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Is current program of PM and Maca good for butt growth?


Hi, is my current program of using 1000 mg of PM from Carlyle Nutritionals (in 1 capsule) and 5 g (1 tsp) each of Red Maca Root Powder and Yellow Maca Powder very effective for butt fat growth in addition to boob growth? It's been 23 days since I started PM and at least 10 since I started the Red Maca. 

I know both PM and Maca are great for butt growth but I'm wondering just how effective and potent this program is.

Right now, I'm overweight and while I have big thighs, my butt is one the flat and wide side with a little bit of meat on the bottom but nothing on the top. My hips aren't very wide compared to the rest of my body either. My boobs seem to be getting little bigger but I don't see a difference in my butt yet.

It's potent enough, but for the best chance of results you need to combine it with butt building exercise.

(10-09-2024, 23:02)sapphire Wrote:  It's potent enough, but for the best chance of results you need to combine it with butt building exercise.
Will do so. Doing basic walking and glute strengthening for beginners to get back into exercising but once I'm suited to it, I'll incorporate some more butt intensive workouts. Eventually I'll try to hit the gym to do hip thrusts, RDLs, Bulgarian split squats and hip abductions.

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