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Bazooka's first try


Decided to type up a log for myself, since I think that would really help me stay consistent with my routine and see what works and what doesn't. I admit I've only known about NBE for about a week now, so I'm still very new to this and likely will make mistakes, but there's a lot of factors telling me that I will likely see some success. From my puberty being hindered by malnutrition to my genetics all saying I've got plenty of potential.

The log will start from the 17th of March, 2025 (today). I hope to see an increase in cup side by at least August, which is when I'll likely go to the beach. It should be doable assuming I stay consistent and get more supplements as soon as payday hits.

I'm starting off with 37inches standing, with a pretty sad shape. Current cup size is 32DD (UK) bordering on an E. I will record sag progression as well as size increases every two weeks starting from now.

With that said, today's log shall begin:

17th of March, 2025

Planned supplements:
MSM 750mg x2
Collagen + vit C + hyaluronic acid (2200mg collagen, 80mg vit C, 120mg hyaluronic acid)
Spearmint tea
Liquorice tea
500ml organic unsweetened soy milk

Planned routine:
Castor oil massage in the AM + PM
15 minutes pectoral exercises

How the day actually went:
Took MSM 750mg x2
Took collagen + vit C + hyaluronic acid
Drank 500ml organic unsweetened soy milk
Chunmei massage for 7 minutes with castor oil (morning)
(In progress....)

Notes for today:
Did the chunmei massage for the first time ever. It hurt like hell while doing it (as all good gua sha of any kind does) but man! My chest feels so nice after it, and it helped the castor oil absorb into my skin way better than any other massage I've tried so far. I'll keep it up for the year and see how it helps, the effects it has left on me make me very hopeful!

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