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[archive] Safety info on bio magnets


Safety info on bio magnets
January 9 2008 at 6:12 PM Fullness  (no login)


heres some important safety info on bio magnets

note that it says positive polarity should be used sparingly and for a limited time on specific locations as it can stimulate bacteria and microrganisms within the human body

be careful girls!


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(no login) Finally! January 10 2008, 2:16 AM 

Somebody sees how dangerous this is - you have to read up on it. I'm concerned about those of you who are wearing them all day long.

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(no login) Re: Safety info on bio magnets January 10 2008, 7:25 AM 

Do be careful girls! As to the dangerousness, the reason that the other polarity can be left against the body for so long during the reduction technique is that the north pole energy has only good effects for the body-- reduces inflamation and pain, promotes healing etc, whereas the south pole energy, which we are using for growth, inhibits healing, promotes microorganisms, aggravates injury etc. The south pole energy is definitely considered the more dangerous of the two, and that's why it's likely best not to play around too much with it. Who knows-- I doubt that the creator of the manual tested it so scientifically that he proved that only 3 minutes at a time was safe. So, if you seem to be having good results and are otherwise healthy, perhaps it won't have a deleterious effect. Just be careful and don't assume it's safe!!

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(no login) Re: Safety info on bio magnets January 11 2008, 7:17 AM 

Hi all, I had to give my two cents after reading the posts especially when I read about Kieyah keeping them on all night. I have read the book I can't use the system yet because I am breastfeeding, but from what I understand it is very important for you to do the breast inertial treatment because your body needs time to heal and rest. If your body is constantly in "grow" mode for your breasts it may be ignoring other parts that need repair. I would think it could be dangerous in the long term to not shut off the growth pattern sometimes. It would be my guess that it could cause you to become ill because your body is working too hard. I would be worried about possible causing too much cell growth and end up with cancer. From what I understand about the book and biomagnetism itself is that you must be cautious in using it because it can have alot of positive or negative effects depending on how it is being used. My advice; follow the book exactly unless you understand and know enough about biomagnetism to adjust it yourself. I'm no expert I am just concerned for you gals.

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(Login clonky) magnet book July 1 2008, 11:48 AM 

Hi Darlene
Where did you get the book on how to use the magnets? what is ti called ? many thanks best to be safe...

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 1 2008, 4:40 PM

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(Login clonky) Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 2 2008, 5:39 PM 

Thanks Sandy
So am i right in thinking that neg goes next to your body and pos on the out side? and DO NOT sleep in them?

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 3 2008, 2:35 AM 

No positive side down against skin for growth, negative against skin is for reduction.

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(Login clonky) Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 4 2008, 11:53 AM 

Hi Kieyah
Think i'm posting these mail things incorrectly.. so please forgive me for repeating stuff.. If i don't want growth and just want lift and firmness which way round would you recommend ?

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(Login clonky) biomagnet book July 5 2008, 4:25 PM 

I have only got access to a mac and cannot down load the info from the site for the book on how to use the magnets.. can any one help me out by copying the text into a word document and emailing it across to me.. Pretty please.. Many thanks

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 6 2008, 1:05 AM 

If you don't want growth you can use the negative side at night. It really does not take long to get the firm/lift effect so I don't think it will have time to cause any reduction. If it did though all you'd do is wear for a week or so with them on positive side until they were back to normal. If you are really scared to have any reduction, the positive side will do the same thing but you might have some growth too. The reason I suggest using negative side is because it seems to tone, firm and lift much faster than the positive side. But either way would work.

