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Starting NBE program


I can't explain how much I appreciate whoever created this website!

I came here last week because I wanted some advice on breastactives and other commercial products, and now after being told to do some research, I have a small herbal lab in my kitchen Tongue

I started my NBE program this weekend. Based on everything I've read here, my program is


Saw Palmetto
Dong Quai
Black Cohosoh
(the four above are in liquid tincture form so I'm still experimenting with the dosages - anyone have any idea what the ratio of herbs should be to each other?)
Red Clover
Damiana (morning)
Hops (evening)

I already take my vitamins, fish oils, etc so continuing to do that on a regular basis.

Breast Massage:
I have a book on traditional chinese medicine that includes chi breast massages, so I'm going by the book.

I'm using fenugreek extract in either a Jojoba oil or Apricot oil base for the massage.

I don't have a heating pad, but I place warm water bottles on top of my breasts after the massage to warm them for a bit.

Already pretty healthy, but I've cut out as much caffeine as possible (black tea, chocolate) since caffeine increase testosterone levels.

I can't find chicken feet where I live, but I'm going to start buying chicken bones, boiling them and making my own soup stock - I heard that this has similar in releasing collagen out of the chicken bones?

"Woo-Woo" stuff:
I got some hypnosis CD's I'm going to start listening to today on a daily basis.

This is the summation of all the research that I've done on these forums. Anyone have any suggestions on my program.. anything I missed?

How do I know if/when its starting to work?

Wish me luck ladies Heart

Hi, red_azalea! I'm not sure the chicken bones will do much good. I believe some of the girls who were doing the CFS said that it's the feet only that have the concentrated collagen, and a leg, etc, wouldn't do much good.

Good luck with your program!

I've modified my program by a fair amount during the last three weeks that I've started.

Overall, I'm very happy with the results.

I haven't measured myself too accurately, but they feel heavier, are much firmer, my bra feels a little tighter and look more inflated.

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