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Is 17 too young to be taking herbs?


Wait until age 21.

Waiting until age 21 is like waiting an eternity when you're 17, unless there was some real reason to believe that something might happen naturally during those years, but I don't see any such hope. Anyway I will continue reading the forum for any inspiration.

(17-08-2024, 13:51)jas 098 Wrote:  Waiting until age 21 is like waiting an eternity when you're 17, unless there was some real reason to believe that something might happen naturally during those years, but I don't see any such hope. Anyway I will continue reading the forum for any inspiration.

There is alwasy the tried and true Massage methods
Here are a couple, but research the massage forum and you will find a lot more

And you can look into the suction devices, like noogelberry.
And there is also a forum on suction devices too.
Dont give up you just dont need to confusing your hormones yet

id def say wait until you're at least 19-20 to start taking herbs and supplements for NBE. You're still going through puberty and wouldn't want to mess with that too much. 

But you go through a "second puberty" in your early to mid twenty's and IMO I think that's an ideal time to try NBE, as you've already had your first puberty, your body has developed and you're not at as much of a risk to mess yourself up too much cause of that. 

Try daily massage with an oil or cream, something that wont make your skin breakout too badly, esp if you're going to be using it everyday. You can also massage in the shower, I like to do this casue the hot water really helps with blood flow. 

Def try to prioritize your health and diet as that is foundational for NBE. So if you start now, when you do start taking herbs, you're already in the habit, and your body will be able to use the herbs to the best of their ability. 
healthy carbs, whole foods, lots of protien and healthy fats are important for your body to function normally anyways, and it helps keep your endocrine system in balance so your hormones stay stable and in normal ranges. 
Getting enough vitamin D and exercise is also important, so going for like 10 mins walks outside everyday REALLY helps with everything I just mentioned. 

When you get a bit older, i'd suggest getting a hormone test done to get a look at where all your levels are and then you have a MUCH MUCH easier time on deciding what herbs to try when/if you do NBE in the future, rather than trial and error which is expensive and tedious lol

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