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(Login Dixieland) Kieyah, wondering if the hole would make a difference? July 6 2008, 6:38 AM 

Hey kieyah & everyone,
Do you think that having a hole drilled into the magnet would make a difference with this RC22CS-N? I have been trying to decide which one to order since I don't know how to tell N vs. S on a magnet and the little tool that they sell is expensive. The hole would take out the guess work or having to buy the tool. But would it make a difference with NBE.
I need feedback please....
I am confused about the last post Kieyah, I thought negative side down would reduce your it will just lift, firm and tone them...I thought that is what the positive side was supposed to be for.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 6 2008, 7:04 PM 

Both sides will lift, firm and tone. In addition to this: negative reduces, positive grows. So if all you want to do is lift/firm/tone you can use either side. You might even want to do negative one night and then positive the next night so that you would counteract the growth/reduction. But I did not do it this way, so I can't verify that. I can only verify that wearing all night either side will lift/firm. I can also verify negative does in fact reduce and positive grows. So whichever side you use, you may need an extra week or so with the other way around to undo the growth/reduction if any.

I don't have any experience with magnet with hole drilled in. But i can't imagine it would be any different. But aren't they more expensive? It is not hard to find the poles once and then scratch a letter N on the negative and P on the positive side. and it will always be marked.

    This message has been edited by kieyah on Jul 6, 2008 7:17 PM

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(Login Dixieland) Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 6 2008, 10:32 PM 

I definitely do not want to reduce. I don't want to lose what little I have gained, but they are saggy and I would like to lift them up, so that they are not so saggy. I am afraid if I get the DA2's I won't be able to figure out the different poles. I have read how to do it, several times and it seems confusing at best. That is why I was asking about the ones with the holes in them...cause that denotes which pole they are...the north is beveled out and south is the small hole.

Would you say that I need to order that e-book NBA? Or can I just get the magnets and start wearing them?

So you used the negative side also? For the lift and toning?

Thank you so much for all of your help. Smile


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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 7 2008, 5:58 AM 

Using the negative side for me was an accident. I had placed the magnets inside my bra the wrong way and had just left them there. After a week or so I noticed shrinkage, so I checked the magnets and I had been wearing them with negative side. At least it verified that negative really does reduce! After a week or two the right way, they bounced back to normal. So it was no big deal. I guess if you really don't think you can find the poles your self then why not try them if they aren't expensive. I didn't have a problem finding the poles. I just had a problem the mark rubbing off, so i scratched it in and that took care of that.

To find the poles, I opened up a mapquest to figure out which side of my house was pointing north. Then making sure I was not near any electronics or metal objects, I took two magnets, wrapped a long thread around them and held them by the thread, letting them dangle down freely. The side of the magnets that pointed toward the north I marked with a P for positive, the other side I marked N for negative. I only did this once. Then I took one by one each of the other magnets that are left and placed them near to see which side attracts to which side of the marked ones. positive will always attrack to Neg side of ther magnet and vice versa. so that when they are all stacked together, all the N's will face the same direction and all the P's will face the same opposite direction.

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(Login clonky) how long without stimulating bacteria July 7 2008, 9:45 AM 

I started using my magnets.. neg against skin and pos on the outside. i wore them for 7hrs yesterday and have no results today.. Think i might start just wearing them at night and see what happens..The weird thing is i worn them the night before for about the same time but the other way round and am sure i could feel a slight difference.. but i def don't want to be any bigger and am a little weary that it has been posted on here that its not safe to wear them pos against and neg out.. If i only find that it works for me wearing pos side against me how long should i wear them for without stimulating bacteria

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(Login Dixieland) bio magnet safety July 7 2008, 1:37 PM 

If you only want to not use the positive side against your skin. Positive side is for stimulating growth, that is why you felt something.

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(Login clonky) Which way round??? HELP July 8 2008, 9:45 AM 

Can i just please ask ANY ONE... Does the geographical north = magnetic south?

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 11 2008, 3:37 PM 

I think that for lifting an fiming you are supposed to do negative in on the left breast and positive in on the right breast.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets July 23 2008, 9:51 PM 

Dixieland, I just wanted to let you know in case you didn't already that any magnets that are pre-marked are using scientific method. We are using biomagnetic poles. So you would use the opposite way around. scientific north = biomagnetic south

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Safety info on bio magnets August 18 2008, 2:05 PM 

In response to the original post, use negative polarity as well, not just positive, to prevent any potential harmful effects of the positive polarity.
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