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Questions About Supplements


Hi I'm relatively new to NBE. Id like to start a diary thread after this one with reference pics and to document my growth. 

My measurements are as follows:

Band- 31"
Bust- 41"
(10 in difference)
Waist- 31"
Butt- 41"
Hips- 38"
Thighs- 25"


22 y/o bio female with normal hormone levels according to blood test before birth control.

My goal:

Exaggerated hourglass shape i.e. grow curves shrink waist. I like the bimbo aesthetic so big lips would be nice but not my main concern.  


Xulane birth control patch (says it introduces the body to 60% more estrogen)
Spironolactone (taking for acne but hopeful for results in relation to my body goals stated above)

I have already purchased these and have been using them daily  

  • Fenugreek 500 mg x2
  • Pueraria Mirifica 150 mg x1
  • 3 Blend Maca 1900 mg x2
  • Ovarian Glandular 250 mg x4
  • G-Curve Pills by Natures Craft 590 mg x2
  • (G-Curve includes Saw Palmetto, Maca, Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali Root)

My concerns:

  1. I read that I shouldn't take birth control along with PM. Is this true? Should I remove it from my supplements or switch to a PM Cream?
  2. I took all supplements in the morning yesterday and was left with a huge headache that lasted most of the day. Should I split them into AM and PM and if so which ones are better in morning vs night? Or is there a supplement that caused my headache?
  3. I feel really bloated. At least I hope its bloat and not stomach fat because it came on very fast seemingly overnight. 
  4. I work out as well. Yesterday I was doing leg presses and my knees couldn't stop shaking even when I left the gym. Id like to chalk this up to overdoing it on the machine but after the headache I worry if my body is just overall having a bad reaction to one or more of these supplements. 
  5. I had decent growth before adding these supplements but this week my breasts aren't swollen anymore or bouncy. I just have very sensitive nipples. 
  6. Am i adding too much estrogen? 
I added these supplements after scrolling on here and r/nbe to boost and maximize the growth i was getting from my BC.

Please help I want to continue growing but not at the risk of my health. What am I doing wrong and how can my regimen be better?

On the plus side I feel that I've gained a noticeable amount in my thighs and butt really fast. My acne is clearing up and my hair looks and feels healthier.

Thank you in advance.

I'll do my best to answer the concerns you raised.

1. I don't know if it's true that you shouldn't take birth control with PM, but it's often recommended not to do so. Maybe someone else can enlighten us further.
2. You shouldn't be taking all your supplements in one go. Split them into 3 lots would be ideal or at least 2 lots, am and pm. It's not a good idea to take them all together.
3. The bloated feeling isn't anything unusual. Increased estrogen levels can cause water retention in some individuals. It can come on quickly too.
4. It's hard to say whether it's a bad reaction to one of the supplements or not. You're taking quite a lot so you might simply be overloading yourself.
5. If you had growth before adding these supplements, what were you doing exactly to get growth then? That might shed some more light on the matter.
6. I would guess that yes you are. Taking PM and BO together isn't the norm and is actually considered risky. It's generally recommended not to do this.

(21-06-2024, 02:02)VickyA Wrote:  I'll do my best to answer the concerns you raised.

1. I don't know if it's true that you shouldn't take birth control with PM, but it's often recommended not to do so. Maybe someone else can enlighten us further.
2. You shouldn't be taking all your supplements in one go. Split them into 3 lots would be ideal or at least 2 lots, am and pm. It's not a good idea to take them all together.
3. The bloated feeling isn't anything unusual. Increased estrogen levels can cause water retention in some individuals. It can come on quickly too.
4. It's hard to say whether it's a bad reaction to one of the supplements or not. You're taking quite a lot so you might simply be overloading yourself.
5. If you had growth before adding these supplements, what were you doing exactly to get growth then? That might shed some more light on the matter.
6. I would guess that yes you are. Taking PM and BO together isn't the norm and is actually considered risky. It's generally recommended not to do this.

Thank you for your reply I didn't get much help when I posted the same thing to r/nbe so it means a lot. 

To answer your question the growth I was having was from the birth control. 

I am going to follow your advice and split these up into 3 doses and I will be removing PM from my regime. 

Another question if you don't mind.

Do you think the mg doses I'm taking is ok? Should I be uping or lowering them? A lot of the trans women I've seen have been taking 8 pills of BO (same ones I got "swanson"). I assume I have a lot more estrogen in my system than them so I've been taking less but still more than the bottle recommends (1 pill) because I was told you need more than 1 pill to actually see growth.

(21-06-2024, 03:28)Crodewy Wrote:  A lot of the trans women I've seen have been taking 8 pills of BO (same ones I got "swanson"). I assume I have a lot more estrogen in my system than them so I've been taking less but still more than the bottle recommends (1 pill) because I was told you need more than 1 pill to actually see growth.

The Swanson dosage isn't a dosage for breast growth, so the 1 pill a day they recommend really isn't relevant. What you've heard is correct that you need more than that for breast growth. The 1000mg you're taking now seems about right, so I would stick with that for now and see how you get on. But like Vicky said it's very preferable to spread out what you take rather than consume it all in one go.

(21-06-2024, 03:28)Crodewy Wrote:  To answer your question the growth I was having was from the birth control. 

Yes I see now that you had mentioned that in your original post. I overlooked it at the time. Well birth control may indeed lead to an increase in breast size, in fact it's very common that this happens, but the effect is usually temporary. I wish I could say otherwise, but in most cases it's just not going to be a permanent change.

(21-06-2024, 03:28)Crodewy Wrote:  Do you think the mg doses I'm taking is ok? Should I be uping or lowering them?

I certainly wouldn't increase anything. Even after removing PM you're still taking quite a lot for someone just starting. Sometimes people start slowly and then ramp up. On the whole I would stick with the doses you're taking for now and see how you get on. You can always tweak things later.

(21-06-2024, 02:02)VickyA Wrote:  1. I don't know if it's true that you shouldn't take birth control with PM, but it's often recommended not to do so. Maybe someone else can enlighten us further.

It's actually PM suppliers that are the source for this. Several of them have advised women not to take birth control with PM.

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