours on the left, 14 hours on the right].

Have 2 months left and then after a 1 month break maybe I'll see if it did even the sizes the way I think it will.

Reporting back after the 2nd round.

I posted an update in the personal programs section.

I ended up adjusting down to 10 hours on the left and 14 on the right and finished at 12 weeks.

My breasts now look more even with the gained fullness in the left breast and no gains in the right.

As I say in my other post, if you want to gain in both but level out at the same time you'll need to do the full 4 - 6 months and maybe not go below 10 hours if you try this technique. You might even want to do the standard number of hours on the larger breast and more hours on the smaller one.

I also posted links to pics so you can see the gains I achieved with just Evebra.

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