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Other teas and drinks besides spearmint for NBE and butt growth?


So, I've heard good things about spearmint and spearmint tea as an antiandrogen and estrogen booster, so I'm considering putting in my routine/program since it doesn't seem as powerful as the other stuff I was considering. But are there any other teas and beverages (preferably low cal) that are good for NBE, enhancing curves or promoting fat growth in the ass thighs and hip area? 

I've heard green tea is good for NBE and so is grapefruit juice. I like Chai too, but I also drink it for the taste and I don't know if there are any nbe benefits. I also know that fenugreek and fennel can be made into herbal teas and there's a brand of tea for lactating mothers that's great for nbe. Any other suggestions besides these?

Hops tea is good for NBE. So are hoppy beers but they of course are calorie laden.

(12-09-2024, 16:56)prudence Wrote:  Hops tea is good for NBE. So are hoppy beers but they of course are calorie laden.

Thank you, might look into hops teas. I'm avoiding beer and alcohol because I have to and for weight loss purposes.

A few other teas good for NBE are red clover, licorice, barley, dandelion, sage and alfalfa.

(13-09-2024, 15:28)black eyed susan Wrote:  A few other teas good for NBE are red clover, licorice, barley, dandelion, sage and alfalfa.

Thank you very much, I'll look into those!

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