(This post was last modified: 10-03-2025, 09:09 by MadameBusty.)
Hey Bobbi MISSED YOU! I'm sorry to disappoint you but I actually ended up breaking up with him, it slowly but surely became very complicated and in the end he couldn't give me what I want and need out of a relationship/he wasn't truly ready(I know right, why bother getting involved with me if you aren't ready for long term) I'm a relationship girl through and through, I very much believe in true love and monogamy and am a big believer in only sleeping with someone if I'm actively dating them, always have been this way, but being that way in today's dating scene can be grim lol
Anyways I'm talking to some other guys ATM but I'm also focusing more on my own happiness, a partner should add to that not take away from it.
On the note of NBE as I've stated before I've always had big areolas/nipples in relation to my boob size, but lately my areolas have BLOWN UP, as anyone who's followed my threads will know I never post bare chest photos, but I figured if I ever get uncomfortable with it being up I can simply ask Eve to take them down and plus many of the women before me on here have posted them so I feel I owe them that, and I really felt this picture does what I'm talking about justice. I'm fine with them getting bigger as my breasts grow bigger as it's somewhat proportionate. Anyways pic attached below from today. Oh and I've grown a tiny bit more on the measuring tape as of today.
Edit: I forgot to say I will be adding in possibly tomorrow Vitamin C(after reading a study stating that women who had higher C levels had higher progesterone levels) and also a good iron tablets course as I'm alil low again.
Oh I almost forgot! I've also started doing a shot of extra virgin olive oil(single country origin ie Australia) once when I take my first progesterone in the morning and once when I take all my herbs/supplements at night, it's approximately 3 tablespoons per shot. I'm doing this after reading it as another suggestion of Lotus, so far no stomach aches unlike with the coconut oil(those stomach aches were SEVERE), secondly I've gotta say for whatever reason my cravings have been insane for the past few months, I'm eating all sorts of things, gherkins, cold marinated tofu, camembert cheese with crackers, lots of spicy foods etc I know my estrogen was very high last time I got my pellets, which is ironically low for me as that was when I was due for my bio estrogen pellets implants(the level was 1311 pmol/L or 357 pg/ml) so I'm assuming this is why, but the cravings are very constant and I am a tiny bit worried about getting fatter even though my body proportions are ok at this time I would like less fat on my tummy. I've also attached another pic below, this is the 12/34G version of the bra which is the sister size/equivalent to my actual size 10/32GG so obviously the band is abit too big on me but the cup volume is the same and I tried this on just before and I am packed FULL plus bulging out on my left boob(not shown in pic but visible side on)
So I just wanna add that I've ceased taking 2x shots of EVOO every day and rather just doing one now as I know it can be quite fattening all over for some people. I have noticed my underbust has very slightly gone up by nearly half an inch so 32 1/2 inches underbust which worried me alil but hasn't affected my bands on my current 30 and 32 inch under bands, I just don't want to gain too much weight elsewhere outside of boobs and so on because I do feel like when someone is big all over it definitely takes away from the boob aspect visually. Also you may notice I got Eve to remove all my face pics of me, I did this because I now have posted a bare boob shot and with many males frequenting the sites I just didn't feel comfortable having that connection there(you just never know on the internet)
So far my breasts are slowly filling out even more, they are looking more projected too! Still taking all my supps and herbs as this has been what's worked for me consistently. I am looking forward to resuming massage with my DIY herbal EO oil when the time comes to take my acrylics off/during the next "cycle" I will still be doing the two topicals after I massage aswell.
(This post was last modified: 18-03-2025, 05:43 by MadameBusty.)
Measuring alil over 1/4 inch more today! So now 42 1/4 inches at bust. I ramped up the D3 topical by now putting 1x 5000iu capsule per areola/nipple, I let this sit for a few minutes and then massage in. I'm so keen to get back to massaging as this is one of the key factors that has made me have so much growth over the years. I also just got my 2nd of 3 B12 shots yesterday and am on iron tablets from Swisse brand, so I'm feeling far less fatigued. Still doing all my program as usual. When I visited my GP for my B12 shot I actually brought up about everything I've learnt over the years whether from my own research or others research and my knowledge on herbal medicine(I'm always reading herbal studies not specifically NBE related), also how through all that I have gone from a 32 D/DD to a 32 GG over the years doing NBE, he was very intrigued which is one thing I love about him he's a very intelligent doctor who's always wanting to learn more, especially as I'm his first trans patient. I'll check back in with any possible updates another time happy growing everyone
PS: I switched my D3 capsules to ones that are strictly suspended in evoo as Lotus prefers this, personally so far havnt noticed any difference between the other ones and these ones besides maybe that I got more aches with the other I honestly dont know why.
Update! Welp I've officially outgrown one of my 10/32GG bras, this is the Curvy Kate Victory Balcony Bra it's a mesh bra, the gore is completely lifted off the centre of the chest with my breast tissue squished underneath it(especially my fuller bust) the bra is sooo tight now Ive also had some pains and aches these past couple days/nights, no change to underbust(still working on losing that half an inch I've gained on my underbust)
Been doing everything as I've stated for my program all supps/herbs, with topicals (no massage just yet) and the dong quai red date teas now and then at night which cause my areolas to swell alot(plus the daily dong quai extract I take)
Ahhh I can't believe it, always remember to check BOTH tape measure AND bra fitting because one is always telling the truth more than the other!
I'll attach pics below.
The only extra thing I've been doing is obviously the iron tablets from Swisse which also contain alil spirulina(not sure why?) as I was low.
I feel like I've been doing NBE for sooo many years now having grown from a D/DD to a GG and now outgrowing one of those GG bras, it's all trial and error and what has worked for me very well may not work for you or may contradict what others research states but you just have to remember that your body is individual something might work very well for you that won't work for others. Anyways I hope everyone has a happy weekend looking forward to a glass of Prosecco lol
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